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Could some one, with an M2P/Z, post a log for an OLD flight in which they are certain they had a full blown disconnection and reconnection, please?


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2022
I was going through my logs and I KNOW I had a full blown disconnection and failsafe RTH with M2P/Z a whle ago, possibly 2021 or 2020, but I can't find the beep beep.
I scanned ALL my Mavic Mini, Mini 2, M2P/Z and P3Adv/Pro .txt log csv's with a script, looking for "ownload" and ("estored" or "lost" or "Lost), and it found NO entries amongst my old M2P/Z logs csv's but plenty amongst my 'old' Mavic Mini and Mini 2 .txt log csv's.

BUT it did find entries in NEW P3 & M2P/Z logs for indoor disconnection tests flown today.

Having just typed, that a possible reason comes to mind, all the Mavic Mini ( logs recorded by post FLY 1.2.4 Apps) and Mini 2 logs that showed positive results are csv produced via PhantomHelps logviewer whereas the remaining Mavic Mini logs (pre fly app 1.2) and all the P3 & M2P/Z logs are processed by the appropriate TXTlogToCSVtool.
The new P3 and M2Z logs were also processed by PH as I am on a linux machine at the moment.
That will be a bit of a disappointment if it proves correct. :(

BTW the searching aimed at the last three fields of the csv "APP.message", "APP.tip" & "APP.warning", does any one now of anyother columns in the csv that would indicate a disconnection or reconnection? So far I haven't spotted anything.

Large discontiuities in the time stamps might be the only thing?
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