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FYI for those that skirt the law... New DJI drone tracker:

Only reflects your attitude toward those posting. Opinion is not a fact. Yours included.
Well if I had the time to track the stupid questions about the FAA regs that could easily be looked up using the FAA site then I'd be here all day. I mean if you are 'smart enough to post here' then one should be smart enough to use the same internet to go to the FAA site? How about that fact.
Not a fact. An opinion. Your mistake is in eliminating differences in people behavior. You thinking what you do is right hence all should do the same. But that is where you wrong. People do stuff differently and what is logical for you May not be logical for them. And it’s totaly normal.
If they choice is to seek answers here by posting guess what nothing wrong with it.
I’m driving from point a to point b. I may research traveling via specific websites or I may directly ask “hey anyone did that before?”

Bottom line there are no stupid questions. There plenty of snobs.
I've seen a thread about this before but it had a very different video. I haven't seen this one before. Also this video is a lot more informative for pilots and those who might not be as familiar w drone. Bc the Gatwick incident this topic is very relevant.
I hope that instead of tightening restrictions on all the operators in the world bc of a few trouble makers, they instead focus on developing tools like this to hold those people accountable. Focus on getting those causing trouble and on those sensitive areas rather than stopping them by stopping all.
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I had not seen this video before, so I appreciate seeing it for the first time. What's the issue with a newbie posting something that is interesting and maybe helpful??????????
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