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Air 3 and Freewell Circular Polarizer


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Nov 17, 2019
I just got the Freewell Circular Polarizer for my Air 3

Freewell Circular Polarizer CPL Filters for Air 3

I did a test flight with it, and the drone recognizes it as a Wide Angle Lens! This disables the ability to do any pano shots!

I do believe I saw a similar thread regarding this, but don't seem to be able to find it again.

Anyone else having this issue? Any known work arounds?

Many thanks.
You certainly don't want a circular PL on when shooting panos.
You won't like the results!
However, it's a weight issue.
If DJI makes a similar filter, it will be properly recognized.
Heavy, third party filters with moving parts are often problematic.
Did you install the CPL lens with the Air 3 powered up? That can cause calibration issues with the gimble.

I have the Neewer ND Filter kit, it came with the CPL lens, mine does not have any Wide Angle lens warning or restrictions - I install the ND filters with the Air 3 off:
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Yeah, that might have been my thread you saw. I took my air 3 out on the weekend and again today.
Turning it off then on again sometimes fixes the problem but not always. I got some panos withe the freewell nd/cp, more often than not it say wide angle lens attached.
Did the OP ask the manufacturer or seller of the filter about this issue?
Did the OP ask the manufacturer or seller of the filter about this issue?

I will be reaching out to Freewell later today. Will post what their response is.

I have used Freewell filters on my Mavic Air 2 and Air 2S - with absolutely no issues whatsoever, so thinking this is a filter weight issue is a bit surprising! I'm sure Freewell would have done testing.

Anyway, like I said, I will share whatever response I get.

So I reached out to Freewell, and was told that they are aware of the problem. Apparently there was a similar problem with the Mavic 3, which was solved with a firmware update. Freewell says they have informed DJI of the problem.
Hopefully this will be resolved sooner than later.
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So my scale came in today! Almighty AMAZON PRIME!!!

Stock lens = 2.51 g

Freewell CPL = 4.9 g

So I doubt this is a weight issue.

This is from a 2022 response from Freewell support regarding the same problem with the Mavic 3, prior to a firmware update which solved the problem.

"Yes, we have a small number of users who reported this especially they said this happen after the recent update so we have contacted DJI about this. We assume DJI has given the ability for drones to know if it is wide-angle by seeing multiple layers of glass since ND/PL has 2 pcs of glass this might be the reason the drone behaves abnormally.
Unfortunately, this is related to drone software, not the filter so nothing much we can do here but wait for DJI to fix this."

Error with FREEWELL filters
I hadn't taken off with the Neewer CPL lens yet, just tried to take off, and I also get the Wide Angle Lens message. I agree it's not a weight issue. And the Neewer is heavier than the Freewell it appears.
So my scale came in today! Almighty AMAZON PRIME!!!

Stock lens = 2.51 g

Freewell CPL = 4.9 g

So I doubt this is a weight issue.

This is from a 2022 response from Freewell support regarding the same problem with the Mavic 3, prior to a firmware update which solved the problem.

"Yes, we have a small number of users who reported this especially they said this happen after the recent update so we have contacted DJI about this. We assume DJI has given the ability for drones to know if it is wide-angle by seeing multiple layers of glass since ND/PL has 2 pcs of glass this might be the reason the drone behaves abnormally.
Unfortunately, this is related to drone software, not the filter so nothing much we can do here but wait for DJI to fix this."

Error with FREEWELL filters
The Freewell is almost double the weight of the DJI, yes that does present a problem when discussing tenths of grams. The gimbal motors are not very robust and designed for small loads.
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It would be interesting to know what the actual DJI filters weigh. Not just the stock "Lens Guard".

I would think depending on their construction and coatings, they would be heavier than the stock.

I have a hard time believing the lens manufacturers would all create lens's for the Air 3, without consulting DJI about the weight limit on their gimble.

And why the cryptic message about a Wide Angle Lens, if the lens actually has a weight issue?

I just flew my Air 3 in a 300 sq. ft. room with a 15 foot ceiling, the 5.4g Neewer CPL lens did not affect flight at all, couldn't tell it was there.

The most peculiar thing to me, is how are these guys doing reviews with these CPL lenses, and not getting this error also? I watched all of the ND filter/CPL filter videos, and none mentioned this.
So apparently same problem with Freewell and Neewer.
Personally I don't believe its a weight problem. Going by what Freewell told me, and also the past issue with the Mavic 3, I am confident this will be resolved with a firmware update.
We shall just have to wait and see (and hope).
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Took the air 3 out yesterday, and discovered I could not use the zoom while the freewell nd/cpl was attached.
Bit of a bummer.
I was able to zoom with the CPL lens on, you have to be recording a video for the zoom feature to work.

I would post proof of this, but am currently having difficulty with the H.265 .mp4 files, or HEVC in Windows 10.
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I was able to zoom with the CPL lens on, you have to be recording a video for the zoom feature to work.

I would post proof of this, but am currently having difficulty with the H.265 .mp4 files, or HEVC in Windows 10.
Your right, tried it out today video mode all good, no zoom in photo mode. Goodness i get panicky when I think its not right.
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So quick update...

I normally leave the CPL filter on the drone all the time. That is, unless I want to use another filter. (For now, the CPL is all I have for the Air 3).

I just did a quick flight, and NO warnings whatsoever! I could even enter pano mode with no warnings.

I'll fly again later this evening, and update.
Its really hit an mis, I have the CPL filter on for few weeks and only today it gave me wide angle lens detected message.
Also no idea what triggered it.
Its really hit an mis, I have the CPL filter on for few weeks and only today it gave me wide angle lens detected message.
Also no idea what triggered it.

I totally agree!

For my past few flights, I have had no warnings, and I thought all was well. Today I take off, and the warning is back!

CPL filter off, till this is resolved.

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