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Block/Ignore, repeat offenders. Trolls.

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Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2017
Madison, CT
Did you ever notice the same old names every time somebody Is causing trouble in a post? You can fly right out of their lives forever by "Ignoring" them on their profile. I found this interesting post from 2017.

Question: "Hi, I have been enjoying the forums for over a year. I would like to know how to block members who repeatedly treat others with disrespect."

Answer: LuvMyTJ "Hello, You may "ignore" members by going to the profile of the member you want to block and click the "ignore" button. You will never see another post from them anywhere on the forum. Hope that helps. :)".

Tired of people posting just to be negative and start an argument, That's what Facebook is for.
It sort of works. If some one you block gets a post quoted, you will still see their post in the reply to it.
The other thing is, it sometimes makes threads hard to follow if the "blocked" person is actively participating in the thread.
Its probably better to do what you have to do in real life as an adult. You dont have to "ignore" to ignore. If a post bothers you, skip it and go on. DONT add fuel to the fire and engage them more than once or twice.
It sort of works. If some one you block gets a post quoted, you will still see their post in the reply to it.
The other thing is, it sometimes makes threads hard to follow if the "blocked" person is actively participating in the thread.
Its probably better to do what you have to do in real life as an adult. You dont have to "ignore" to ignore. If a post bothers you, skip it and go on. DONT add fuel to the fire and engage them more than once or twice.

I just want to get rid of the ones that have nothing to offer, you know some of them. I like your sarcasm, but the trolls never even get it. I'm talking about the real bottom feeders. And you are right about not engaging them more than a couple times, but I'm 60 years old and am not going to be toyed with, so I always reply to the idiots at least once or twice trying to show them the errors of their ways. Then they just suck. Ha. I'm sure I won't miss their comments... They NEVER post anything.... trolls.
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Here why I won't be blocking anyone on this forum...

We are a community .
we all don't think a like .
we come from all types of backround
We come together because of our passion
For this "hobbie" .

As long as the members use this forum within the boards guide lines.

I say it's like using a camera ...
You take hundred of pictures one or two will be keepers.!

You may not like every post but sooner or later I bet the poster will hit one right down the middle and get on base

You may not share everyone view on certain subject doesn't mean you should block them
What next blocking certain members because there spellin / pucuation
Is not up to pare.?
I just want to get rid of the ones that have nothing to offer, you know some of them. I like your sarcasm, but the trolls never even get it. I'm talking about the real bottom feeders. And you are right about not engaging them more than a couple times, but I'm 60 years old and am not going to be toyed with, so I always reply to the idiots at least once or twice trying to show them the errors of their ways. Then they just suck. Ha. I'm sure I won't miss their comments... They NEVER post anything.... trolls.

Its not just the trolls that have trouble understanding my sarcasm. There are a lot of people here that just cant decode it at all, and get really offended. NEVER my intention. I feel like its our responsibility to make sure information shared here is correct. Too many people with no flight time giving advice, too many people with no technical skills with there devices getting poor advice on their trouble.
However, I feel like this forum is going to be hard to navigate, now that there is what, 5 different Mavics included?
it was hard enough to sort through the MP, MPP, MA posts, now we are throwing MP2, MP2 Zoom, and MP Enterprise into the mix.
Is there a MP specific forum anyone could recommend to supplement this one?
I wish I could block entire posts. Like this one and others that have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with a Mavic.
Well is in Off Topic now so just don't read in OT.
Guy's Staff can't stay on 24/7 and as much as we have going on unless one of you reports post or threads we need to remove or move just don't engage with said poster or don't read the thread you don't seem fit .
Help us help you here by reporting and not letting it bother you .
All in all I think we have a great forum with great members but all forums are going to have a few that like to disrupt .
This is a great forum.
I always feel reserved about reporting posts, unless they really appear to be a threat. Dont want to annoy the already overloaded Mods!
Here why I won't be blocking anyone on this forum...

We are a community .
we all don't think a like .
we come from all types of backround
We come together because of our passion
For this "hobbie" .

As long as the members use this forum within the boards guide lines.

I say it's like using a camera ...
You take hundred of pictures one or two will be keepers.!

You may not like every post but sooner or later I bet the poster will hit one right down the middle and get on base

You may not share everyone view on certain subject doesn't mean you should block them
What next blocking certain members because there spellin / pucuation
Is not up to pare.?

I will block the people who give posters crap for spelling. That's exactly what I mean by senseless posts wasting my time.
This is a great forum.
I always feel reserved about reporting posts, unless they really appear to be a threat. Dont want to annoy the already overloaded Mods!
No it does help and don't no one hesitate reporting . It takes more time to let a thread get all crazy and then me try and fix it
after it has many post than nipping it in the bud so to speak .
Yes we spend a lot of time moving threads when they are first posted to the correct section and other things but to those that do report I thank you as it really saves us time .;)
This is a great forum.
I always feel reserved about reporting posts, unless they really appear to be a threat. Dont want to annoy the already overloaded Mods!

Thats just it, I don't want to be a rat or get someone banned... I will be blocking people that have an issue with me personally though. We all know people like that. I even try to support others being disrespected, which just balloons into "Teams" arguing.
I figure that the real problems, the ones that drag everything into an argument for ten pages will eventually get weeded out without my help. BUT, If it is preferred by the mods, I will report them BEFORE they drag me into a heated debate!
No it does help and don't no one hesitate reporting . It takes more time to let a thread get all crazy and then me try and fix it
after it has many post than nipping it in the bud so to speak .
Yes we spend a lot of time moving threads when they are first posted to the correct section and other things but to those that
do report I thank you as it really saves us time .;)

When someone is reported, what is the procedure? I figured it would be easier on you to block without involving the Mods. Doesn't the "Ignore" option just automatically kick in? I definitely don't want to make any extra work for you. I really like this post, but if I'm going to be aggravated every time I log out it's not worth it.
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I figure that the real problems, the ones that drag everything into an argument for ten pages will eventually get weeded out without my help. BUT, If it is preferred by the mods, I will report them BEFORE they drag me into a heated debate!

OK, I can be on board with that, now we need a list of reportable offenses or people will be reporting all the time.
Cheech It doesn't make you a rat and
I even try to support others being disrespected, which just balloons into "Teams" arguing.
is when it takes lots of time staff cleaning threads when if it had been reported it wouldn't have even been an
issue. Do as anyone pleases by whatever method guys but enjoy yourself here try and follow the guidelines .
reportable offenses
Community Rules
Now I shall go cut some grass and when I get back I know somewhere in this forum it will be..
giphy-5.gif :)
Carry on guys ThumbswayupThumbswayup
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Cheech It doesn't make you a rat and is when it takes lots of time staff cleaning threads when if it had been reported it wouldn't have even been an
issue. Do as anyone pleases by whatever method guys but enjoy yourself here try and follow the guidelines .
Community Rules
Now I shall go cut some grass and when I get back I know somewhere in this forum it will be..
View attachment 44900 :)
Carry on guys ThumbswayupThumbswayup

Thanks for the insight dirkclod, I'll post the Guidelines here. Maybe just bringing this to light will make some people think. I hate to watch posts deteriorate.

Community Guidelines
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Registering and participating in the MavicPilots Forum constitutes agreement to abide by the Profound Interest Network Terms of Service. (Profound Interests, LLC is the company that owns this forum). We reserve the right to modify these rules at any time without prior notice. There is no charge for joining this Forum. This is a community of individuals who share a common interest in DJI's Mavic Aircraft. Please think before you post and keep your comments limited to the topic at hand and above all - be nice. If you come across any violations to these guidelines or have any problems navigating the site, do not hesitate to let us know.

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