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Lost Mavic 2 in Lake Tahoe

Went flying over the North side of the lake about 1000ft from shore on a clear day (94% battery), signal was lost, RTH failed, and now the Mav is somewhere in the drink.

Crappy part is the flight kept logging data for a couple seconds after disconnect even though I had no visual or control over it anymore, so DJI believes it was pilot error crashing it. Can only hope for someone to find it now.

I wouldn't have even bothered contacting DJI or posting flight data if I slammed the stick down into the water -- that's my point here. I lost signal while flying in a straight line. I understand what the data shows and DJI said the same regarding the stick actions, but what I'm saying on my end is that I didn't touch the sticks to descend and the last visual I had of anything was flying at top speed straight with my hand only on the throttle.

To further iterate, I don't have anything to gain by trying to feign responsibility for piloting at this point because DJI had their conclusion, no one is replacing it, and I posted here just in case someone finds it in order to get the SD card. I have no way to prove my end unless something similar happens or has happened with another pilot.

Recently, an FPV pilot from my city also lost signal 400ft off shore in the same area and lost his drone in the water toward the docks of the homes off to the left of my takeoff point after it took a nose dive. Are we all garbage pilots flying off the same beach? Or is there possibly something interfering with transmission in that area? I'm not blaming DJI or trying to smear any names/reputations, I'm just reporting what happened -- and I know the data doesn't support my story, so I can't do much else except say mark it up as a skeptical anecdote and if it happens in the future to anyone else maybe you can reference this
Went flying over the North side of the lake about 1000ft from shore on a clear day (94% battery), signal was lost, RTH failed, and now the Mav is somewhere in the drink.

Crappy part is the flight kept logging data for a couple seconds after disconnect even though I had no visual or control over it anymore, so DJI believes it was pilot error crashing it. Can only hope for someone to find it now.

my friend just found a DJI Mavic 2 in tahoe...
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What is weird about this? I'm the one that lost my Mini in the tree. I never did find it, I got a new drone and went up there and looked for it with the new drone but the old one is nowhere to be found. I'm sure Lake Tahoe has claimed many a drone, rumor is there are people down there with concrete sneakers too... Sorry to hear about your loss, you get attached to them, like losing a pet snake or something.
I lost my drone in the neighbours back garden. I saw exactly where it went down. Went round straight away and looked for it, flew over it with another drone, went on my roof and used binoculars. 18 months later its still lost.

Pet Snake? Pet rabbit or hamster maybe🤣 Sorry, I live in Australia, most Aussies have a snake "thing".
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