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More drone bad press - this time its the police....

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2017
Since the UK lock down some police forces are absolutely loving their new found power over the population.

Derbyshire police drone unit released this smug, public shaming twitter video on their feed:-

The UK is under a lockdown. Groupings of more than 2 people are banned. You are allowed out of your house to exercise (no time stipulation) and must remain 2m distance from other people.

It would seem the police drone unit, presumably because they have absolutely nothing else to do decided to spend the day in the peak district national park flying drones around and filming people *who were adhering to the rules* then editing and uploading a video to twitter to shame them.

At the time the cabinet office confirmed in writing ( UK police use drones and roadblocks to enforce lockdown ) you WERE allowed to drive to your place of exercise or dog walking. (The advice has been revised but AFTER this video).

So in short, people driving to a remote area to exercise, all maintaining a safe distance from others, none in large groups and probably *safer* than going for a walk around streets near their home with a lot more people are now being targeted by the police.

(Remember this is a police force that in normal times wont attend a burglary unless the offender is still inside the premises, will just log but not attend reports of drug deals in public areas and so on. They've suddenly found time to fly drones around beauty spots and harass civilians). Other people have confirmed reports to police of groups of youths gathering in parks and streets (which is against the rules) resulted in no police attending or action.

The comments to the twitter feed say it all..

The same police force yesterday spent a ton of money and resources dying a local beauty spot (a polluted lake) black to "stop people swimming in it". Coronavirus: Derbyshire police dye Buxton 'Blue Lagoon' black to deter gatherings

Seems they are absolutely loving their new unaccountability and powers.
Common sense definitely appears to have gone out of the window on both sides here. No arguing with the need to self isolate and maintain social distancing, but everyone's scenario is different and that's where common sense should be able to come in. Unfortunately, for every person just trying to exercise in isolation (for all we know the people up on Curber Edge were local and walked there for their daily exercise), you've probably got one that thinks getting together for a family BBQ is a good idea as well.

It's actually a pretty similar situation for me. Where I live is essentially rural, but all the facilities lies along the single lane I live on, including the local train station and bus stop (permitted for essential workers), the local playing fields (permitted for local exercise), and the local shops (permitted for essential supplies). For completeness my local police station is also on this lane, adjacent to the train station, as well as the local surgery, and the now closed school. There is a steady trickle of people on foot or in cars *all day long*, so the chances of me (or anyone else) being able to maintain social distancing while going out for exercise on foot are pretty much zero.

However, I can hop in my car, drive for a few minutes and be all but guaranteed isolation for exercise (or taking a few photos/flying a drone) yet some of the UK's constabularies would appear to have a problem with this. FWIW, I have not yet seen one of my local officers around in order ask what their specific guidance/position on this kind of scenario would be. I certainly don't have a problem with the police doing the random checks given the circumstances we're all in, but my feeling is that they definitely ought to be applying discretion given the specifics of the individuals concerned, and this kind of thing is just too much when most people are trying to do the right thing but just struggling to adapt.

If they'd released footage of a large group having a BBQ or similar that's one thing, but footage of random people that they have *no* evidence to support an assertion that they are not 100% in compliance with the law is just too much, IMHO, and it's right they are being slammed for it.
I don't think anyone has an issue with them policing compliance with the rules.

The issue is the name and shame video of people who WERE complying with the rules. So resources spent paying a minimum of 2 officers to drive around all day with a drone and someone else to edit and upload the video. Is this really the best way to spend resources?
Do they honestly, legitimately have NOTHING more productive to do with the time?
You'd also have thought/hoped they'd have at least been AWARE of the rules...

If they'd responded with video of BBQs, groups of kids in a local housing estate and so on (which by all accounts is also happening but they didnt bother attending) i dont think anyone would have complained.
Since the UK lock down some police forces are absolutely loving their new found power over the population.

Derbyshire police drone unit released this smug, public shaming twitter video on their feed:-

The UK is under a lockdown. Groupings of more than 2 people are banned. You are allowed out of your house to exercise (no time stipulation) and must remain 2m distance from other people.

It would seem the police drone unit, presumably because they have absolutely nothing else to do decided to spend the day in the peak district national park flying drones around and filming people *who were adhering to the rules* then editing and uploading a video to twitter to shame them.

At the time the cabinet office confirmed in writing ( UK police use drones and roadblocks to enforce lockdown ) you WERE allowed to drive to your place of exercise or dog walking. (The advice has been revised but AFTER this video).

So in short, people driving to a remote area to exercise, all maintaining a safe distance from others, none in large groups and probably *safer* than going for a walk around streets near their home with a lot more people are now being targeted by the police.

(Remember this is a police force that in normal times wont attend a burglary unless the offender is still inside the premises, will just log but not attend reports of drug deals in public areas and so on. They've suddenly found time to fly drones around beauty spots and harass civilians). Other people have confirmed reports to police of groups of youths gathering in parks and streets (which is against the rules) resulted in no police attending or action.

The comments to the twitter feed say it all..

The same police force yesterday spent a ton of money and resources dying a local beauty spot (a polluted lake) black to "stop people swimming in it". Coronavirus: Derbyshire police dye Buxton 'Blue Lagoon' black to deter gatherings

Seems they are absolutely loving their new unaccountability and powers.
What makes me sick about this is that ALL the people highlighted are basically IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE (!), doing no harm whatsoever. They are doing nothing wrong. They may not have travelled any great distance . . .and they may have come from far more congested towns / cities. You could say they are being careful, responsible in their actions. People need to excercise . . we don't need sarcastic cop videos putting their own, misguided interpretation on it. This is policing by social media. Pathetic !
Unfortunately the current situation seems to have resulted in many people and organizations completely losing all perspective. Social distancing is an accepted and reasonable method to slow the spread of disease but, given the recognition that some exercise is essential, it's hard to imagine a more effective form of social distancing than driving to an area that is almost completely deserted, and where you are unlikely to see anyone else at all, let alone get within 6 ft of them.
Other police forces have started doing similar slightly sinister postings on twitter and elsewhere.
Its scary how quickly policy by consent went out of the window when they got the slightest whiff of power.

Hopefully people will remember these actions when normal times resume and the same police are asking for peoples support and complaining about how busy they are and cant possibly attend actual crimes.

With the government today admitting the restrictions could last 6 months or more theres no way this is going to work if the public have lost trust in the police and the police are acting in a petty and fairly malicious, patronising way.
With the government today admitting the restrictions could last 6 months or more theres no way this is going to work if the public have lost trust in the police and the police are acting in a petty and fairly malicious, patronising way.

Sure it can. It just won't be the police; it'll be martial law, mandatory curfews, etc., and it'll be enforced by the army - unless you think Boris et al mean something else they say they will "go further" with the restrictions?

There are already signs that some countries/regions are slipping perilously close to this with growing civil unrest that seems likely to slip into outright civil disobedience if the public is pushed too far, and I don't expect the UK to just keep calm and carry on in a similar situation either. What's needed is for governments and police forces to be firm but fair, and for them both to *earn* the trust that they are going to need from the public to get everyone through this. Other countries might be able to pull that off, but I'm not so sure about the UK given how people's attitudes to both have been trending over the last several years.

I'm still hoping for the best (I'm very much an optimist), but given history's tendency to repeat I'm definitely starting to fear for the worse.
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Personally, I don't have a problem with the Police using such means to try and get the message home. The posted vid' does not breach anyone's privacy.
The message, "stay at home" is not being given for fun.
Please, please, please, get the message. If "stay at f*^@ing home" carries my weight in someones language skill set, then so be it! But get the message, one way or another.
This is not a game, where pushing reset would fix the rate of infection and death rate!

Unite Against COVID-19 - Banner - 21MAR2020.jpg

Happy and safe flying ( and living) ? ;) Thumbswayup
Personally, I don't have a problem with the Police using such means to try and get the message home. The posted vid' does not breach anyone's privacy.
The message, "stay at home" is not being given for fun.
Please, please, please, get the message. If "stay at f*^@ing home" carries my weight in someones language skill set, then so be it! But get the message, one way or another.
This is not a game, where pushing reset would fix the rate of infection and death rate!

View attachment 97465

Happy and safe flying ( and living) ? ;) Thumbswayup
I'm sorry but its you that doesn't get it still,

The advise is yes stay at home, but it is also official advice that exercise is important for people and that you can go walking, running bike riding etc.

Then the guidelines state you MUST exercise the limited numbers (2 people) and also Social distancing.

I should add that is if you ARE NOT diagnosed as being infected and you ARE NOT having to self isolate because you've just come into the country or been in a high risk are.

Your normal general public can exercise plain and simple, I don't know why people can't grasp these clear understandable rules, do they just not read properly anymore?? its rather depressing really.
Other police forces have started doing similar slightly sinister postings on twitter and elsewhere.
Its scary how quickly policy by consent went out of the window when they got the slightest whiff of power.

Hopefully people will remember these actions when normal times resume and the same police are asking for peoples support and complaining about how busy they are and cant possibly attend actual crimes.

With the government today admitting the restrictions could last 6 months or more theres no way this is going to work if the public have lost trust in the police and the police are acting in a petty and fairly malicious, patronising way.
Police forces these days are a joke if you ask me, they don't serve the community anymore they serve themselves, they are rude, arrogant, no people skills on whole and its becoming obvious that the general public have already had enough of them and their ****** behaviour before all this started happening.

So people have a very low tolerance to their shenanigans i'm afraid and it's all their own fault, as its been mentioned in this lot of posts already they dont attend crimes in progress or if the crim is not still on site and i dont believe its just under staffing i think its because they are basically lazy these days, Police forces around the world need to have a long hard look at themselves and lift their games or it will just create more civil unrest and bad blood, people will only take so much pushing and bad treatment before they revolt and that is not going to help anyone in this present situation, the other thing is Governments better roll back these new draconian laws they have drafted to deal with this crisis or there will be more trouble world wide, it all a bit daunting when you think about ity.
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Unfortunately the current situation seems to have resulted in many people and organizations completely losing all perspective. Social distancing is an accepted and reasonable method to slow the spread of disease but, given the recognition that some exercise is essential, it's hard to imagine a more effective form of social distancing than driving to an area that is almost completely deserted, and where you are unlikely to see anyone else at all, let alone get within 6 ft of them.

The main reason for not driving unnecessarily at the moment is to reduce the risk of having an accident or breakdown requiring external assistance and thus exposing more people to the risk of infection.
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The main reason for not driving unnecessarily at the moment is to reduce the risk of having an accident or breakdown requiring external assistance and thus exposing more people to the risk of infection.

Maybe, but I don't find that argument at all compelling. There is no information on how far those people drove, and the concern about breaking down seems to me to be outweighed by the advantage of finding such a low-people-density location to walk.
I finally watched this video in full . . . it's good to know just how this thing works, and why it's so important to get this curve flattened.

We'll never be rid of this I feel, but we need to stop perhaps 100's of thousands (if not a million or -vastly- more) deaths.

I was going to go to one of my suppliers this morning, if they are open (which I feel they will be), and organise a small job to be done.
Then I was going to a local hardware to look at a new carport / shed I want for a new workspace.
After this, my workshop, where I can work alone, and get the jobs out I have from a few weeks to 2 weeks ago.
(I haven't taken a new job now in 2 weeks, and haven't had a call for a quote or job in 2 weeks either !!)
I was going to borrow a neighbours shed floor and welder to make my daughter a dining table base.
Then check the post box, small shop, come home.

Now, it's workshop and come home.

In the coming week I'll have these jobs going out, to be delivered locally and up to 3750km (2330km) by road.
If we aren't in lockdown within a week, I'll be surprised.

Everything can wait, but I'll have it all ready.
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I'm sorry but its you that doesn't get it still,

The advise is yes stay at home, but it is also official advice that exercise is important for people and that you can go walking, running bike riding etc.

Then the guidelines state you MUST exercise the limited numbers (2 people) and also Social distancing.

I should add that is if you ARE NOT diagnosed as being infected and you ARE NOT having to self isolate because you've just come into the country or been in a high risk are.

Your normal general public can exercise plain and simple, I don't know why people can't grasp these clear understandable rules, do they just not read properly anymore?? its rather depressing really.
Thanks for your views.
However, as a frontline health professional - "I get it" - very much!
My message remains unchanged, even though I recognise exercises such as walking, running or biking within the relevant guidelines should continue.
Personally, I don't have a problem with the Police using such means to try and get the message home. The posted vid' does not breach anyone's privacy.

You dont have a problem with a police force inventing a policy that directly contradicts the law then using its resources to produce an utterly pointless video attempting to shame people who are obeying the law?
The issue is ALL of the people were complying with the measures and the law. (The only ones who werent were the police who were sharing a vehicle, way under 2m apart).
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Maybe, but I don't find that argument at all compelling. There is no information on how far those people drove, and the concern about breaking down seems to me to be outweighed by the advantage of finding such a low-people-density location to walk.

That and the chances of an accident are higher in the urban areas where they live due to increased traffic, increased pedestrians and the shocking state of the roads and potholes.

From a spread point of view its much better to have people keep 500m from each other in the middle of nowhere than 2m from each other in a crowded urban area.
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You dont have a problem with a police force inventing a policy that directly contradicts the law then using its resources to produce an utterly pointless video attempting to shame people who are obeying the law?
The issue is ALL of the people were complying with the measures and the law. (The only ones who werent were the police who were sharing a vehicle, way under 2m apart).
Thanks for your perspective. It's always great to read a diversity of opinions.
Leaves me feeling quite comfortable with my view.
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The main reason for not driving unnecessarily at the moment is to reduce the risk of having an accident or breakdown requiring external assistance and thus exposing more people to the risk of infection.

That doesn't really compute. It would be pretty easy to maintain social distancing at the roadside (this is what the police etc. should be doing on their spot checks), and any accident/breakdown responders would almost certainly don a pair of disposable gloves before starting any on-site works, limiting direct contact. The reason for not travelling is to avoid the distribution of the virus; either through contact with droplets from coughs/sneezes, etc., or physical transfer via hands, clothing, or other surfaces with the virus present.

If you think about it, a lot of the recommended containment measures are only going to limit the spread, not stop it. If you are contagious but asymptomatic, and so still go out to exercise, shop, or work, etc. then you are spreading the virus. What the limitations on travel do in that scenario is help to keep any outbreaks local - e.g. stop one town or village from infecting its neighbours. If you *really* want to kill it, then the only way to go is a full-on lock down, with no one who isn't cleared being able to go out at all, but I don't think anyone has the necessary testing or infrastructure in place to support that yet.
Well countries that adopted the recommended "testing..testing....testing" mantra early on didnt require any form of lockdown and still all but eliminated local transmission (Taiwan, korea, singapore etc). These countries tested a significant per head of their population extremely quickly. They learned their lessons from SARs.

Lockdown alone solves nothing as its not 100% and the second you lift it cases spike overwhelming health systems and forcing another lockdown.
Ultimately if you want to kill it, assuming there is some immunity generated, what you have to do is let a large, healthy section of the population catch it.

As for full on lockdown, some countries are doing it. India but 1.2 billion people on total lock down and not allowed out even for food for example.
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