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Will the Mavic Air 2 lose lots of value?

Big Bad John

Active Member
Mar 28, 2021
New Haven
Im looking to buy my first drone, mostly looking to make videos, i’m between the mavic air 2 (for active track and a few other reasons) and the mini 2. the Mini 2 is $450 new and air 2 is $800. My hopes are that I use one for a year, take great care of it, then sell it for $150-200 less, thus making it not too big of a deal if i buy the $800 mavic air 2 now. My concerns, and hopefully someone can educate me, are that in one year the air 2 will be 2 years old and there will have been a better version of itself out there for however many months in the Air 2S and who knows what else going on in the drone world. Is it accurate to draw a comparison to the current used market of the Mavic air 1 now, which is a few years old and a successor (Air 2) out for a year? If so, from the videos and reviews and all that ive read and listings ive seen, buying a used mavic air 1 for $600 would not be a savvy move. In other words, maybe it would be hard to sell a Mavic air 2 for $600 next spring?

Am i better off going with the Mini 2 which is 6 months newer than the Air 2, much cheaper upfront, and more likely to sell for $300 next spring?
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@Big Bad John ,its hard to predict what the resale value of any product ,let alone a drone ,would be further down the line ,it depends on many factors ,that are out of our hands
BIG BAD JOHN, what are your intentions in 1 year? Be done with drones totally or moving up to something more expensive? I guess what is magical about the 1 year mark? This will give more experienced people more info to assess your needs better. I am very inexperienced and would not have any valid opinion regarding values. I have been a manned aircraft pilot for years. Pilots usually are not able to justify aircraft enjoyment and utility with cost/loss of value. The mostly do the "just do it" approach. I do get your point and it is valid. Again, your 1 year use plan will give more data for others to reply. I personally just went with the MA2 and did debate the Mini 2 and the MA2. I knew I would step up to the MA2 in less than a year so I felt it was a good move. Go with your needs and your gut. Oh and do not forget Care Refresh or the talk about loss of money will take on new meaning!! Good luck.
....another thought in support of old man mavic's thoughts. When have your ever purchased any piece of technology and not had the newer, shinier fancier model come out the next day, week or month. Heck, my MA2 (first drone) arrived last Saturday the 20th and then came talk of the MA2S and the MA3. Am I disappointed with my choice of the MA2?...NOPE.
@Big Bad John ,its hard to predict what the resale value of any product ,let alone a drone ,would be further down the line ,it depends on many factors ,that are out of our hands
Yeah it’s really tough, i think especially for drones though, the used car market is unbelievably huge and pretty predictable, though still it’s own nightmare. I’ve seen quite a few discussions here and elsewhere asking mini 2 or air 1 for example, everyone says mini 2 for sure, with mini 2 new at $450 what price then makes an air 1 worth it? $350,$300? someone may have just bought the air 1 a few years ago for like $800 and now it’s becoming not worth the headache and insult of selling, i’m just trying to avoid that. will probably just get the mini 2
There are 2 things that can destroy a hobby:
  1. Waiting to buy because there's "always something better around the corner"
  2. Trying to make a hobby "profitable"
If you believe in #1, you will never be ready to buy (because there is "always something better around the corner"...and if it's all about #2, then it's not really much of a hobby (it's more of a job).
Either you want it or you don't.
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....another thought in support of old man mavic's thoughts. When have your ever purchased any piece of technology and not had the newer, shinier fancier model come out the next day, week or month. Heck, my MA2 (first drone) arrived last Saturday the 20th and then came talk of the MA2S and the MA3. Am I disappointed with my choice of the MA2?...NOPE.
in reply to both your responses, and thank you for them, the one year mark was just a guess in my head of one it would be a good time to sell and upgrade to next best thing before holding onto to what i had too long and it becoming not even worth hassle or insult of selling for the types of offers id get from people.

What concerns me about the mini 2 is if my intentions are (self-centered i admit) to video myself mostly then to use the mini 2 id most often need a set plan and a friend to carry out the plan of filming me. though i also admit that i should really have a dozen or so concrete plans of how i’d use this thing before i press purchase on anything worth in the hundreds of dollars, nearing a thousand in terms of MA2.

i appreciate the go with your gut line, i identify with it very much.

as for when is there ever not new and better tech coming out depreciating the thing you just bought, i guess i’m just not as used to buying or searching for things like this, my somewhat older van i just bought at $7k should still be worth $5k with three years of me driving it, and the motorcycle i fantasize about but is many years away has been like the same price since 2000, ive seen too many listings on these two items that it’s probably distorted my view of how the used market actually is.

thanks again and the go with your gut line has me back in the mavic air 2 camp
There are 2 things that can destroy a hobby:
  1. Waiting to buy because there's "always something better around the corner"
  2. Trying to make a hobby "profitable"
If you believe in #1, you will never be ready to buy (because there is "always something better around the corner"...and if it's all about #2 then it's not really much of a hobby (it's more of a job).
Either you want it or you don't.
Fair, i knew my post was going to come off as way too penny pincher, and probably because it is. in my defense, my hobbies are the things i plan to do and the drone just seems like an easier and more effective way of capturing them on video, plus i definitely want to mess around with it with friends and explore places i haven’t seen
in reply to both your responses, and thank you for them, the one year mark was just a guess in my head of one it would be a good time to sell and upgrade to next best thing before holding onto to what i had too long and it becoming not even worth hassle or insult of selling for the types of offers id get from people.

What concerns me about the mini 2 is if my intentions are (self-centered i admit) to video myself mostly then to use the mini 2 id most often need a set plan and a friend to carry out the plan of filming me. though i also admit that i should really have a dozen or so concrete plans of how i’d use this thing before i press purchase on anything worth in the hundreds of dollars, nearing a thousand in terms of MA2.

i appreciate the go with your gut line, i identify with it very much.

as for when is there ever not new and better tech coming out depreciating the thing you just bought, i guess i’m just not as used to buying or searching for things like this, my somewhat older van i just bought at $7k should still be worth $5k with three years of me driving it, and the motorcycle i fantasize about but is many years away has been like the same price since 2000, ive seen too many listings on these two items that it’s probably distorted my view of how the used market actually is.

thanks again and the go with your gut line has me back in the mavic air 2 camp
You are welcome. I just trying to repay all the great information that I have gained on this forum. My comments were not based on years of drone knowledge but instead my outlook and flying background. It is funny what words people identify with. Sorry if I cost you additional money!! Since I am new and fresh off an MA2 purchase I have a suggestion for a FREE yet Professional course given by Pilot Institute. It is the Mavic Air 2 Deep Dive free course They also have a Mini 2 Deep Dive. Others can suggest other quality YouTube videos I am sure. The intense course I linked is put on by a professional certificated flight instructor and he has a comprehensive 3 hour organized course. I have no financial interest in the company but am much more comfortable with my MA2 because of it. Wow, off topic but appropriate to whichever drone you choose.
in reply to both your responses, and thank you for them, the one year mark was just a guess in my head of one it would be a good time to sell and upgrade to next best thing before holding onto to what i had too long and it becoming not even worth hassle or insult of selling for the types of offers id get from people.

What concerns me about the mini 2 is if my intentions are (self-centered i admit) to video myself mostly then to use the mini 2 id most often need a set plan and a friend to carry out the plan of filming me. though i also admit that i should really have a dozen or so concrete plans of how i’d use this thing before i press purchase on anything worth in the hundreds of dollars, nearing a thousand in terms of MA2.

i appreciate the go with your gut line, i identify with it very much.

as for when is there ever not new and better tech coming out depreciating the thing you just bought, i guess i’m just not as used to buying or searching for things like this, my somewhat older van i just bought at $7k should still be worth $5k with three years of me driving it, and the motorcycle i fantasize about but is many years away has been like the same price since 2000, ive seen too many listings on these two items that it’s probably distorted my view of how the used market actually is.

thanks again and the go with your gut line has me back in the mavic air 2 camp
I just notice you are from New Haven (I assume CT). I have flown in and out of HVN many times over the years. Received all my pilot ratings in the Groton and Hartford area.
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Buy what you want today and enjoy it. Don’t try to over analyze the future.
I have multiple DJI drones and like the MA2 the best. Hard to imagine they will be able to make substantial improvement with a new Air although their advertising might indicate vast improvement. When you buy, allow for depreciation. If you don’t like depreciation, buy real estate.
The need for the latest and greatest is greatly overemphasized. I fly a P3 4K, a MA1, and a P4 adv. The P3 is still a great bird, and the videos are still very good.

A far bigger problem for aspiring drone videographers is figuring out how to shoot and use the footage to make a film that others want to watch. The vast majority of films are quite boring after the first minute of very long shots over interesting countrysides.
Are you in a windy area or not. If so, go for the MA2. If not, the Mini2 gets good reviews. Are you the aggressive sort? If so, it’s nice to have avoidance sensors as a backup. Do you want to use follow me? Go with the MA2. Like others have said, don’t get too hung up on resale value. Best wishes.
Fair, i knew my post was going to come off as way too penny pincher, and probably because it is. in my defense, my hobbies are the things i plan to do and the drone just seems like an easier and more effective way of capturing them on video, plus i definitely want to mess around with it with friends and explore places i haven’t seen
Not sure if this is anything, but I am somewhat a advance buyer. I buy for the future. I have a DJI P3P (Which I bought for 4K, still don't use it) and to this day it does anything I want it to do and more. I recently bought a new M2Z (A 2 year old DJI aircraft) and it does incredible things. I Bought that M2Z knowing that the MA2 just released.

The MA2 had a bunch of boxes checked off from what I needed or wanted. I canceled my MA2 preorder and opted to go "Big Dawg" all in with the M2Z and SC. I plan on flying this newer baby just as long as the 5+ years I have had and am still flying my P3P. I have no doubt the Mavic 3 is around the corner...but can't see needing anything more than my M2 for many when the M3 is 2 years old I might give it a look....but probably not :p

I pay for more than I will ever need and fly for today and learning for the future, I used to get a new car every year when I am content with a $1000 beater that I know how to work on and goes from A to B more reliably than most out there ;)
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For me - Essentially buy for what you want and look at a 3 year lifespan before taking the upgrade options, which will probably already be 1 or 2 generations better.

My case for a considered upgrade - better camera, silent propellers, compact mod-cons (smaller lighter body) and excellent signal strength. If that comes in one package on all 4 then I would upgrade.
anything tech like will drop at least 50% in a year :(

I have a 14 year old Sony TV. Paid $2600 for it new. 1080p baby! Today I might get $20 for it?
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As somewhat of a newbie myself and still learning I would suggest not worrying about resale but what you plan to do and where/ how you plan to fly. A Mini or Mini2 offer great performance for their price points, can charge off of standard powerbanks and are below the 250g threshold. The advantages the MA2 offer are most noticeable in the Mini to MA2 comparison and (not quite) almost negligible in the Mini2 to MA2 comparison( the added weight of the MA2 alone makes for a huge difference in the wind and worth the added cost BUT you have to register). The MA2S will, from what's been speculated so far, offer a small, incremental, update to the MA2 as opposed to a major jump like from MA to MA2. Most likely a minor range and or speed increase, possible better camera performance, better AI or obstacle sensors and so on. If you want to get in to the hobby do it now with either the Mini2( price and no registration are key here; the $150 difference between Mini2 FMC and basic MA2 gives you a 4th battery, a nice case/ backpack and a ton of other accessory options) or MA2( better overall performance but batteries are over twice as much and you need to register) and then expand your fleet in a year or 2 if you're enjoying it. I still break out my mini(s) almost weekly because they are just fun to fly and having an extra drone for the kids, a friend or whatever to fly makes for a better day at the park and gives you options.
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My only advice is try to sell in the spring or at Christmas, not the fall! When the weather starts to warm up the demand goes up and so does the price ? I bought used in January for a great price and i could resell it now for 25% more than I paid.
Just a thought!
Im looking to buy my first drone, mostly looking to make videos, i’m between the mavic air 2 (for active track and a few other reasons) and the mini 2. the Mini 2 is $450 new and air 2 is $800. My hopes are that I use one for a year, take great care of it, then sell it for $150-200 less, thus making it not too big of a deal if i buy the $800 mavic air 2 now. My concerns, and hopefully someone can educate me, are that in one year the air 2 will be 2 years old and there will have been a better version of itself out there for however many months in the Air 2S and who knows what else going on in the drone world. Is it accurate to draw a comparison to the current used market of the Mavic air 1 now, which is a few years old and a successor (Air 2) out for a year? If so, from the videos and reviews and all that ive read and listings ive seen, buying a used mavic air 1 for $600 would not be a savvy move. In other words, maybe it would be hard to sell a Mavic air 2 for $600 next spring?

Am i better off going with the Mini 2 which is 6 months newer than the Air 2, much cheaper upfront, and more likely to sell for $300 next spring?
Ask yourself this question? Would the money difference between the two drones ((Mavic Air 2 $800-Mini2 $450=$350.00. Will that $350 make the difference in your life? What would you have to do to earn or get a hold of that extra $350.00? Does it REALLY bend the curve for you? These days, my wife and I will easily spend close to $100 for a nice dinner out once off twice a month. Just do the numbers. It is almost $1.00 a day for a year for the Air 2.
Buy what you want today and enjoy it. Don’t try to over analyze the future.
I have multiple DJI drones and like the MA2 the best. Hard to imagine they will be able to make substantial improvement with a new Air although their advertising might indicate vast improvement. When you buy, allow for depreciation. If you don’t like depreciation, buy real estate.
Real Estate's ok but make sure you hear that bell they ring when the market is at its peak.?
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