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Angry neighbor

This is how my friend handled a angry neighbor lol.

It's probably just me but the whole time watching the video of the neighbor complaining to the operator I was thinking as soon as he stepped onto my driveway I would have flown the inspire about 10 feet over his head and kept yelling I CAN"T HEAR YOU !
If a neighbour complains about his privacy being invaded by your drone, simply explain to him about the red lights on the front of the Mavic!
If he still complains, kick him really hard in the nuts and blame it on a nervous tic that you've recently acquired due to people making unreasonable demands about your flying! :D

I never thought about a fishing pole......That is a brilliant drone defense tool.

There are many ways to bring a quad down if its low enough to the ground and flying slow or stationary. To include but not entirely limited to:

Sling Shot
BB Gun
Air Rifle
Coat Hanger
Beer Can (full)
Duffel Bag
Stray cat
Archimedes Heat Ray
Super Soaker
an Ex wife (brings it down financially)

Hopefully that never holds up and gets ruled unconstitutional. But as long as its only Florida I'm good.

I'm sure there will be adjustments in the future made specifically for quads and RC planes. Probably just never had anyone press the issue with DOJ yet. When you call local cops to handle some neighborhood nut shooting at your quad, they'll handle that on a local level, I'm sure the majority of them aren't yet aware that there is a law enforceable by the feds to deal with it. Plus its much quicker and easier to just write someone a summons for illegal discharge than to try and look up a federal law, and find a DOJ contact that gives a sh**.
[21359"]Hopefully that never holds up and gets ruled unconstitutional. [/QUOTE]

The legal community seems to think it be be repealed or amended to remove some of the over reaching parts. Heck, technically Google Maps is in violation. They have aerial photos of every home in Florida.
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There are many ways to bring a quad down if its low enough to the ground and flying slow or stationary. To include but not entirely limited to:

Sling Shot
BB Gun
Air Rifle
Coat Hanger
Beer Can (full)
Duffel Bag
Stray cat
Archimedes Heat Ray
Super Soaker
an Ex wife (brings it down financially)

You left out a spear.

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Nothing wrong with my mavic and I easily hear at 250' and above. If his neighbor has normal hearing he will hear it too. If this happened to me I'd take detailed notes of the encounter or future encounters as well as saving the flight logs/video as potential evidence.

I love that video!
Especially when the guy threw his hands up like WTF? HAHAHAHAAH!

What the heck was he doing up there anyway? Sleeping on the job? I got this perfect spot to goof off while at work no one will ever come looking for me here. Let me stretch out, get comfortable, ahhhh, yeah, that's it, and just enough sun to keep me warm. Now what was that on eBay I was bidding on again (in comes drone) WTF!!!!
Nothing wrong with my mavic and I easily hear at 250' and above. If his neighbor has normal hearing he will hear it too. If this happened to me I'd take detailed notes of the encounter or future encounters as well as saving the flight logs/video as potential evidence.

Depends on how quiet your area is. If you live near a highway with decent traffic it gets kinda tough to hear the Mavic above 100 feet. My area is relatively quiet when no one is cutting grass, pressure washing or that neighbor that revs up his 4 wheel for hours at a time. All I need to do is start my lawn mower up and seems like the whole neighborhood starts cutting their grass like its a lawn competition lol. I like to go up to no less than 250 feet before heading off. Biggest thing I don't do is loiter around over someone else's house. That can be taken the wrong way, can't tell where that little camera is pointing from up there. And like one guy said people probably assume you have some kind of telescopic zoom lens on it. Yes it can be heard but its gone before they realize what it is (watched many videos early on and not one person even looked up at it). My next door neighbors have all seen it for sure, and I've spoken to a few, showed them the Mavic and what I do with it, none really were bothered with it and one guy watched me fly it the whole battery pack, and then said where did you buy that thing I want one!
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Depends on how quiet your area is. If you live near a highway with decent traffic it gets kinda tough to hear the Mavic above 100 feet.

I did an experiment one time and had the Mavic follow me at 120' around the block on my bike (suburban neighborhood). It was amazing how many people didn't even notice it. People outside talking on their phones, chatting with neighbors, washing the car --- didn't even glance up.
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I did an experiment one time and had the Mavic follow me at 120' around the block on my bike (suburban neighborhood). It was amazing how many people didn't even notice it. People outside talking on their phones, chatting with neighbors, washing the car --- didn't even glance up.

I think in many cases they hear it unless you're way up there, but since they're probably not familiar with what that "it" is by sound alone like we are, they don't bother looking. Most people are busy doing stuff. I've seen videos of people getting robbed in broad daylight and other people walk right past the event not even noticing it. Seems the world has gotten too multi-tasked today. If we used Doc Brown's Deloreon and went back to 1955 I'd bet EVERYONE in that era would notice. Then you'd have a UFO sighting epidemic lol.

Hope that stays in Russia. You only think people have negative feelings towards drones now! :p
If someone manages to net my drone while I am legally above their property, I will be politely knocking at their door and asking for it back. In the event there is any damage, I will politely ask for the costs to be covered for their negligence.

If (when) they decline, I will serve them a summons to court, along with filing a destruction of property claim with the local PD. They can throw whatever temper tantrum they want, but I'll win, and it'll be costly for them. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean you get to make up the rules as you go. If you double park in my driveway, it doesn't give me the right to take a baseball bat to your car. And before you cite something like a castle doctrine and that you were "in fear of grave bodily harm", good luck proving that. My burden in civil court isn't proving ANYTHING beyond a reasonable doubt... it's simply a preponderance of the evidence, and if someone has a setup sophisticated enough to bring down my drone at 400ft, they're going to have a heckuva time convincing a judge they were in fear.

The nice thing about our courts is that they (by and large) don't crumble to fear in face of the law. If you illegally damage my drone, I will make you suffer for doing it.

Unless of course, you make me your "friend" by not being a total delta bravo when I show up at your house to recoup my drone (and have you repair any damage you did to it)... which I don't find likely. So basically what I'm saying is: get ready for an expensive legal defense (that you will lose) unless you plan on folding like a cheap suit after you damage my property. It might make for a cool "look at what I did" post on the internets, but it'll be far more fun for me, I promise ;-).
There are many ways to bring a quad down if its low enough to the ground and flying slow or stationary. To include but not entirely limited to:

Sling Shot
BB Gun
Air Rifle
Coat Hanger
Beer Can (full)
Duffel Bag
Stray cat
Archimedes Heat Ray
Super Soaker
an Ex wife (brings it down financially)

Garden hose is likely good too.

You'd have to be a much better athlete than me to have a good chance hitting a mavic with a beer can or rock.

I also don't really see the difference between using an air rifle and a shotgun as long as it's safe and legal to discharge firearms.

A stray cat is perhaps the second best method.
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If someone manages to net my drone while I am legally above their property, I will be politely knocking at their door and asking for it back. In the event there is any damage, I will politely ask for the costs to be covered for their negligence.

If (when) they decline, I will serve them a summons to court, along with filing a destruction of property claim with the local PD. They can throw whatever temper tantrum they want, but I'll win, and it'll be costly for them. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean you get to make up the rules as you go. If you double park in my driveway, it doesn't give me the right to take a baseball bat to your car. And before you cite something like a castle doctrine and that you were "in fear of grave bodily harm", good luck proving that. My burden in civil court isn't proving ANYTHING beyond a reasonable doubt... it's simply a preponderance of the evidence, and if someone has a setup sophisticated enough to bring down my drone at 400ft, they're going to have a heckuva time convincing a judge they were in fear.

The nice thing about our courts is that they (by and large) don't crumble to fear in face of the law. If you illegally damage my drone, I will make you suffer for doing it.

Unless of course, you make me your "friend" by not being a total delta bravo when I show up at your house to recoup my drone (and have you repair any damage you did to it)... which I don't find likely. So basically what I'm saying is: get ready for an expensive legal defense (that you will lose) unless you plan on folding like a cheap suit after you damage my property. It might make for a cool "look at what I did" post on the internets, but it'll be far more fun for me, I promise ;-).

If you are in my backyard with a drone and close enough that I can throw a net or hit it with a garden hose, you deserve any damage that happens.
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If someone manages to net my drone while I am legally above their property, I will be politely knocking at their door and asking for it back. In the event there is any damage, I will politely ask for the costs to be covered for their negligence.

If (when) they decline, I will serve them a summons to court, along with filing a destruction of property claim with the local PD. They can throw whatever temper tantrum they want, but I'll win, and it'll be costly for them. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean you get to make up the rules as you go. If you double park in my driveway, it doesn't give me the right to take a baseball bat to your car. And before you cite something like a castle doctrine and that you were "in fear of grave bodily harm", good luck proving that. My burden in civil court isn't proving ANYTHING beyond a reasonable doubt... it's simply a preponderance of the evidence, and if someone has a setup sophisticated enough to bring down my drone at 400ft, they're going to have a heckuva time convincing a judge they were in fear.

The nice thing about our courts is that they (by and large) don't crumble to fear in face of the law. If you illegally damage my drone, I will make you suffer for doing it.

Unless of course, you make me your "friend" by not being a total delta bravo when I show up at your house to recoup my drone (and have you repair any damage you did to it)... which I don't find likely. So basically what I'm saying is: get ready for an expensive legal defense (that you will lose) unless you plan on folding like a cheap suit after you damage my property. It might make for a cool "look at what I did" post on the internets, but it'll be far more fun for me, I promise ;-).

This is a bunch of, to speak your language, Bravo Sierra. It will cost you more money than a new drone would cost. Even if you are able to recoup lawyers' fees, you'll be out that money for years.

Better idea: Take them to Judge Judy!
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