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Bad idea to buy Mavic 3 classic in 2024?


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2020
Seeing this drone came out in Nov 2022, is it a bad idea to buy it in 2024? Or should I wait for Mavic 4 classic with RC3 and OS 4?

Tempted because Best Buy has the Classic on for $480CAD off the bundle with RC.
IMO that's not a big enough discount at this point. I have no idea if there will be a Classic version for the next iteration but personally I would wait a little bit longer for a Mavic 4 since we know O4 is on the table.
Seeing this drone came out in Nov 2022, is it a bad idea to buy it in 2024?
It's a very good drone now and will still be a very good drone in 3 year's time.
If it does what you want/need, it would be a good buy.
Or should I wait for Mavic 4 classic with RC3 and OS 4?
It's pointless waiting for something when you have no idea when or if it will be available.
IMO that's not a big enough discount at this point. I have no idea if there will be a Classic version for the next iteration but personally I would wait a little bit longer for a Mavic 4 since we know O4 is on the table.

Would you consider the Mavic 3 Classic to be old and dated tech at this point? I’d hate to buy one and then Mavic 4 comes out for the same price later this year.
It's a very good drone now and will still be a very good drone in 3 year's time.
If it does what you want/need, it would be a good buy.

It's pointless waiting for something when you have no idea when or if it will be available.

But the drone is what, 1.5 years old now? How often does DJI come out with new Mavics?
Would you consider the Mavic 3 Classic to be old and dated tech at this point? I’d hate to buy one and then Mavic 4 comes out for the same price later this year.
No by no means is it dated tech but at that point I think it deserves a bigger discount. I share your concerns you don't want to buy it only to find newer drone at close to same price. We're pretty good here, yes we have little idea but that's much better than no idea. It's 2024 and there is much data around to make an educated guess and an informed risk. I can assure you there is a 04 flagship Mavic coming from DJI shortly since they are not interested in stranding their best customers on O3 waiting for US sanctions and possible bans.
No by no means is it dated tech but at that point I think it deserves a bigger discount. I share your concerns you don't want to buy it only to find newer drone at close to same price. We're pretty good here, yes we have little idea but that's much better than no idea. It's 2024 and there is much data around to make an educated guess and an informed risk. I can assure you there is a 04 flagship Mavic coming from DJI shortly since they are not interested in stranding their best customers on O3 waiting for US sanctions and possible bans.

Thanks. Is the improvements in O4 that much better to O3? I have a feeling that Mavic 4 is coming this year. What months does DJI usually announce upcoming drone models?
Seeing this drone came out in Nov 2022, is it a bad idea to buy it in 2024? Or should I wait for Mavic 4 classic with RC3 and OS 4?

Tempted because Best Buy has the Classic on for $480CAD off the bundle with RC.
If the Mavic 4 comes out... why not wait until the Mavic 5, Mavic 6? It's the same play over and over again. There is always new tech on the horizon... and if you wait until then, you have lost what is available now. If the Mavic 3 does what you need it to do now.. and I don't know if the benefits oc3 vs oc4 is even a major benefit... then get the Mavic 3 at the discounted price.
Would you consider the Mavic 3 Classic to be old and dated tech at this point? I’d hate to buy one and then Mavic 4 comes out for the same price later this year.
No, it's not old and dated at all.
You are assuming that a Mavic 4 would have significantly advanced features that
But the drone is what, 1.5 years old now? How often does DJI come out with new Mavics?
There is no pattern or timetable.
It could come out next month, next year or maybe never.
Thanks. Is the improvements in O4 that much better to O3?
O3 is already very, very good.
You'd probably not be able to see any difference that matters.
I have a feeling that Mavic 4 is coming this year.
Forget your feelings ... they are based on what?
What months does DJI usually announce upcoming drone models?
There is no timetable.

Does the Mavic 3 do what you want or need?
If it does, then it's a good buy.
If another model turns up that has something additional that you need, sell the Mavic 3 and go for the new one.

But it's not guaranteed that a new Mavic would have improvements significant enough to get the newer one.
Drone technology has matured and improvements are incremental nowdays just like cars.
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Thanks. Is the improvements in O4 that much better to O3? I have a feeling that Mavic 4 is coming this year. What months does DJI usually announce upcoming drone models?
Different folks have different needs; for me personally there's no way I'd buy the M3 Classic even at 25% off. Not sure about it but I took it that you would like to get a new drone but you did NOT need one "right now" which means you have the luxury to wait and make choices that others don't get to have that luxury of time. This internet is a big help so you can make an informed choice so you have an advantage over people who just buy whatever is front of their nose just because they can't see anything wrong it and believe the future is so unpredictable that it is "irrelevant."

For me, O3 equipment is no longer an option; I'm making the cut over NOW. Not because of the "performance stats" but because I plan to purchase only O4 equipment going forward and will try not to maintain two sets of remotes, goggles, smart controllers, etc. I'm trying to plan and manage my purchases but I understand everyone is not up to the task since it has some risks; sorry that's all I can offer. ;)
Different folks have different needs; for me personally there's no way I'd buy the M3 Classic even at 25% off. Not sure about it but I took it that you would like to get a new drone but you did NOT need one "right now" which means you have the luxury to wait and make choices that others don't get to have that luxury of time. This internet is a big help so you can make an informed choice so you have an advantage over people who just buy whatever is front of their nose just because they can't see anything wrong it and believe the future is so unpredictable that it is "irrelevant."

For me, O3 equipment is no longer an option; I'm making the cut over NOW. Not because of the "performance stats" but because I plan to purchase only O4 equipment going forward and will try not to maintain two sets of remotes, goggles, smart controllers, etc. I'm trying to plan and manage my purchases but I understand everyone is not up to the task since it has some risks; sorry that's all I can offer. ;)
There is a major difference between wanting and needing. Wanting allows you to wait for the "right moment", if there is such thing at all. Needing compells you to act. There is not right or wrong way to do these things but both have consequences, positive and negative. Only you can decide which one is the right one for you.
If the Mavic 4 comes out... why not wait until the Mavic 5, Mavic 6? It's the same play over and over again. There is always new tech on the horizon... and if you wait until then, you have lost what is available now. If the Mavic 3 does what you need it to do now.. and I don't know if the benefits oc3 vs oc4 is even a major benefit... then get the Mavic 3 at the discounted price.

Well drones is a different type of purchase than other stuff we buy because we need it. Because most people (including myself) don't use drones all that much compared to something you would use on a daily basis. Especially in the winter here, it's so cold and ugly outside that I pretty much never use it in the 5 month winters. So for me i only use it certain times of the year and can often so several months without even using it due to just weather alone.
No, it's not old and dated at all.
You are assuming that a Mavic 4 would have significantly advanced features that

There is no pattern or timetable.
It could come out next month, next year or maybe never.

O3 is already very, very good.
You'd probably not be able to see any difference that matters.

Forget your feelings ... they are based on what?

There is no timetable.

Does the Mavic 3 do what you want or need?
If it does, then it's a good buy.
If another model turns up that has something additional that you need, sell the Mavic 3 and go for the new one.

But it's not guaranteed that a new Mavic would have improvements significant enough to get the newer one.
Drone technology has matured and improvements are incremental nowdays just like cars.

The Mavic 3 classic definitely does what I need. But I usually don't buy something this far into it's product cycle. For instance, the Air 2, I bought 7 months after it came out. And the Air 2S I bought the month it came out.
Different folks have different needs; for me personally there's no way I'd buy the M3 Classic even at 25% off. Not sure about it but I took it that you would like to get a new drone but you did NOT need one "right now" which means you have the luxury to wait and make choices that others don't get to have that luxury of time. This internet is a big help so you can make an informed choice so you have an advantage over people who just buy whatever is front of their nose just because they can't see anything wrong it and believe the future is so unpredictable that it is "irrelevant."

For me, O3 equipment is no longer an option; I'm making the cut over NOW. Not because of the "performance stats" but because I plan to purchase only O4 equipment going forward and will try not to maintain two sets of remotes, goggles, smart controllers, etc. I'm trying to plan and manage my purchases but I understand everyone is not up to the task since it has some risks; sorry that's all I can offer. ;)

I feel the same way. I'm just 50/50 on the fence on buying a product this expensive so long into it's product cycle. If it was cheaper, then it wouldn't be a difficult decisiion. But even with the $480CAD off or so at my Best Buy, it's still a $2000CAD product once I factor in tax, a hard case, and a couple other small accessories i would need for it. I definitely do not need a new drone, it's purely a want. The current discount was mainly what enticed me, if it wasn't for that I wouldn't even consider it at full price. I figured that $480CAD was quite the savings.
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Seeing this drone came out in Nov 2022, is it a bad idea to buy it in 2024? Or should I wait for Mavic 4 classic with RC3 and OS 4?

Tempted because Best Buy has the Classic on for $480CAD off the bundle with RC.
Bobby, I feel there are a majority of drone pilots out there flying the Air 2S which was introduced April 2021 and are getting all they want and more from this 3 year old drone. What is it that you want from the latest drones? I feel that no matter how many bells and whistles, flying proficiency is the best option / skill in droning.

It’s very easy to get caught up in the upgrade hype, and I admit I have. But, what I see on this forum are some excellent video and photo entries that are shot on Mini 2’s versus the bigger, more advanced drones. I’m still in awe of the drone technology and all the constant upgrades…these ongoing upgrades are always and forever will be enticing to the consumer…me 😂

BTW…the Classic is a worthy drone which has many years of excellent flying ahead. ✅

🇨🇦👍 Safe & Happy Flying
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Bobby, I feel there are a majority of drone pilots out there flying the Air 2S which was introduced April 2021 and are getting all they want and more from this 3 year old drone. What is it that you want from the latest drones? I feel that no matter how many bells and whistles, flying proficiency is the best option / skill in droning.

It’s very easy to get caught up in the upgrade hype, and I admit I have. But, what I see on this forum are some excellent video and photo entries that are shot on Mini 2’s versus the bigger, more advanced drones. I’m still in awe of the drone technology and all the constant upgrades…these ongoing upgrades are always and forever will be enticing to the consumer…me 😂

BTW…the Classic is a worthy drone which has many years of excellent flying ahead. ✅

🇨🇦👍 Safe & Happy Flying

I had the Air 2S but sold it 3 days ago because I was given an offer that I couldn't resist. It was too good to pass up. I had it for 3 years. If it wasn't for receiving such a good offer, I would have kept it. So it made my cost of ownership in those 3 years pretty low. I really enjoyed the Air 2S but honestly there were some shortcomings that annoyed me.

I like the bigger sensor on the Mavic 3 Classic and the camera is just flat out better than the Air 2S camera. Also love the adjustable aperture on the Mavic 3. When I first bought the Air 2S, I thought I could live without adjustable aperture but there were times when I used the drone and wished I had an adjustable aperture. The Air 2S camera was good but the Mavic 3 Classic is a noticeable upgrade.

But also the longer flight time and being able to stay in the air for 50% longer is another big appeal to me. I didnt think the battery life on the Air 2S was that good. It felt as soon as I got flying, I would have to land not longer after just to swap batteries. Landing just to swap batteries out was very annoying especially if I was in a location where it was difficult to land and take off.

I would rather have a seamless experience with longer flights. Better wind resistance too. I wish the Air 2S had a bit better wind resistance. It was pretty good but on super windy days it made the drone unusable and it lacked power when it was super windy. And being in a location where weather can often be really windy, I would like a heavier and bigger drone to handle the stronger winds. So having a drone that is heavier, bigger, stronger and can handle a bigger spectrum of wind and weather changes, the Mavic 3 would be more usable in my location.

Now having been a victim of this previously. In Dec 2020 I bought a brand new Air 2 at full retail price. Only to then have the Air 2S come out 4 months later. I was not impressed but I ended up selling my Air 2 at a $700CAD loss to upgrade to the Air 2S mainly for the 1" sensor. I really wanted the 1" sensor so I just bit the bullet and took the loss. Had I known the Air 2S was right around the corner, I would not have bothered to buy the Air 2. So I just don't want this happening again.
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It's a very good drone now and will still be a very good drone in 3 year's time.
If it does what you want/need, it would be a good buy.

It's pointless waiting for something when you have no idea when or if it will be available.
Good point. It is like waiting to win the lottery!
I'm looking at a Mavic 3 Classic as DJI keeps dropping the price on it and seems like a good deal now. Yes, I know it's a year and half old now. Device age doesn't bother me as long as the tool (in this case, the drone) is doing the job for me. Are people happy with their copy?

Main reasons for upgrading:
-Larger, more wind resistant drone. I like to film cloud features from approaching thunderstorms and the Minis struggle with outflow wind.
- 4/3" image sensor should provide great photos and videos, not that I'm unhappy with what I am getting out of the Mini drones. Down sampling of 5.1K video should provide superior 4K video.
-Variable aperture for flying on sunny days where stopping down the aperture might be beneficial for proper exposure.
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I'm looking at a Mavic 3 Classic as DJI keeps dropping the price on it and seems like a good deal now. Yes, I know it's a year and half old now. Device age doesn't bother me as long as the tool (in this case, the drone) is doing the job for me. Are people happy with their copy?

Main reasons for upgrading:
-Larger, more wind resistant drone. I like to film cloud features from approaching thunderstorms and the Minis struggle with outflow wind.
- 4/3" image sensor should provide great photos and videos, not that I'm unhappy with what I am getting out of the Mini drones. Down sampling of 5.1K video should provide superior 4K video.
-Variable aperture for flying on sunny days where stopping down the aperture might be beneficial for proper exposure.
As an old photographer since 1952, I bought the Classic, because of one word.....HASSELBLAD. Hasselblad is one of the world's best camera manufactures... Think cameras for all the space missions........
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