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Battery problem-hairline cracks!


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2016
Hey, anyone seeing hairline cracks in any of their batteries? Just took a look at one of mine and I first thought it may be scratches from the props rubbing on it while folded, but they are actually hairline cracks! And it appears to have been caused by the battery bulging!

I was one of the earlier Fly More package recipients. Will let you know what I find out from DJI...



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Sure is, particularly for a guy who went through two Samsung Galaxy Note 7 recalls!

Some who have read some of my posts may notice I've taken some video footage below 32 degrees. But just to be clear, this particular battery was not used for those flights. I believe this is a completely unrelated issue. I've seen someone post on the DJI forum about a very similar problem.

Definately not charging or flying with this one again!


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Sure is, particularly for a guy who went through two Samsung Galaxy Note 7 recalls!

Some who have read some of my posts may notice I've taken some video footage below 32 degrees. But just to be clear, this particular battery was not used for those flights. I believe this is a completely unrelated issue. I've seen someone post on the DJI forum about a very similar problem.

Definately not charging or flying with this one again!


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You're going to contact Dji right?
Yea man! Me too! My first of my four batteries, it has sort of waves and hairline cracks in the same area as yours. My mavic also has a few small spots that look like bulges, and perhaps the start of a crack.
You are the first report I've seen of this besides my own. DJI told me to send it back in, no way. It seems to be fine, just bad plastic from extreme temp changes maybe ? My other three batteries are fine so far.

EDIT: I've never crashed this drone, not so much as even hitting a twig with the propellers. Zero contact with anything.
Yea man! Me too! My first of my four batteries, it has sort of waves and hairline cracks in the same area as yours. My mavic also has a few small spots that look like bulges, and perhaps the start of a crack.
You are the first report I've seen of this besides my own. DJI told me to send it back in, no way. It seems to be fine, just bad plastic from extreme temp changes maybe ? My other three batteries are fine so far.

EDIT: I've never crashed this drone, not so much as even hitting a twig with the propellers. Zero contact with anything.

I've never crashed mine either and this one hasn't seen cold temperatures. I'm pretty methodical about rotating my batteries after use and this one was not used in overly hot or cold temps. I'm not going to risk it, particularly with a flight coming up in a few months. Too risky with lipro batteries. I would exchange yours if I were you.

I have the exact same problem with my original battery in the basic package. What did you find out from DJI?
Any confidence that they'll have actually addressed the problem? The cracks expand quite a bit when pressing on the retention buttons...Makes me think it's a design flaw...
just posted the same issue i did have a light crash but not hard enough to cause cracks
I hope they used a different battery manufacturer than Samsung did
Got the replacement today. Had to take a number of pictures to prove the problem, then they shipped the new one and didn't want the old one back.

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Same problem here, only with the original battery. Obvious 'waves' from bulging but no cracks yet. Flymore packed batteries and an extra I bought are totally fine.
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