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Close call with a goose.

I read an excellent study on flying around birds and how not to bother them. Seems they are bothered a lot more from angle of approach, I've found this true. Trying to avoid flying directly overheard and using an appropriate approach angle seems to make a big difference in leaving them undisturbed.
Here's the study if you haven't seen already:
Approaching birds with drones: first experiments and ethical guidelines
Yeah.. and stop scaring the wildlife by flying so close and over them. Is it really necessary? This is why drone laws become more and more restrictive. I get It, its a goose, it probably just went that's loud, I'm out of here..... next time you will be flying over someone's horse... The horse won't like It, and you won't like what the owner will do to you.
Concerned about annoying a goose? Ok Falicia...
Really? Seriously? With the drone laws everybody sounds like a broken record when saying that..... it's so old .... oh really? Is that why drones are going to get banned seriously? ....Stop talking to him like he's 5. You didn't need to make this post at all ....he said in his first post lesson learned go somewhere with your negative attitude
Did you watch the video? It wasn't a I was flying here and opps. Came across the bird.. this was bird in plain sight and fly over it intentionally. I would not say anything if the thing was hiding behind a tree and then popped out of nowhere, the issue is that they set up the shot to fly OVER the bird. Does anyone really need to guess what the bird will do? So why do it?

The point I was making, is that for every action that is seen like that that there is wilful negligence, it is perceived as negative. Same as those idiots flying at or near airports. But is that ok too because You don't intend on hitting a plane?

Did he learn a lesson? No. That comment makes sense if the bird came out if nowhere, oh I learned my lesson, I should t fly near birds they can be hiding anywhere....... That is reasonable and would be accepted, BUT you can see how this was flying to the bird and over it, that's not a lesson learned, that's just stupid to do. It was intentional. That's the point.
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Areial Gopher why you got to be like that, I eat those things and don't mind seeing them chased off, your a lover call them home.
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