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Control app with custom regular grid map overlay


Active Member
Mar 1, 2023
Squamish, Canada
Hi, I use a Mavic Pro and Air 2S for mapping glaciers and their surroundings. I've used Litchi and Drone Deploy but very often I find myself flying the surveys manually for multiple reasons (weather conditions force me to prioritize some areas and fly in sport mode, valley walls are too steep and my planned flight could crash into them, decided to survey an area when already on the field, the glacier has changed from the satellite imagery used for planning, etc.).
What I have been doing is to start filing to one side the distance I want as spacing between my flight lines (to have a scale, as most apps don't even have a scale on the map), and then keeping "by eye" that same spacing between my lines as I fly.
In this scenario, it would be very helpful to just have a generic grid overlay on the map, ideally one where the distance between lines can be adjusted. In this way, it would be much easier to manually fly regularly spaced flight lines.
Do you know any control app with such a grid overlay?
Alternatively, an app that allows me to load a GPX or KML/KMZ file and display it on the map as I fly would be great, so I can load that way the grid or a reference flight path. In some cases, this would be even better than just the grid.

I just realized that Dronelink allows importing vector KMZ files as map layers, that would do the trick, but is a very expensive app ($100 to have that feature available). Any ideas on how to do this on a free or cheaper control app?
I just realized that Dronelink allows importing vector KMZ files as map layers, that would do the trick, but is a very expensive app ($100 to have that feature available). Any ideas on how to do this on a free or cheaper control app?
That's a good one. Thanks.
I just tested it and it only allows to import areas, which are used as the bounds of the automated flight plan. Not ideal, but it definitely is an improvement over what I was doing. I have to check still how does DroneDeploy works for manual flying.
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