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Crazy Neighbor and my Drone

I really appreciate the fast replies that I have received so far. Just based on what I have read, my wife and I agree to stay clear of the neighbor and document anything that is happening. If he shows up at my door again I will tell him to get off the property and don't come back I may consider calling the police at that time. Yes I all ready do have a CCTV installed and it works very well Any further comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank You Mr Mint
As a long career'd professional photographer I have had many instances where someone got in my face upset that I had photographed them. Almost every time I didn't have my camera pointed anywhere near them but a flash going off convinced them they were the target. I can't explain that level of paranoia. It sounds like your neighbor has the same issue and is convinced just because he heard a drone that it was intrusively spying on his kids. I get it. Today parents-grandparents have to be careful. And because of that it's fair to be sensitive about his concerns. IF he should come back offer to fly the drone with him watching and show him how it works and what you can see. I've found enlisting people, giving them a feeling of ownership or power in the situation often helps. But of course there are always some folks who just can't give in, who can't 'hear' you over the noise in their head. For those just back away cautiously.
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Out in the country eh? I live out the in the country as well - my advice? Steer clear of his property ... don't get shot.
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Get yourself a RING doorbell and keep him in the viewfinder if he comes back....just smile and don't say a will drive him crazy, let him blow off the steam and if he gets out of have the incident recorded and available for your purposes
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The Investigation Channel (ID) on cable has a show called "Fear Thy Neighbor". Most episodes end badly. The police are always called, its a he said/she said, sometimes cameras are used as evidence, but mostly, the guy with the gun ends up going to prison, and always, both families are destroyed.
The potential for conflict resolution exists, but seems to elude both parties.
There are neighbors who get into peoples faces given any perceived injustice, imagined or real. Mostly, it happens when they are seen with a beer in their hand, go figure.
When crazy knocks on my door, (it has happened), the police are notified. There is a RING doorbell that captures movement.
My drone experiences with the public, so far, have always been positive. When reading up on the local, state and federal ordinances, new restrictions are learned that were unknown before. In McAlester, Oklahoma, there is a "fence law" that states its illegal to fly above a property if the property has a fence. (A few years back anyway, maybe its changed now).
Anyway, good luck, stay safe.
In McAlester, Oklahoma, there is a "fence law" that states its illegal to fly above a property if the property has a fence.
I wonder how many pilots and passenger/cargo carriers could be brought up on charges for that one.

A dumb and unenforceable piece of legislation.
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This is not about if you were over his property. This is about his kids and there fore you have to bow out .

You got 3 other directions and 400 ft to play with , what he cannot see cannot hurt him.
Gear to fly in the Rain
He surely has mysterious motive to take the time and effort to not only follow the drone flying @ 200' to its origin, but to confront you as well. I'd be curious about what he is trying to hide/protect besides swimming pool activity. Dead bodies buried on his property???

Whatever the roots of his paranoia are, I'd also stay away. Sounds like a crazed neighbor similar to the one I have that has shot many dogs that strayed onto his property.
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I'd let it go. You weren't doing anything wrong so your neighbor can complain all he wants. Going to his door to prove a point will just inflame the situation and you can never tell where someone's head is at these days. It could quickly turn from him being vocal to him being physical. Steer clear of his property and document any future encounters in case you need to get the law involved.
I think that’s the best council as well. Nobody wants to walk out of their house and feel discomfort seeing a neighbor over something that could have been resolved like gentleman. From a distance it sounds like he might be chronically irate. I figure why go down the bear cave knowing a bear is there. He’s obviously angry and seemingly taken a stand on “his truth”. I hate moving mountains verbally. Never seemingly works well. Aversion and pretend it’s no issue. You’ve done nothing wrong as far as I hear. If anything erupts … ab order of protection should be considered unfortunately (if you get seriously harassed.) Truly a shame. Godspeed
After reading all of these wonderful postings, I see that some people feel that my problems may not be over with. I see from some people that it might be suggested to attend future town meetings as well as maybe seeking ,as I see it, some advice from the local police force Any further comments ? Thank you very much Mr Mint
I’m thinking that at the very least based on the reasonable concern in dealing with this that you should be in attendance at the next two town meetings. I might look to have the floor. Even in response as your statement and actions today won’t necessarily be as clear as they might be tomorrow. Not unlike putting this out for the forum opinion. I would also tape the meeting. You might want to have your wife accompany you as well. Godspeed. After potentially finding that this might be an isolated event for reasons unknown you can stop thinking about this dude. What gnaws at me is he approached you seemingly aggressively at your door. Not good. ?
Flying over his house is an activity over which the FAA has sole is not a police if he comes to your house and gets abusive and threatening...that is a separate matter under the local police department's jurisdiction...iI don't think the cops even have any idea that flight logs exist...if it gets to the FAA...send them what they want...meantime ...get that RING doorbell...if you look into them I think you will see how useful it can be...i think I paid $129 each for do not have to "turn it on"....if he ( or anyone) shows will be recorded automatically....just don't lose your cool, don't react at all......if you don't control won't be able to control the situation
While I agree with people who warn against dealing with an unreasonable person, I think I’d still make one overture to him. Explain that you’ve gone over your flight records (he probably has no idea that they even exist) and show him the graphics. We’re you even flying on the day in question? If not then it’s over. Maybe even offer your cell phone number so he can call you if he sees a drone and you can explain that you are not flying or where you are flying. I think it would be better to head it off early rather than having every possible drone sighting drive him into rage. Let him be angry at someone else’s drone but not at you.
I personally wouldn’t offer him my telephone number. And as I read the balance of the posts I find myself getting P.O’d. I’m almost ready to suggest purchasing a taser to defend yourself. Sorta. ?? NY is in the house? Godspeed. Lol
So my plans at this point is to just leave things alone. I will not contact this neighbor in any way and if he approaches me again I will inform him that he is trespassing. I will phone the police if necessary. In the meantime I am documenting every event that takes place with anybody that gives me a hard time. I also plan to keep away from the neighbor and to fly within 400 feet altitude It is too bad that life can be tough. It spoils the fun of it all by flying a drone. I am sure that there are better days ahead and I am learning a lot from this neighbor problem. I wonder what the neighbor will do if there comes a time when there might be another drone flyer in the village. Anyways I am chilling out at the moment but I will fly again but cautiously. Thanks to everyone that has posted ads to this thread. So are there any other comments ? Thanks Mr Mint
Mr Mint. You seem like very cool people and would love to have you as MY neighbor. You are concerned and considerate. You’ve put a lot of emotional energy into this and I’d be spinning my wheels over it as well. Don’t rent this guy any space in your brain. In the end I trust it will all work out. You have a very reasonable way of dealing with it. There are many ways to deal with it. What you’re doing sits with you and the wife well. So be it. I don’t believe in miracles. I count on them! Lol. Godspeed
With regards to the last posting I have to say that I do live in a small village in the country located in Ontario Canada. Yes I am going to be prepared for my next visit, if he returns and the only thing I will say to him is get off my property, I now document everything and I keep logs of all my flights I will fly to 400 feet high from the home point and keep my fingers crossed I am sure that there are better days ahead, Thanks for the many comments. Any other comments? Thanks Mr Mint
If your in need of red polymer jacketed chunk of Semtex….
Wow, I am really amazed at the amount of experience that all of you drone pilots have when it comes to the public. People that do not fly a drone don't really understand what a drone and the laws are all about. Now I will give you people one more comment that my crazy neighbor told me that I wanted to start to laugh but this guy was serious. He said to me during his discussion that he had controlled air space around the perimeter of his property up to a height of 50 meters and that I could not fly through that controlled air space. I could not believe what he was saying to me I corrected him on that comment and he slammed me down verbally for not believing him That was when I know I was dealing with some kind of nut case. I hope that if he ever does call the police on me, I think that the cops might suspect that this guy is a nut case. Anyways, I stay clear of his property and I fly high. What a world we live in.
I want to thank you people that have made your comments to me and I really do appreciate the advice. Are there any more comments ? Than You Mr Mint (Air 2s)
If he owns any airspace, it’s hot air.
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I am so happy to see such a large response to my original posting. I am learning a lot from all of you people. I see that I am not alone regarding drone pilots and the common public. I have the feeling that there are a lot of people that hate drones. I find that drone pilots in general have to remain calm and avoid trouble makers when possible. It is such a great hobby and some people just don't see it that way. Better days ahead. Any further comments Thank You Mr Mint
Flying over his house is an activity over which the FAA has sole is not a police if he comes to your house and gets abusive and threatening...that is a separate matter under the local police department's jurisdiction...iI don't think the cops even have any idea that flight logs exist...if it gets to the FAA...send them what they want...meantime ...get that RING doorbell...if you look into them I think you will see how useful it can be...i think I paid $129 each for do not have to "turn it on"....if he ( or anyone) shows will be recorded automatically....just don't lose your cool, don't react at all......if you don't control won't be able to control the situation
Great idea. Especially if the wife is home alone at points. I have it solely watching my jeep lol. They work.
I personally wouldn’t offer him my telephone number. And as I read the balance of the posts I find myself getting P.O’d. I’m almost ready to suggest purchasing a taser to defend yourself. Sorta. ?? NY is in the house? Godspeed. Lol
Taser, really??
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I was recently approached by one of my neighbors that lives about 1000 feet away from me just down the road. He came to my front door and told me to stop flying over the top of his house. I don't know this person so I am dealing with a perfect stranger. I just want to mention that we live in the country and there are open fields both in front and back of my house. I usually fly in the front field with no problems. He informs me that I was looking at his kids in their back yard swimming pool at his house. If I don't stop flying over his house he will call the police.
I told him that I have not been do such thing but I would check my flight logs to be sure. I did check my logs and sure enough I had not even once come near his property. I told him that I am flying legally and then asked him to leave. He was quite an aggressive neighbor. My wife says to me that I should go and see him at his door and inform him that I have not flown over the top of his house but I think that I just don't want to get into another war. He never did call the police but I was ready with my flight logs if need be What would you do. Go see the neighbor with the flight logs or leave things alone. Any advice or opinion would be appreciated. Thank You Mr Mint

Let it go.
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