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Crazy Neighbor and my Drone

I see that some people have different points of views regarding my crazy neighbor and going to the police. I am not going to the police for now but I have documented everything that was said to me the other day and will continue to keep documented records moving forward. I think I will also fly at an altitude of 375 feet in order to reduce visibility from the ground. It will be much safer that way. I am not sure about the idea of posting photos or video on social media This would show how clear the videos and photos are and maybe make people more stressed about the abilities of what this Air 2s can do Any further comments. I really appreciate the comments that I am getting on this subject Thanks Mr Mint
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I would carry on as usual, you did nothing wrong and you DO NOT have to prove it by coming up with flight logs which basically do nothing anyway. If he shows up at your door again, call the cops if you want, or just do what is necessary to get him off your property.
I agree. While you don't have to exacerbate or escalate the situation with what you say, he/they can call the cops, FAA, whomever he likes. You did nothing wrong and don't have to prove anything to anyone. I would not share anything with anyone except authorities if the need arose, but if I were to tell the neighbor anything I would tell him that you're sorry, but he is mistaken and you have obeyed all the rules, laws and ordinances and respected privacies in your flights and would be happy to show your records authorities if need be. Keep in mind the one thing that we have to recognize when dealing with such situations:
"YOU CAN'T REASON WITH UNREASONABLE PEOPLE". It is beyond sad today that people show up with an agenda looking for facts as we as a society we have devolved into assuming guilt by accusation. As a generally good person looking to do the right thing, we the accused, too often emotionally buy into unfounded accusation thinking "Did I do something wrong?" when you know you were 100% in the clear. Don't get sucked into that. Don't contribute to the nonsense because you they're already hunting for your head simply because you fly a drone as it "looks dangerous". "First the execution, then the trial".
I really like the posting above where in bold print he says You can't reason with unreasonable people" This makes good sense to me. I also agree that people sometimes think that when they see a drone they assume that it is dangerous We sure live in a crazy world Any further comments I really value the postings in this thread and appreciated it so much.
Thanks again an look forward to any other comments Mr Mint
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This happened to me with flying directly over my house taking long hyperlapses but for me they did it on nextdoor publicly. I calmly explained what I was doing, the legality of it, and then did an outreach for people that wanted to see in their gutters for free. Long story short, I still fly over my house but I don't move much farther in the direct of that neighbors pool (I fly behind my house the most)

Just remember, neighbors live there and unless your gona move its better to take the best road within reason to try to help de escalate the situation.
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I was recently approached by one of my neighbors that lives about 1000 feet away from me just down the road. He came to my front door and told me to stop flying over the top of his house. I don't know this person so I am dealing with a perfect stranger. I just want to mention that we live in the country and there are open fields both in front and back of my house. I usually fly in the front field with no problems. He informs me that I was looking at his kids in their back yard swimming pool at his house. If I don't stop flying over his house he will call the police.
I told him that I have not been do such thing but I would check my flight logs to be sure. I did check my logs and sure enough I had not even once come near his property. I told him that I am flying legally and then asked him to leave. He was quite an aggressive neighbor. My wife says to me that I should go and see him at his door and inform him that I have not flown over the top of his house but I think that I just don't want to get into another war. He never did call the police but I was ready with my flight logs if need be What would you do. Go see the neighbor with the flight logs or leave things alone. Any advice or opinion would be appreciated. Thank You Mr Mint
I would not approach anyone unknown to me on their property.
Things can get very ugly fast…..and you are in a sense trespassing!

Let it go. You never know who you’re dealing with.
If he come to your home again, ask him to stay until they arrive when you can show him in the presence of law enforcement the flight log anc hopefully put it to rest.
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I really appreciate the fast replies that I have received so far. Just based on what I have read, my wife and I agree to stay clear of the neighbor and document anything that is happening. If he shows up at my door again I will tell him to get off the property and don't come back I may consider calling the police at that time. Yes I all ready do have a CCTV installed and it works very well Any further comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank You Mr Mint
You've done everything really you can do, other than file a police report. But, as everyone had stated - just let this one pass. Try not to antagonize the people by flying in their direction as much as possible.

If he should come back and your wife is home too - have her call 5/0 while you discuss the issues with your neighbor - if your so inclined. If they are close, they may make it there in time to witness the incident and let him know he needs to go home and chill out. With the call and 5/0 possibly showing up - it may be enough in the future for a protective order - if it escalates that far. Also make a copy of the CCTV / security camera footage of any / all incidents for future use as well.

Sadly - we all will encounter such people. They believe the lies / half-truths / full blown out proportion stories of "rogue" drone pilots flying over their homes, surveilling them, and their families.
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Just to illustrate the area I was flying over that seemed to get the neighbor's attention, see image below. I was flying straight out to the mountain from an elevated launch point. Do you see anything that should cause LEGITIMATE concern??? But hey... it's Vermont. If you know the state nothing more need be said.

I don't like helicopters over my house but I cant do anything about it. Neither can this dude. The guy sounds like a nutjob that is going to whine whenever he hears a drone. The sooner the cops tell him to shut up the better it will be for everyone, IMO.
I was flying from an oceanside parking lot and a woman walked by and said"I hate those expletive things,I don't even know what they are!"Ignorance breeds contempt.
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While I agree with people who warn against dealing with an unreasonable person, I think I’d still make one overture to him. Explain that you’ve gone over your flight records (he probably has no idea that they even exist) and show him the graphics. We’re you even flying on the day in question? If not then it’s over. Maybe even offer your cell phone number so he can call you if he sees a drone and you can explain that you are not flying or where you are flying. I think it would be better to head it off early rather than having every possible drone sighting drive him into rage. Let him be angry at someone else’s drone but not at you.
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So my plans at this point is to just leave things alone. I will not contact this neighbor in any way and if he approaches me again I will inform him that he is trespassing. I will phone the police if necessary. In the meantime I am documenting every event that takes place with anybody that gives me a hard time. I also plan to keep away from the neighbor and to fly within 400 feet altitude It is too bad that life can be tough. It spoils the fun of it all by flying a drone. I am sure that there are better days ahead and I am learning a lot from this neighbor problem. I wonder what the neighbor will do if there comes a time when there might be another drone flyer in the village. Anyways I am chilling out at the moment but I will fly again but cautiously. Thanks to everyone that has posted ads to this thread. So are there any other comments ? Thanks Mr Mint
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I was flying from an oceanside parking lot and a woman walked by and said"I hate those expletive things,I don't even know what they are! "Ignorance breeds contempt.

Political diatribe withheld. SSDD.
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If it was me, I would not approach the police as some have suggested. I would just let it go. I do understand that rumors can spread quickly in small towns. If you want to combat the idea of being know as the "Man with the Drone", I suggest you lean into it. By that I mean, post some high level drone photos on social media of your town and local points of interest. That way if you get approached, you can share the social media posts of your photographs and that will probably clam the waters and maybe even win over some sceptics.

I would normally never suggest calling the cops, but if some whackjob turns up at my front door acting all hostile and threatening to call them on me, I am going to strike first.

I'd counter the "Man with the Drone" thing by being known as the dude with the shooting range in his backyard.
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So my plans at this point is to just leave things alone. I will not contact this neighbor in any way and if he approaches me again I will inform him that he is trespassing. I will phone the police if necessary. In the meantime I am documenting every event that takes place with anybody that gives me a hard time. I also plan to keep away from the neighbor and to fly within 400 feet altitude It is too bad that life can be tough. It spoils the fun of it all by flying a drone. I am sure that there are better days ahead and I am learning a lot from this neighbor problem. I wonder what the neighbor will do if there comes a time when there might be another drone flyer in the village. Anyways I am chilling out at the moment but I will fly again but cautiously. Thanks to everyone that has posted ads to this thread. So are there any other comments ? Thanks Mr Mint

This is probably the best bet. It is hard to give advice on this situation because everyone lives in wildly varied areas. I'm glad none of my neighbors care about drones because they would definitely shoot them down like a mallard if they did.
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The copy know all about me. They have seen me flying from time to time and some of this is above their office. I first showed it to one of them that had purchased some property from me. He said the rest of them need to see this drone is it was quite impressive and the camera view was something else. I finally showed him how to operate the drone and let him fly. Since that time 3 other cops have shown up wanting to see the thing. They tell me drone operation is not even in their blue book and anything not in the book they could care less about. One of them even told me he has had complaints about the air ambulance helicopter flying over houses before. I would make myself known to the local police like I have.
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I post a lot of my drone shots on the subdivision Facebook page. I shoot the clouds, 360 panos over my house and shoot the fireworks every year. I've even gotten a drone job out of it. A lot of the people enjoy the views and anxiously await my fireworks video every year after the 4th. Some even ask for me to keep posting drone videos. Luckily, I know most of my nearby neighbors and they are starting to get educated on what drones can and cannot do. I end up shooting their house decorations at Christmas time for them.
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The problem is people see too many movies and think your drone can zoom in and see anything close up and spy on them.
I would just let it go, avoid his property and fly as high as you can to reduce the drone noise.
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I was recently approached by one of my neighbors that lives about 1000 feet away from me just down the road. He came to my front door and told me to stop flying over the top of his house. I don't know this person so I am dealing with a perfect stranger. I just want to mention that we live in the country and there are open fields both in front and back of my house. I usually fly in the front field with no problems. He informs me that I was looking at his kids in their back yard swimming pool at his house. If I don't stop flying over his house he will call the police.
I told him that I have not been do such thing but I would check my flight logs to be sure. I did check my logs and sure enough I had not even once come near his property. I told him that I am flying legally and then asked him to leave. He was quite an aggressive neighbor. My wife says to me that I should go and see him at his door and inform him that I have not flown over the top of his house but I think that I just don't want to get into another war. He never did call the police but I was ready with my flight logs if need be What would you do. Go see the neighbor with the flight logs or leave things alone. Any advice or opinion would be appreciated. Thank You Mr Mint
Well, after reading the entire thread to date, I first checked the location and see it is in Canada. If this incident were in the USA, I am sure guns would have been the subject. For a crazy person like this, you simply cannot reason with him. It is best to be prepared to defend yourself. His next visit might be more severe.

We are living in very crazy times. It is almost suicidal to give the finger to a driver who cut you off etc. In Miami, we have road rage ending in gun violence. Everyone is armed. Be prepared. As for flying your drone, just stay the heck away from anywhere near his house. The whole world is also available to fly.

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With regards to the last posting I have to say that I do live in a small village in the country located in Ontario Canada. Yes I am going to be prepared for my next visit, if he returns and the only thing I will say to him is get off my property, I now document everything and I keep logs of all my flights I will fly to 400 feet high from the home point and keep my fingers crossed I am sure that there are better days ahead, Thanks for the many comments. Any other comments? Thanks Mr Mint
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I think if it was me flying and a neighbor came over to complain like that, I'd offer to playback the whole flight - both video and photos, If he still thought the drone was too intrusive, but I was sure it was legal AND NOT intrusive I might either take a ride to the local police station to confirm they will side with you in the future, or just fly somewhere else in the interest of keeping the peace with neighbor.
Your flight log is NONE of his business!! I'd show him nothing!
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I would normally never suggest calling the cops, but if some whackjob turns up at my front door acting all hostile and threatening to call them on me, I am going to strike first.

I'd counter the "Man with the Drone" thing by being known as the dude with the shooting range in his backyard.
I have 3, one out to 300 yards!;)
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