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Debating getting a Mavic Pro / Spark / Phantom

First Drone - Mavic - Spark - Phantom??

  • Mavic

    Votes: 43 89.6%
  • Spark

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Phantom

    Votes: 4 8.3%

  • Total voters


Aug 14, 2017
I've never had a serious drone. My wife bought me a micro mini 2" drone at Christmas when I suggested a drone when she said what did I want for Christmas. (it was a Click)

But I've been thinking of taking my photography hobby airborne for sometime.

I've looked at many drones - spent too many evenings watching Youtube reviews of various drones on offer and I've come down to three options - all DJI drones.

Top of the list is Mavic Pro - the full meal deal in Canada is coming in everywhere at $1819 (DJI must dictate the price retailers can sell for). $1399 if you don't want the fly-more option. Which i think is worth the extra bit.

For about half the money, I can get the fly-more Spark (just under $1,000 CDN$). Cute but I'm primarily interested in photography and I don't think the image quality is on par? Or is it?

And also in the running is a Phantom. probably the 4 to get the avoidance feature (I'm afraid without that I'd crash into things). But the 3 can be had for $700, and for a few dollars more ($200) it can be advanced.

One thing against the Phantom is the new Canadian Drone Laws - being over a KG it would need to say 75m away, whereas the Mavic and Spark can come to 30m away from buildings, vehicles and 'the public". I think that would be a big deal. But what do i know, never flown a drone before.

Is it worth paying twice the price for the mavic so that I can get closer (30m vs 75m). The camera on the Mavic and Phantom sound similar.

And is it worth waiting for Version II - whenever that may be out?


Or do I save a bit and have a fun Spark?
No the image quality is better with the Mavic Pro. That being said,I also fly racing drones,and the Mavic is the most stable drone I've flown to date. Another plus is the size of the MP. It's small but not too small,and DJI has discovered what racing drone pilots have know for a long time. Smaller drones are effected less by the wind,giving them a wider flight envelope,less drag,and more flight time.
Say it again ....
You compare a 1" sensor shooting 4k to the mavic minuscule sensor that struggles in anything less than full sunlight?
Unless you have a degree in post processing and buy expensive software to treat the image quality of the mavic, the P4 would be my pick.
I didn't say the camera was better than the P4's camera,BUT for most users it produces the quality they like. Not everyone nit picks over every last pixel.Just like some people like the quality of the Spark pictures/video. I've never noticed my MP struggling in low light? Night Flight 3.JPG
Say it again ....
You compare a 1" sensor shooting 4k to the mavic minuscule sensor that struggles in anything less than full sunlight?
Unless you have a degree in post processing and buy expensive software to treat the image quality of the mavic, the P4 would be my pick.

I wonder about the difference in distance - as the Mavic would be shooting from 30m while the P4 (or P3) would be shooting from 75m - more than twice as far away.

I did get one recommendation from a customer in a shop who said he thought his images on his P3 from 75m were better quality images than his Mavic - but the Mavic is much easier to fly and pack about.

I do have better software and spend hours as it is processing my images taken with my DSLR's. I've invested in FX Nikon camera and glass and while I do not expect the same IQ from a drone, I don't want cell phone quality images (which is what I hear I should expect from the Spark).

I should spend some time on Flickr and other places looking at the images that the Mavic can produce.
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One huge advantage if the Mavic is it's prortability. You can just throw it in your camera bag or rucksack and take it with you "just in case" a photographic opportunity arises. The P4 needs a bag on its own and you'll only take it out when you plan a flight.

The right camera to use is the one you have with you. The P4 may have a better camera but it won't produce good results if you've left it at home.

The Mavic is also less conspicuous - which can be handy in an anti-drone environment. You can be less self conscious when flying.

As a photographer I think you'll find the spark too restrictive.
I have the same debate, however I don't even consider the Spark because I don't like the idea of using my phone as the controller, and if I want a seperate one the price becomes really close to Mavic's
The best camera you will ever have is the one in your hand in the right moment
So the first thing I is useability
And leaving you with or the mavic or spark

The mavic still a bit uncomfortable
But give you real good quality drone and camera
The spark is the smallest camera drone in the market today
If I would buy the spark I will buy the drone only it's not for high performance

I like drone flying so I still prefer the mavic only for the range of it
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I'm new to drones and the cameras so I don't have much to offer for help other than I hate the DJI Go 4 APP crashes!!!

As far as flying the drone, it is a blast!!! Unreal what it can do right up to the moment the app stops and you have to wait to get it back to "see" what you are doing. (Most of the time I just forget about pics or video and just fly blind but I understand in your case that is not what you are out to do.) The app can be restarted easy enough but such a pain to deal with. . .I wish I had bought a product that had all the flight info and "video screen" built into the RC to take "3rd party gear" out of the picture. Perhaps that would not be the answer either but seems then OEM could not use it an an "out" for issues. . .
I've never had a serious drone. My wife bought me a micro mini 2" drone at Christmas when I suggested a drone when she said what did I want for Christmas. (it was a Click)

But I've been thinking of taking my photography hobby airborne for sometime.

I've looked at many drones - spent too many evenings watching Youtube reviews of various drones on offer and I've come down to three options - all DJI drones.

Top of the list is Mavic Pro - the full meal deal in Canada is coming in everywhere at $1819 (DJI must dictate the price retailers can sell for). $1399 if you don't want the fly-more option. Which i think is worth the extra bit.

For about half the money, I can get the fly-more Spark (just under $1,000 CDN$). Cute but I'm primarily interested in photography and I don't think the image quality is on par? Or is it?

And also in the running is a Phantom. probably the 4 to get the avoidance feature (I'm afraid without that I'd crash into things). But the 3 can be had for $700, and for a few dollars more ($200) it can be advanced.

One thing against the Phantom is the new Canadian Drone Laws - being over a KG it would need to say 75m away, whereas the Mavic and Spark can come to 30m away from buildings, vehicles and 'the public". I think that would be a big deal. But what do i know, never flown a drone before.

Is it worth paying twice the price for the mavic so that I can get closer (30m vs 75m). The camera on the Mavic and Phantom sound similar.

And is it worth waiting for Version II - whenever that may be out?


Or do I save a bit and have a fun Spark?

If your primary goal is photography, then skip the spark: it doesn't do raw images, so that limits the post-processing possibility way too much.

Then the debate is about Mavic vs Phantom. I can't comment on the Phantom as I have never flown it myself and taken pictures with it, but to me, the Mavic takes pictures comparable to a good phone... don't expect miracles.

However, like other users have commented, when carrying the Mavic, it is the size of a small DSLR. When carrying the Phantom, it is the size of a small beer cooler. Will you be taking that thing with you when on a hike for example? I know I wouldn't.

Regarding the distance... I don't think the law about 30m or 70m is going to give you any concerns, as that is not really the way that you fly in real life... these are theoretical laws defined by people behind desks. BUT there is one thing to keep in mind; the Mavic (and also the Phantom's?) lens is a wide-angle lens. You need to be real close to something to make it fill the view, so if you are concerned about the legal distance, then the Mavic is probably the better option.
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In my opinion, the Spark isn't even in the running because of it's many limitations and the fact that it costs almost as much as a Mavic after getting the separate controller. And I don't think any serious drone pilot would be satisfied flying their drone via WIFI on a phone.

So that boils it down to Mavic or Phantom, and I think the answer is simple:

If you are a very serious, or commercial photographer who absolutely HAS to have the very best camera available PERIOD, and have no problem carrying a suitcase-sized drone bag around with you all the time, then maybe consider the phantom, or the Inspire. Otherwise, it's the mavic, hands-down. I'll bet only about 5% of the people can tell the difference in images or video captured by the mavic and the phantom, and then only if they're viewing it on a large 4K screen, with images taken by a photographer who really knows what they're doing. The mavic camera is good enough for 99% of the people and it's portability makes it WELL worth any possible sacrifice of image quality. I know I could show you hundreds of videos on YouTube that NO ONE could tell whether they were shot on a phantom or a mavic.

Look through the threads on this forum at how many people sold their phantom to buy a mavic (LOTS) , and vice-versa (almost NONE).
Look through the threads on this forum at how many people have BOTH, and who hardly fly their phantom after getting a mavic. I have several friends with both who haven't touched their phantom in 7 months since getting the mavic.

I've had my mavic since January and still do a happy dance EVERY time I wake up and realize the weather is going to nice enough for me to fly the mavic today!

I had a phantom 2 a few years ago. I bought an older framed backpack and strapped the hard case to it. It worked but was cumbersome. The mavic? Toss in any backpack! It's so small it's ridiculous. But fly's really well. No regrets here.
Definitely the mavic

The spark is a toy which is actually bigger than the mavic as it's not foldable.

The Phantom is not ready to be with you most of the time for all these reasons that ppl gave above.
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Methodust Village.JPG
Hmm you dont see anything wrong with that oil painting?

I was basing my comments on ....

But I've been thinking of taking my photography hobby airborne for sometime

I'm primarily interested in photography and I don't think the image quality is on par?

The P4 has huge advantage over mavic with IQ due to sensor size and bit rate.
But the OP has some reservations about P4 due to weight restrictions. Tough choice!
No! I'm a flyer,not a photographer! LOL! I don't disect pixels,or atoms!:D If he really want's to go over the edge on photography he can forget the P4 and go this route! DJI Inspire 2 with Zenmuse X5S Oh,here's another unedited "Oil Painting for you" :D
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For me - forget all the technical stuff - it is about which one you will actually use most and enjoy flying.

I have both a Phantom 4 (original) and a Mavic.

I probably fly the Mavic 5:1 vs Phantom.

Just the sheer portability makes a huge difference. Can take it anywhere including a plane. It is more discreet and quicker to assemble and fly.

Also the Mavic range seems much better and stable than my Phantom 4. But range extenders help the Phantom.

To my eyes I think the video is a bit better on the Phantom than on the Mavic and seems a bit smoother.

The Phantom has been rock solid in reliability but had various odd issues with Mavic.

I enjoy the Phantom ATTI mode and stability in winds - but Mavic copes just fine in the wind.

Overall, if I could only have one it would definitely be the Mavic.
Say it again ....
You compare a 1" sensor shooting 4k to the mavic minuscule sensor that struggles in anything less than full sunlight?
Unless you have a degree in post processing and buy expensive software to treat the image quality of the mavic, the P4 would be my pick.

I believe you are thinking P4P (pro version and not original). From what I can read the OP is referring to the original and not the pro.
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Well, the consensus here is that the Mavic makes most sense - a bit of a compromise with the image quality over the Phantom but 'close enough' and as it shoots RAW then there is a better chance at creating better images on the PC later. And as was said by one wiseman here - the best camera is the one you have with you.

I do like the 'stealth-ness' of the smaller form (dark colour helps) and from the Youtubes I've seen that show the noise level, it is one of the less noisy drones - far from stealth quiet but not lawnmower loud.

As for flying legal as in not getting closer than 30m from public, vehicles or vessels (Canadian Drone laws), I'm the kinda guy that actually drives the speed limit so I'd probably follow the rules. Thirty meters works out to 98 feet, so with a wide angle lens you are still getting a lot of landscape in your image.

I'll spend some time looking at Mavic still images just to see what can be done.

And I suppose I'll have to learn how to edit video as it seems these gizmo's are more flying video makers than aerial photography machines.

Now time to get off the pot and pull the trigger. Hmmm do i get the regular unleaded or the high test 'fly more' version. Have to wonder if the 'fly-more' is worth $420 more? Two extra batteries - yes - that's $240 and that funky four at a time charger - adds another $40 ... blades? just two more than standard package and they are not that expensive - how many of these does one need? And the bag. ... Nice bag but is it worth over $100?

My wife has already mused about where I'll keep my fleet of drones. I have four DSLR's - and that's after giving one to my daughter-in-law. ... and a cabinet with 20 lenses with several more on my 'wish I had' list. She knows me.

But maybe one drone will be enough.

Or do I delude myself . . . should I be prepared to amass a fleet of these flying contraptions?
I have the flymore and really glad I bought it. I only use 2 out of the 3 batteries generally. But use all the rest.
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I have the flymore and really glad I bought it. I only use 2 out of the 3 batteries generally. But use all the rest.

I like the extra battery - and three, why not.
The super charger - that apparently just charges them in sequence not at the same time, so saves you from swapping the battery. Nice touch but $60 for a convenience .... I suppose I'd get it, but not available separately in stores within three hour drive (and that's one way).

So that is $240 for two batteries, $14 for an extra pair of blades, and $60 for the 4x charger. $314 ... or pay an extra $106 for the flymore and get the case, car charger and power to a bank device. ... anything else in the Fly More I missed? The case I'd use - but the other two items, not sure they would be worth it?

If I buy just one battery and a set of blades, I could get the ND Filters and still be ahead of the game, add a camera bag, maybe.

That would be $120 + $14 + $80 + $40 or about $250 and I get the ND filters.


MIGHT get away and get this marvelous flying machine tomorrow - will let you know if I do.
Thanks for the tip.

I think I'll pocket the extra $420 they want for the Fly More - buy one extra battery and hopefully they have the ND Filters.

Did look up that Five in One
Hmmm $65 with free shipping or $38 + $21 shipping ... or $6,575 with $14 shipping ... say what? And they sold 56 at that price???
Ebay is a crazy place - buyer beware.

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This one is coming up over $6500 .... I think they misplaced the decimal point. 5 in1 Multi Battery Charging Hub Intelligent Battery Charger for DJI Mavic Pro | eBay

But they do seem to come in at the high $50 mark - shipping included.

I buy from ebay from time to time - from the far east, used to shop ebay USA - but they changed their policies for shipping to Canada and it is no longer viable.

Amazon.CA has the same charger for $59 with free shipping.

Curiously the Canadian dollar is on par exactly with the Australian dollar - at least today.

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