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Dji goggles.....big disappointment


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2017
I've been using my iPad Air 9.7" with hood for mavic image viewing and thought the resolution was pretty good (about 264ppi/pixels per inch)
After watching all the marketing and raving about the DJI googles I decided to order through dji store and they turned up in 15 days.
I charged them up and updated firmware on goggles,mavic,controller just in case so I knew firmware was current.
I went down to the local park we go to every day walking the dogs with the wife and had a play with them, I set the resolution on the goggles to HD and was really shocked at how bad they were in comparison to the iPad Air, My immediate thought was 'their going back' 'these look crap' a big step backwards in resolution compared to the iPad Air.
The iPad Air is 264ppi but I understand the iPad mini is even better at 320ppi.
I looked into the science and reports undertaken by professors and it is claimed that just below 500ppi is the sweet spot for the human eye, I'll post the report shortly.
I have 2 x 4K TV's a 2k PC monitor and a 2k phone as well as the iPad Air so I think my eyes have had a good testing with different screen resolutions.
I don't know if all the raving about the dji googles have mainly come from fpv users using low res screen door effect fpv goggles but seriously these DJI goggles are just not what I was expecting.
Even the head tracking features are just not worth it, I would rather just use the controller buttons for looking around.
I'm going to try over the weekend to video what I mean between the iPad and the goggles if I can and post.
I was really looking forward to the WOW these are great...but instead I got 'oh no really'
I'm now thinking to send the goggles back,sell my iPad Air 9.7 264dpi and spend they money on a iPad mini at 320dpi with a hood for about the best resolution I could get.
Can someone direct me to the ultimate screen/monitor or anything else on the market that will give me the max resolution/clarity I can get.
Funny thing I read on a site is that Sharp have a small screen (about 6") that is a crazy 1000dpi.
Such a shame about the dji goggles they just don't cut it.
PS: I have perfect vision.
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Perfect 20/20 or even 20/15 vision does not cut it with the goggles. They have a defect that requires almost 75% of people that use them to wear reading glasses unless you are extremely nearsighted.
I own an Ipad Air 2 and the goggles and my first impression was the same as yours. Then I tried some 1.25 reading glasses and it looked better. I then put on 1.5 reading glasses and the screen looked super sharp. It's not as color crisp as the iPad Air 2 screen but its very close.

PS: I don't use reading glasses for anything else, don't need them.

Snap in glasses are already available. I would imagine that in 3 months there will be a host of different snap in options. I am really holding out for a snap on that is adjustable. I not only need perfect focus for myself but anyone who comes with me.

Perfect 20/20 or even 20/15 vision does not cut it with the goggles. They have a defect that requires almost 75% of people that use them to wear reading glasses unless you are extremely nearsighted.
I own an Ipad Air 2 and the goggles and my first impression was the same as yours. Then I tried some 1.25 reading glasses and it looked better. I then put on 1.5 reading glasses and the screen looked super sharp. It's not as color crisp as the iPad Air 2 screen but its very close.

PS: I don't use reading glasses for anything else, don't need them.

Hi Rob
Yes i tried that as my wife has various different strength glasses but i dont think its anywhere near close, everything image wise looks washed out and blurry around the edges.
Hi Rob
Yes i tried that as my wife has various different strength glasses but i dont think its anywhere near close, everything image wise looks washed out and blurry around the edges.
update: Just checked with the wife and hers are 1.5 strength.
I've been using my iPad Air 9.7" with hood for mavic image viewing and thought the resolution was pretty good (about 264ppi/pixels per inch)
After watching all the marketing and raving about the DJI googles I decided to order through dji store and they turned up in 15 days.
I charged them up and updated firmware on goggles,mavic,controller just in case so I knew firmware was current.
I went down to the local park we go to every day walking the dogs with the wife and had a play with them, I set the resolution on the goggles to HD and was really shocked at how bad they were in comparison to the iPad Air, My immediate thought was 'their going back' 'these look crap' a big step backwards in resolution compared to the iPad Air.
The iPad Air is 264ppi but I understand the iPad mini is even better at 320ppi.
I looked into the science and reports undertaken by professors and it is claimed that just below 500ppi is the sweet spot for the human eye, I'll post the report shortly.
I have 2 x 4K TV's a 2k PC monitor and a 2k phone as well as the iPad Air so I think my eyes have had a good testing with different screen resolutions.
I don't know if all the raving about the dji googles have mainly come from fpv users using low res screen door effect fpv goggles but seriously these DJI goggles are just not what I was expecting.
Even the head tracking features are just not worth it, I would rather just use the controller buttons for looking around.
I'm going to try over the weekend to video what I mean between the iPad and the goggles if I can and post.
I was really looking forward to the WOW these are great...but instead I got 'oh no really'
I'm now thinking to send the goggles back,sell my iPad Air 9.7 264dpi and spend they money on a iPad mini at 320dpi with a hood for about the best resolution I could get.
Can someone direct me to the ultimate screen/monitor or anything else on the market that will give me the max resolution/clarity I can get.
Funny thing I read on a site is that Sharp have a small screen (about 6") that is a crazy 1000dpi.
Such a shame about the dji goggles they just don't cut it.
PS: I have perfect vision.
I returned mine in the first week! Over rated and poor.
I've been using my iPad Air 9.7" with hood for mavic image viewing and thought the resolution was pretty good (about 264ppi/pixels per inch)
After watching all the marketing and raving about the DJI googles I decided to order through dji store and they turned up in 15 days.
I charged them up and updated firmware on goggles,mavic,controller just in case so I knew firmware was current.
I went down to the local park we go to every day walking the dogs with the wife and had a play with them, I set the resolution on the goggles to HD and was really shocked at how bad they were in comparison to the iPad Air, My immediate thought was 'their going back' 'these look crap' a big step backwards in resolution compared to the iPad Air.
The iPad Air is 264ppi but I understand the iPad mini is even better at 320ppi.
I looked into the science and reports undertaken by professors and it is claimed that just below 500ppi is the sweet spot for the human eye, I'll post the report shortly.
I have 2 x 4K TV's a 2k PC monitor and a 2k phone as well as the iPad Air so I think my eyes have had a good testing with different screen resolutions.
I don't know if all the raving about the dji googles have mainly come from fpv users using low res screen door effect fpv goggles but seriously these DJI goggles are just not what I was expecting.
Even the head tracking features are just not worth it, I would rather just use the controller buttons for looking around.
I'm going to try over the weekend to video what I mean between the iPad and the goggles if I can and post.
I was really looking forward to the WOW these are great...but instead I got 'oh no really'
I'm now thinking to send the goggles back,sell my iPad Air 9.7 264dpi and spend they money on a iPad mini at 320dpi with a hood for about the best resolution I could get.
Can someone direct me to the ultimate screen/monitor or anything else on the market that will give me the max resolution/clarity I can get.
Funny thing I read on a site is that Sharp have a small screen (about 6") that is a crazy 1000dpi.
Such a shame about the dji goggles they just don't cut it.
PS: I have perfect vision.
I got mine played with them with the mavic in hand to get a feel for them and I wasn't thrilled with with them so I put it up and hated them from the start, needless to say I sent them back after two days. they are on the right track but they need better viewing. thanks for your thoughts!!
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Hi everyone Dana Crosby here. New to the group. Current Phantom 3 Pro pilot.
JUST received my mavic Pro and DJI goggles yesterday will be doing my Maiden flight this weekend and will be putting my reviews in a Vlog on my channel. YouTube Dana Crosby in play list ALTITUDE
Hi Rob
Yes i tried that as my wife has various different strength glasses but i dont think its anywhere near close, everything image wise looks washed out and blurry around the edges.
I'm having the same issue, and I've tried on every strength glasses
They put a lot of hype into these glasses that go along with the Mavic and myself a phantom three pilot used The drone VR plus app on my Samsung S7 it was great in a set of cheap VR goggles but was a pain to get it to connect and unfortunately I crashed from about 300 feet because of blade protectors and of course my gimbal broke and after that I had vertical lines in my view. then I tried to replace the ribbon cable and broke off a tab inside the camera. about the same time I received the HDMI module so I could use direct cable to view , but I did not have HDMI goggles because I could not afford sharks. Now around that time they came out with a Mavic and the famous DGI goggles. when I was actually looking into the fat sharks. Does anyone use the fat Sharks ? And have used the DGI goggles? Also anyone away to connect the gear VR goggles to a Dji app ?
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First off I would like to say I am very sorry for all the people that have been disappointed in their DJI goggles

At the age of 56, I didn’t think that I had a lot of things going for me (with the exception of the senior citizen discounts), but apparently as my age and belly have increased my vision has gotten worse, who knew it would be a blessing in this case as it must be helping me because I absolutely love my DJI goggles

Now, let it be known that I’m rocking the crystalsky 5.5” monitor with it’s 1000 nits of brightness and it’s a thing of beauty but the total immersive experience with the goggles is incredible.

Maybe it’s because I had no expectations but I’ve played with the oculus rift and some of the other VR goggles and I think these are great

So once again I’m sorry for all the people that are having bad experiences, I hate to see anybody spend money and not get something out of it, but I’m a DJI goggle fanboy!

Crystalsky fanboy too!

I hope you all find something that works for you and that you’re all able to sell your goggles to someone that can enjoy them

Be safe
I guess that when your avatar is a picture of DJI goggles with a decalgirl geomancy skin, that it might go without saying that you’re a DJI goggles fanboy!

Thanks to Decalgirl and the artists at Digital Blasphemy for creating the “Geomancy” skin for the DJI goggles, there a great company to do business with!

Here’s to redundancy!
Bought my goggles 3 months ago still sitting on the table haven't used them yet probably never will. And to think I was going to take them to Greece with me. Wife said I'd look like a **** with them on!
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Now if we are going to talk about how we look wearing the googles

Then I’m the definition in the dictionary of life for “Couch-Potatoe Nerd”!

I will not win any beauty contests with these on but I’m “straight outta Rochester” telling you that the total flight experience while using these goggles is well worth the obligatory nerd bashing I get from the few friends that endeavor to go down that road

The Sicilian in me would offer you 25 cents on the dollar for what you paid for them but I’m sure you can do better than that, so I won’t insult you by low-balling you, after all if your Greek you love life!

Good luck Sir
Hi everyone! New drone user here. I ordered my goggles along with the Mavic Pro mainly because of the head tracking option, which to me is a feature I can’t overlook based on the projects I’m planning to work on with the drone.

Based on my limited experience, I haven’t experienced any issues when it comes to resolution. I don’t wear glasses and so far I am able to see the a very good image quality. Head movement tracking has worked well, although the further the drone gets leads to some lag, something I’m not a fan of.

Out of the two modes, the mode that fully controls camera movement has worked the best for me (sorry I can’t remember the mode names), this mode is the one I’m interested the most on. The other mode that controls camera tilting and drone panning seems to be glitchy. At some point it made my Mavic start spinning uncontrollably until I turned off the goggles. I’ll have to try that mode again at some point.

For me, other than that glitch I got, they work pretty well, and again, image quality is pretty good.
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Hi At some point it made my Mavic start spinning uncontrollably until I turned off the goggles. I’ll have to try that mode again at some point.

For me, other than that glitch I got, they work pretty well, and again, image quality is pretty good.

Once you start turning your head the drone will keep turning until you go the other way with your head. Personally I turned all that stuff off from day two of flying with them. I prefer to pan and move the camera via the RC, becasue It's more precise control.

They put a lot of hype into these glasses that go along with the Mavic and myself a phantom three pilot used The drone VR plus app on my Samsung S7 it was great in a set of cheap VR goggles but was a pain to get it to connect and unfortunately I crashed from about 300 feet because of blade protectors and of course my gimbal broke and after that I had vertical lines in my view. then I tried to replace the ribbon cable and broke off a tab inside the camera. about the same time I received the HDMI module so I could use direct cable to view , but I did not have HDMI goggles because I could not afford sharks. Now around that time they came out with a Mavic and the famous DGI goggles. when I was actually looking into the fat sharks. Does anyone use the fat Sharks ? And have used the DGI goggles? Also anyone away to connect the gear VR goggles to a Dji app ?
Had the FatSharks, They are a step down compared to the DJI goggles in all but one thing. The FatSharks have a fan. If the DjI had a fan I would give them a perfect score.
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The iPad Air is 264ppi but I understand the iPad mini is even better at 320ppi.
I looked into the science and reports undertaken by professors and it is claimed that just below 500ppi is the sweet spot for the human eye, I'll post the report shortly.
I have 2 x 4K TV's a 2k PC monitor and a 2k phone as well as the iPad Air so I think my eyes have had a good testing with different screen resolutions.
I don't know if all the raving about the dji googles have mainly come from fpv users using low res screen door effect fpv goggles but seriously these DJI goggles are just not what I was expecting.
Even the head tracking features are just not worth it, I would rather just use the controller buttons for looking around.

Now I'm starting to regret this order. We are looking for small features that appear in the land over time, which requires being able to spot small changes, get a feel for the terrain, and using a small screen has not been cutting it, so we looked at the goggles and the air, and I thought that the goggles would offer the best view, bespoke equipment and all that. we dont have a sun shade, would the remote need an adapter for the pad?..

Howvever, that said, I can clearly see how the option for more people to be involved in the expierence could be a neat feature that people will like!!

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