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Do we not need any sort of EMF protection from the RC?

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After a couple of month of extensive Mavic-Video watching and contemplating; my Mavic Pro has finally arrived; bought it just week before going on cruises for the very first time.(Alaska)

Flew the Mavic 3 days on the roll at a park near my house for a total flight time of 55mins. but for some odd reasons I started to feel a bit unwell the first night and more unwell the second and third night..something is just not right, physically and emotionally...I can’t think of anything that is different in terms of the food water and environment..that I consistently thrive with already, only thing new is my newest hobby and pride investment)

Fortunately, I’m all better, for now, did a bit of research, tried bare footing on the grass to release potential unwanted energy that I might have been exposing and absorbed; back to the earth. and have not flown the drone or uses the RC for more than 24 hours, note I also have not taken any sort medication to help with my symptom.

SO, how strong is the radio wave energy that is emitting when we use DJI remote control? DJI RC might be small but it sure came with big packages; once turn on it directly seeking to connect up to 20 satellite and allow us to monitor live HD video from 7km away. that’s Hella POWERFUL. note day one during the software update and calibration in my study..all wifi connection went dead as soon as the RC and Mavic are on..and wifi back to normal when both are turn off.

Do we not need any sort of EMF protection? Had I a feeling it’s stronger than a power on microwave; potentially to be even stronger than x-ray..maybe?(I really don’t know) I hope not..because all of us are most likely holding the RC up close to our face, chest, abdominal, and yes Holy reproductive area..can we be sure that there is nothing being cooked or fried more or less within us?

I’m not trying to scare anyone or bashing DJI in any way, I love the company and community. but years back those cell phone popping popcorn video sort of enlighting on this incidence all of a sudden for me at least.

I just think this would be a great topic and just as important if not more important to all the great reviews, flight technique, drone setting, post editing..etc… safety first right?
I'm hoping you know that cell phone corn-popping videos were done by using parts of a microwave oven under a table... It was a trick that had nothing at all to do with the phones.

You might want to put some energy back in your brain by baring your eyes and reading.
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You should visit your local library and check out the ARRL's radio amateur's handbook and read the section on UHF and Microwaves. I assure you that the process of RECEIVING 20 GPS satellites or video from 7 km away does not expose you to any additional RF danger. At some 800 milliwatts the RC is nowhere near the 1,000.800 watts of the normal microwave oven. By walking barefoot in the grass you might shed some static electricity but any RF energy you could have previously absorbed would have long dissipated after doing its damage. You are experiencing wifi interruptions because your router is using the same channel the RC is using. Simply change the router frequency and the interference should disappear. In short, you are in no danger from RF exposure from your RC simply by using it in the normal way it was intended.

Relax and enjoy flying!!!
Eh, go visit a barber... maybe he'll bleed you a little with some leeches and suck the poison out.
Oh wait, we have science now. Maybe there's some evidence to what you claim to be harmful radiation from consumer electronics? Except, the only evidence to support your claims is testimonials from other people who believe what you do. The only problem is that we have hard scientific evidence that the waves transmitted by our devices (which are measured for SAR - Specific Absorption Rate) are well below any potentially dangerous levels.
So where to put your faith?
Science or barbers?
History might be a lesson here, the barbers were wrong, the scientists not so much.
If the RC is putting out harmful radiation, what about your phone/computer you use to post here? Or your television, microwave oven, car, watch, etc. Or, don't those things all make you feel the same effects as the RC? There is simply no way a device running off a small battery puts out more radiation than one plugged into a full 110v AC, such as your microwave, television, wifi router (potentially one of the largest sources in your home, can you be in the same room as it without getting sick? Try holding it in your hand, sick?), etc.
This is definitely a real thing. If people think the these waves aren't harmful then they are being mislead. This is why I won't get the Dji goggles for the signal radiation that is sitting right on ones head. There have been many experiments on even wifi signals which prove to be unhealthy. People for your own good health do some research on it. I too experience the same symptoms especially if I sleep by mistake with my cellphone on right next to me
I believe the goggles only receive, not transmit
I really think you could be spending your important worry time on something worth while.

Have you acknowledged that you are being bombarded 24/7 for years now with GPS, EMF, EMS, MICROWAVES, SHORTWAVES ETC ETC ETC ETC ?
Do you admit your assumptions about the Mavic remote output being harmful and causing illness are spectacularly wrong ?
If your answer is yes to these then lets move along and get into some real issues which probably are not allowed to be discussed here. :cool:
I should design a jacket that reflects and spreads RF frequency to increase range of a transmitter. ;)

haha, smart, finally someone exercises their intuition instead of their smart mouth.
Dewster I'm definitely looking into it already.shhhh..because I'm a responsible adult who wants to continue his hobby with health conscious in mind.

As for any of you pilots that don't want or think you need protection I respect that ( you are very lucky that you have a good tolerant level still, please do or don't take it for granted don't take my word for it) remember no one is forcing you to.. don't ever uses or upgrade any protection in term of EMF sound good?
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My question that you quoted was " Do you admit your assumptions about the Mavic remote output being harmful and causing illness are spectacularly wrong ?."

How more on point do you want it?

Im out, enjoy your organic gluten free lentils, im having steak and chips followed with apple pie and ice cream.

Uhhh..on point you really meant agreed 100% with you and kill the thread right...not agreeing or 100% comply with your point of view that = active ur bashing (EBF) condescending (ECF) mode. ok take a deep breath and look back how many family members or friends that slowly back out away from you, they just can't take on your EMF no more.

I was just like that, want to win any way I can..losing or being wrong it's not an option..for 30 years omg..but there is light that finally aligns my brain and heart, take the good and the bad.

show no respect, gain no respect.

all the best.
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This is definitely a real thing. If people think the these waves aren't harmful then they are being mislead. This is why I won't get the Dji goggles for the signal radiation that is sitting right on ones head. There have been many experiments on even wifi signals which prove to be unhealthy. People for your own good health do some research on it. I too experience the same symptoms especially if I sleep by mistake with my cellphone on right next to me

16mins TEDtalk
Hi Jeremy,
My name is Mike and I am an FCC-licensed RF engineer with 50 years experience in the field. I am also sensitive to Electro Magnetic Radiation, and own all kinds of highly-sensitive test equipment. I've been studying the effects of radiation on the human body since 1971. Just out of curiosity I did test the Mavic Pro remote and aircraft and was surprised at the high amount of RF radiation. I'd prefer not to get into the discussion here of what is "harmful" since it varies with the individual, but I do have a solution for you so that you can continue your drone hobby. Go to the web site and order the Shielded Cap and the SafeGuard Apron. These products really do work and I think you'll be pleased with the results. Let us know how you make out.
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@DaveId wrote .....
Eh, go visit a barber... maybe he'll bleed you a little with someleeches and suck the poison out.

Did you know that Leeches are bred now for use in Hospitals post surgery for their therapeutic properties also things like Aspirin occurs naturally in the wild.
Maggots or larvae are also used to clean necrotic tissue.
So you can't decry natural remedies and only rely on the so called professional bodies.
Science tends to change depending on who is doing the study and what their bias is.
Just look at the debate going on with Global Warming, which is now called Climate Change.
Although I can't agree with @jeremynotlin fully, I believe we shouldn't just blindly accept everything from so called experts or stats.
Just because someone's belief system is different to yours or the majority doesn't make that person any less important.
Whether he's right or wrong or somewhere in the middle he is still entitled to his viewpoint.
He's a brave person for actually putting up this thread fir a discussion.
I initially stated in an earlier post that I wouldn't get drawn into this, I have been proven wrong. So statements of fact can change overtime.
Has been some good posts here with a bit of levity as well.
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Hi Jeremy,
My name is Mike and I am an FCC-licensed RF engineer with 50 years experience in the field. I am also sensitive to Electro Magnetic Radiation, and own all kinds of highly-sensitive test equipment. I've been studying the effects of radiation on the human body since 1971. Just out of curiosity I did test the Mavic Pro remote and aircraft and was surprised at the high amount of RF radiation. I'd prefer not to get into the discussion here of what is "harmful" since it varies with the individual, but I do have a solution for you so that you can continue your drone hobby. Go to the web site and order the Shielded Cap and the SafeGuard Apron. These products really do work and I think you'll be pleased with the results. Let us know how you make out.

Hi Mike: I'm intrigued someone like you in the professional field of RF finally came through and found this thread. Please please do share with us your encounter with EMR & EMF and how exactly did you test on the Mavic pro and its RC to indicate the high amount of radiation; as your expertise and experiments really could and would be a break through for this particular thread as well as folks that are following the thread; and we certainly don't need to discuss how harmful it might be because everyone is different.

Thanks in Advance
Its called stress and anxiety, a rush of ADRENALINE from flying your $1000 investment for first time and not crashing it. Dont worry it will pass, just get out their and fly that Mavic and enjoy it.
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Hi Mike: Please please do share with us your encounter with EMR & EMF and how exactly did you test on the Mavic pro and its RC to indicate the high amount of radiation; Thanks in Advance

Thanks for your interest. My awareness of radiation sensitivity started when I was ten years old, so my experiences could literally fill a book. My career was as a Television Broadcast Engineer, so I was exposed to many different types of EMR. A highlight of my study came in 1985 when I spent two weeks at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. To say the least, it felt very different (and wonderful) to have zero man-made radiation for that length of time. This obviously is not the correct forum to go into more detail, but to answer your question, I used a device called an Acoustimeter to measure the radiation from the Mavic. I personally have never felt any radiation from the Mavic, which is the reason that I said I was surprised to get a high reading.
Im sorry if my tolerance for idiotic claims has hit rock bottom.

I see your a psychic now and can determine peoples relationships based on how they react to blatant quackery or how they refuse to accept mentally challenged peoples advice on matter such dangerous remote controllers causing illness.

There is no end to this spiralling swill of stupidity and unverifiable claims dressed up as facts.

Again, dont quote my posts as i really dont want to be part of this stupidity.
I'm very sorry too, let part way.
Hi Jeremy,
My name is Mike and I am an FCC-licensed RF engineer with 50 years experience in the field. I am also sensitive to Electro Magnetic Radiation, and own all kinds of highly-sensitive test equipment. I've been studying the effects of radiation on the human body since 1971. Just out of curiosity I did test the Mavic Pro remote and aircraft and was surprised at the high amount of RF radiation.
Really? You're surprised that a radio transmitter puts out radio waves?

Go to the web site and order the Shielded Cap and the SafeGuard Apron. These products really do work and I think you'll be pleased with the results. Let us know how you make out.
Oh look, here comes somebody willing to sell you, for profit, a literal tinfoil hat for the low, low price of $29.95, and an apron for $59.95. Seems legit.

Why not go all out and get the EMF-reflecting chain mail? It's a good look when flying your Mavic, plus you'll get double the use out of it when you go to the local Renaissance Fair.

But I think we can all agree the "Brain Coat" isn't fashionable and is priced a bit high at $50.

My awareness of radiation sensitivity started when I was ten years old, so my experiences could literally fill a book. My career was as a Television Broadcast Engineer

So you became "aware" you were sensitive to EMF when you were 10, but then decided to go into the broadcasting industry? That doesn't seem like a great career choice.

A highlight of my study came in 1985

Please point us to this peer-reviewed, published lifelong study. I'd like to read it.
when I spent two weeks at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. To say the least, it felt very different (and wonderful) to have zero man-made radiation for that length of time.
Except for all the man-made signals from satellites. And passing aircraft.
I was feeling a bit down and decided to take my mind off of it by coming to the drone forums, thanks so much for the humor, I thought it died. Considering age of most of the drone owners the cause of the OP's malady could be the after effects of Viagra kicking in... If you were serious, try wrapping the bean in aluminum foil, it has a good placebo effect. Wouldn't try that if you are in Florida, lightning here is tenacious. If vertigo, try sitting in a chair while you fly.
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I always fly like this, just to be on the safe side :cool:

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