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Do you tag your drone?

I just checked, it's £60 per year here in the UK. That's the only reason I don't use it.

Great idea in countries where it's free though, nice one Thumbswayup
Was thinking about using the tracker 'TrackR.' Along with NAC info plus maybe a QR code and mention of a reward.
Any thoughts?


  • 20131119145804-StickR_TrackR_inHand_TranspBG_Web.png
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I've just got my drone and was wondering if you all tag your drone so that if it gets lost it can be returned?

I was thinking of just putting a simple "If found, please call 0XXXXXXX" sticker on my drone somewhere.

Any better ways of doing this?

Found website suggested on this forum for getting a nice hard white plastic card with your faa info.
Anyway they provide you with several "if found, reward" stickers for your drone. Your phone #, but their drone recover registry database website. Anyone can register for free, but the card and 2 sets of water proof decals was like $8, free ship. Totally worth it to me. It' on eBay as well.
Put my business card under the battery.

Do business cards come a variety of sizes? My business card will not fit in my battery compartment without being folded or otherwise mutilated and then the battery won't fit well.

I simply put my FAA registration # and my phone # on a piece of double sided tape and stick it in the bottom of the battery compartment just in case, however, I don't expect it to be needed because I fail to see any reason whatever to fly to extreme distances or altitudes. Kind of think we have no business doing it even if the drone is capable. What for?
I am thinking of putting this in the battery compartment:

You have found a DJI Mavic. Anyone in possession of this UAS, Drone, Aircraft, Toy, ect... is subject to strict regulation by Federal, State and local law not to mention extreme aggravation by people who think you are spying on them. Speaking of spying, the company that builds this UAS, Drone, Aircraft, Toy, etc... also sells a device that lets others track your every move. We aren't sure that they can't track it when the battery is removed and they may even be able to watch you through that camera on the end even when it is turned off. IF you thinking of using this yourself, you will be subject to at least 1 firmware upgrade every time you turn it on, and failure to do so will probably turn it into a paperweight. Accepting and completing the firmware update might allow you to fly it, if you live in the dessert and are at least 30 miles away from the nearest road, building, person, dog, cat, spider, worm, fly, ant or one celled amoeba. To expand the locations in which you can fly, you will need to dedicate 8 months of your life studying for a test and drop down a Benjamin and a Half just to take the test (if you fail you drop it down again). If you pass the test you are then considered a certified toy flyer and you can now fly in a whole lot of other places once you get the blessing of the FAA, State Government, Local Government, property owners, and anyone else that might have some kind of regulation against what you are trying to do. Even then you may need a special waiver that Noah asked for when he was trying to fly his drone from the Ark and still has not gotten a response from the FAA about. If you want to come out on top and be saved from all this cost, oversight, regulation, and aggrivation please call me at 555-555-5555 and I will gladly take this piece of junk off your hands and buy you a steak and a beer or two.

Sounds great but could you not use the word 'toy'? I had some friends that kept calling it a toy. They're not my friends anymore...
Sounds great but could you not use the word 'toy'? I had some friends that kept calling it a toy. They're not my friends anymore...
Yeah I say "toy" very sarcastically because I have been in several heated discussions on here with people who insist that we are all just playing with toys. I myself don't feel that way so that is why I had it in there in quotes.
Do business cards come a variety of sizes? My business card will not fit in my battery compartment without being folded or otherwise mutilated and then the battery won't fit well.

I simply put my FAA registration # and my phone # on a piece of double sided tape and stick it in the bottom of the battery compartment just in case, however, I don't expect it to be needed because I fail to see any reason whatever to fly to extreme distances or altitudes. Kind of think we have no business doing it even if the drone is capable. What for?
No, the business card is your faa registration info. The stickers are for your drone. The stickers do come in 2 different sizes and they give you pics on a mavic and phantom so you can get an idea of sizing. You don't think you need a card because you must be lucky enough to have not been hastled by some local or some rent a cop that thinks he is above the FAA. Only then it's sure nice to flash and tell them to go scratch. Some people will give you trouble even if you are only 50ft up. Some People think they own the sky. NOT!
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