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Drone in elevator... ;-)

Crash due to the small space?
Be sure to have your gopro running to capture the excitement! :D
and propeller guards ready...
Crash due to the small space?
Be sure to have your gopro running to capture the excitement! :D
If not the small space, or complete lack of GPS (which actually might be a good thing), then most certainly when someone on another floor calls for the elevator. Grab the popcorn kids!
At first I thought this was a result of drinking and posting.....

But it's an intriguing question. I think if it stayed horizontally stable and didn't hit the walls, the VPS would keep it at height. But going down it may well hit the ceiling. Too bad Mythbusters isn't around to test it....
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With the latest firmware the maximum descent rate has been reduced, so depending on whether this is based on the barometric sensor you may find the elevator descends faster than the drone and it hits the ceiling. You would probably want to put some tape markings on the floor to help it maintain position and visual height. Many elevators have mirrored walls which would confuse the forward sensors.

May I suggest you borrow a full suit of armour from the local medieval museum, or at least some chainsaw trousers.

Meanwhile, for another interesting but somewhat safer experiment, how about a helium balloon on a train? When the train brakes which way does the balloon go?
I think it would be similar to my test-hovering it in a moving car (moving van is next!). -Stumpy CF
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Next time I'm driving 80 miles per hour on the freeway and there's a fly buzzing in my car, I'm going to slam on the brakes and drive it's head into the windshield. LOL
With the latest firmware the maximum descent rate has been reduced, so depending on whether this is based on the barometric sensor you may find the elevator descends faster than the drone and it hits the ceiling. You would probably want to put some tape markings on the floor to help it maintain position and visual height. Many elevators have mirrored walls which would confuse the forward sensors.

May I suggest you borrow a full suit of armour from the local medieval museum, or at least some chainsaw trousers.

Meanwhile, for another interesting but somewhat safer experiment, how about a helium balloon on a train? When the train brakes which way does the balloon go?

To the back of the train.
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