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May 26, 2017
I think it is since last update I have very strange problems with my drone.

I used to fly in the fields surrounding my home in Belgium which is not so far from an airport, but it is only class D airspace according to DJI software.
In Belgium I'm allowed to fly on private property to a height of 10m without license outside of a range of 3km of an airport and when I have a permission of the owner of the property. I am all in regulation with this.

But when flying the last 2 weeks, I get a at a certain point during my flight a notification that the drone is returning home. I can cancel the return home, but immediately afterwards this starts again. Even to this extent that when the drone is trying to land, it says not safe to land, because of grass land below it, goes out of auto land mode and then puts itself in auto land mode again, while descending everytime a couple of cm. This goes on in an infinite loop for until it reaches the ground. Basically it is fighting it's own software.

There is no warning that I'm flying in a no fly zone, there is only at the beginning of the flight a warning that I'm in a class D airspace, so I have to fly with caution. I used to get a pop-up that I had to check the boxes I have permission and I understand the risk involved.

After the drone landed I can take off again and fly for a couple of minutes before it goes through this procedure again.

It's really not consistent, because sometimes, I can't even take off. The drone says taking off and then shuts down it propellers. While other times I can take off and fly till the battery dies.
i always wait for home point update, so I know that the drone should have it's gps and all databases located and updated before taking off.

I tried:

- several locations in my neighbourhood,
- changing from android to ios
- other battery
- different times of the day.

My results:

- first time, flying for 2 minutes, RTH auto-initiated
- couple minutes later not taking off.
- 30 minutes later taking off a bit further 1km and flying to the coordinates where the RTH was triggered, no problem. I could keep on flying
- couple of days later, taking off different field about 3km further, flying for 8 minutes, RTH auto-initiated.
- after landing, taking off again flying other direction, flying 2 minutes RTH auto-initiated
- going 1km further, not possible to take off.
- unlocking the authorization zone closest to my location, allowed me to take off, go up to 7 meters and the RTH auto-initiated
- not possible to take off afterwards anymore.

My location Sart-Risbart, Belgium for those that want to lookup the restrictions for drone flying in my area.

When I go through the flight logs, there is no mention anywhere about why the RTH is triggered the status changes just from normal flying to RTH. Same when not taking it, it says motors started, RTH initiated close to home point landing. (BTW it did not take off yet)

I have had this behaviour one time before, while I was on the border of a NFZ and I thought I was just outside the zone, while I wasn't and so the drone did not take off or when I moved an put myself outside of the NFZ.

So now I'm asking myself why this behaviour happens.
If this is intended by DJI, then this drone has just become a very expensive paper weight, because in Belgium you are almost always flying in a warning zone. there are very few places where there is nothing in the neighbourhood.
What if you move to a new location away from any NFZ locations can you fly normally and without restrictions? You sound like a very careful and contentious pilot, have you tried requesting for NFZ clearance from within the DJI app? Maybe DJI can lift the restriction for your area of home flight.
Good one on the RTH button...
If it's not a stuck button or something just go back to previous firmware...What's up with the need to have everything on the latest FW anyway? If that does not work have DJI take a look at it, maybe they can shed light.
Maybe your mav got messed up and can be fixed under warranty. They are really fast with this in this part of EU.
Upload your flight log to and link to it here. It's the only way to know what is happening.
@PitsLamp, if you're going to upload your flight log, please upload it here instead (and post a link back here). Airdata is not very useful for troubleshooting in most cases.
Sorry for the late reply. Busy with life and work. But I haven't been able to go and test outside a warning zone because it requires at least 30 min of driving. Will try to get to it later this week

As for one of the flight logs you can find one here. It's the long flight of the last try.
DJI Flight Log Viewer -

Going to check also the RTH button sticking.
Looking at the Log it looks like it treats the NFZ as an obstacle in front of the craft and initiates a RTH to avoid it. This must be the current method that DJI is using in this firmware release.
As for the landing problem, you had on Precision landing and it decided that the terrain was not suitable. You can turn that off in the menus if you wish to.

Your other option is to use Dumbldor and just downgrade the firmware to .400 or .700 and your problems will most likely be gone.

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@robyg thar would be a logical explanation except there is no real NFZ zone but only a warning zone. I'm several km away from the real no fly zone.

The following log happens minutes after. I can take off again after being forced to land, fly a couple of minutes in the other direction and then I get the same scenario.
DJI Flight Log Viewer -
Anyway going to contact dji about this and when that doesn't provide a decent result. I'm going to revert back to a previous software.
I have been having the same exact issue for months. My mavic goes into RTH right at take off! I have done all calibrations and nothing has worked. I have tried everything. It can only fly on WiFi. It has been sent back to DJI 3 times in the last month. They claim to have fixed a different issues every time including the ESC board. I asked for my money back instead of the Mavic and was told no. This time (the 4th time) I have spoken with a supervisor and he has promised me a new Mavic Pro and expedited shipping. Very low marks for customer service.

@robyg thar would be a logical explanation except there is no real NFZ zone but only a warning zone. I'm several km away from the real no fly zone.

The following log happens minutes after. I can take off again after being forced to land, fly a couple of minutes in the other direction and then I get the same scenario.
DJI Flight Log Viewer -

You are assuming that a real no fly zone and one that DJI has put in the mavics internal database are the same.
I would not make that assumption based on past posts.
It's much easier and quicker to downgrade the software and eliminate a hardware issue as being the cause rather than sending it back.

Someone had an issue where the RTH button on the controller was sticking and causing this issue. He could fly with his phone using WIFI just fine, but not the controller. Check your RTH button.
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Sorry for the late reply. Busy with life and work. But I haven't been able to go and test outside a warning zone because it requires at least 30 min of driving. Will try to get to it later this week

As for one of the flight logs you can find one here. It's the long flight of the last try.
DJI Flight Log Viewer -

Going to check also the RTH button sticking.
It seems that there is a sticking RTH button. The Mavic thinks there were multiple occurrences where the RC RTH button was pressed. The light green areas show those occurrences.

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@BudWalker: Thx for the analysis, I checked the button and indeed I see that it seems to stick. I managed to get it to unstick, but haven't been able to try it out, because to windy and rainy the last 2 days

I'm going to try to get a repair from DJI under warranty, drone is only a couple of months old.

I guess this means that the problem has been solved and
Yay I like it when I'm right

from this thread it looks like a few have had the same
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