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Faulty Mavic Pro controller?


Active Member
Nov 28, 2017
I find quite a few discussion sessions on the Mavic Pro drone being the probable source of gimbal malfunctions, and I was wondering if there is any definitive way of finding out whether the drone or the controller is the source of the gimbal not working. I had been taking some vertical photos at a low height recently (about 3 metres) and stopped for a bit to have lunch. Starting up again I found that I had no gimbal control at all. The gimbal goes through its standard 3 axis rotation test and then the camera just droops down a bit and does not respond at all to the controller dial being turned. The 3 axis rotation test occurs even when the controller is turned off, so at some point the controller must 'take control' of the gimbal and camera movement. I have had the camera and gimbal unit apart and replaced the ribbon cable in case it was the problem, cleaned all the small connectors with isopropinol but to no avail. I keep on getting the same error message on my screen which says "gimbol gyroscope error". "Hardware malfunction. Contact DJI for repair". I cannot do a gimbal recalibration at all - I get an instant message that "gimbal calibration is complete Do not move the aircraft", and everything completely locks up. I need to resort to shutting down the drone, the controller and my smartphone before I can do anything at all. All the camera features work correctly (except of course not being able to move it) and I can fly the drone without any control problems. The camera is quite free to move around by hand but just does not respond to any controller commands. Can someone explain why the controller seems to have forgotten there is a gimbal waithign for instructions. There have been no software or firmware updates for a couple of years now, and certainly not for the half hour I stopped for lunch and tried to start up again.
The definitive method would be to check this by using a different controller.
Some history on the aircraft may be helpful. Where did the ribbon cable come from and the reason for replacement?
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I would also suggest booting the drone, NO CONTROLLER, once booted pick the drone up and wobble it extensively, and at varying speeds, whilst watching what the gimbal does.
From memory my drones (though no mavic pro ) keep their gimbal camera level in roll and pitch as best they can, providing the gimbals pitch and roll limits are not exceeded.
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@Aus1 used Report instead of Reply. Here is his response to @Starz :

I have had the drone for over 5 years now and have not had a problem such as this before. I did damage the ribbon cable about 3 months after I bought the drone and fitted a new cable at that time. It is at least a year since it had "a minor argument" with a tree branch but that did not even damage any of the blades. There have been no firmware or software updates for a long time. The only thing wrong with the drone and controller is the complete lack of camera movement. The main reason for my suspicion of the problem being in the controller is that I had been taking a series of perpendicular photos at a low level, and so was steering the camera into the vertical mode a number of times, and that meant dialing the camera control wheel to one end of its travel - which is not something I often do. The drone landed properly before I went in for a meal break, and half an hour later when I started it up again the gimbal problem was there. I have extensive mechatronics experience, so am quite comfortable working on the drone and similar equipment.
I would also suggest booting the drone, NO CONTROLLER, once booted pick the drone up and wobble it extensively, and at varying speeds, whilst watching what the gimbal does.
From memory my drones (though no mavic pro ) keep their gimbal camera level in roll and pitch as best they can, providing the gimbals pitch and roll limits are not exceeded.
I have tried that test too, and the camera does not stay stable when doing this - it just wobbles all over the place.
Was having the dreaded "Remote Controller Connection" error on my DJI Mavic Pro remote frequently and FINALLY figured it out, $5 cable. I put a lot of time into this video to explain what I did and how, so if you don't have this problem then don't click through, it won't be of interest to you... so be kind.
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