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Few noob questions about M3


New Member
May 12, 2022
Sofia, Bulgaria
I have two questions about my Mavic 3.
1. When the terrain is getting higher shouldn't the M3 altitude limit change with the terrain? I was trying to fly over a hill/rock and reached the limit I've set - the legal limit in Europe 120m.
At this point the drone was maybe 10m of the ground, but showing 120m. I set the limit to the maximum - 500m, but the drone wouldn't let me fly over, since I reached this limit.
Yeah it's 500m above my starting point, but not where the drone was. It was maybe at 30m altitude at this moment. Any suggestion? I'm attaching a picture of my starting point and the hill I wanted to fly over.


2. I've seen that on other drones you can set the home point to be the current location of the remote. I couldn't find such a setting for the M3. Is this possible?
Hi there & welcome to the forum 👋 :D

The M3 doesn't have a clue about the ground elevation below your drone during flight, the height shown during flight is always relative the spot from where you took off ... just after take off the barometric sensor will be reset to zero & after that it will report height relative to that reset, fly down in a valley & it will show a negative height ... fly up from it & the app will show a positive height.

The height limit you have in the app which can be set to a maximum of 500m is according to the barometric sensor ... which is relative the take off spot.

So ... yeah, in you user case it will be a problem you can't overcome with the DJI firmware & software. Theoretically you could land half way up the mountain ... & take off again as this will again reset the barometric sensor to zero (& also give you a new HP there), but in practice you most probably will lose the RC connection during landing which will trigger the failsafe action (usually RTH).
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I have two questions about my Mavic 3.
1. When the terrain is getting higher shouldn't the M3 altitude limit change with the terrain? I was trying to fly over a hill/rock and reached the limit I've set - the legal limit in Europe 120m.
At this point the drone was maybe 10m of the ground, but showing 120m. I set the limit to the maximum - 500m, but the drone wouldn't let me fly over, since I reached this limit.
Yeah it's 500m above my starting point, but not where the drone was. It was maybe at 30m altitude at this moment. Any suggestion? I'm attaching a picture of my starting point and the hill I wanted to fly over.

View attachment 148963

2. I've seen that on other drones you can set the home point to be the current location of the remote. I couldn't find such a setting for the M3. Is this possible?
2. not that I am aware of this being possible. You can only update the HP to current AC position (only).
@slup is HP set on power on when GPS lock is acquired and also on take off.... I thought I read somewhere here that someone powered on AC, let it acquire GPS lock, set HP, then walked with it a distance and took off without HP being reset....
The HP is usually refreshed during take-off, landing on a far distance where the motors shut off would very likely result in a new HP when you take-off again.

It's possible that it's a distance threshold where the HP gets updated ... just move slightly & the HP remains, but move beyond that threshold & it gets updated.
2. I've seen that on other drones you can set the home point to be the current location of the remote. I couldn't find such a setting for the M3. Is this possible?
Yes .. it's possible.
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is HP set on power on when GPS lock is acquired and also on take off.
Home point is set when the drone first gets good GPS location data.
It's not also set on takeoff.
... I thought I read somewhere here that someone powered on AC, let it acquire GPS lock, set HP, then walked with it a distance and took off without HP being reset....
If the drone has recorded a homepoint, that's the homepoint.
Walking with it doesn't reset the homepoint.
Home point is set when the drone first gets good GPS location data.
It's not also set on takeoff.

If the drone has recorded a homepoint, that's the homepoint.
Walking with it doesn't reset the homepoint.
Well ... now it's tested with DJI GO4 & the Mavic Air 1 & it may work in a different way with other crafts & the DJI Fly app, but the HP position is definitely refreshed when taking off with my setup.

1. Powered my drone on the south side of the house & waited until the lady said that the HP was recorded & checked on the map, & no surprise ... it was on the south side in the correct spot.

2. Started the motors & while I took off the lady voice again announced that the HP was recorded ... yeah, south side, same spot, this as I ascended straight up.

3. Flew to the north side of the house & landed ... but let the drone be powered on.

4. Took off again ... & the lady voice announced that the HP was recorded. Checked it on the map & the HP was now on the north side of the house.

5. Repeated the procedure, landed on the east side on the drive way ... when taking off the HP got updated to the drive way.

So it's confirmed that my setup refresh the HP position during take-off ... so if I would fly up a mountain side keeping legal height above ground beneath ... until I hit the maximum height above HP setting of 500m, & there land to reset the barometric sensor to get another 500m available flying up that mountain side ... I would have a new HP recorded where I landed.

And here's what's shown in the mobile device DAT log just after the second take off from the north side of the house ...

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Thanks! Never seen this screen... is this new (and only) for M3 or was introduced in one of the updates to DJI Fly app and available for all AC with DJI Fly app?
I don 't know what the others have, but that shows you are given when you want to reset the home point with the Mavic 3.
>is this new (and only) for M3 or was introduced in one of the updates to DJI Fly app and available for all AC with DJI Fly app?

The feature has been around a while. Here's a video of resetting the home point with a Phantom 3 and DJI Go:
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>is this new (and only) for M3 or was introduced in one of the updates to DJI Fly app and available for all AC with DJI Fly app?

The feature has been around a while. Here's a video of resetting the home point with a Phantom 3 and DJI Go:
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I never used DJI Go....

I looked up DJI Fly and it seems line this option was available over a year ago...
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