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Frozen App. Drone Down. What Should I Have Done?

Baron von Richthofen

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2021
I need some advice guys. But first here's what happened.

I was flying my Mavic Air2 this weekend on a predetermined loop that took it about 600 metres (2000 feet) from the home point at it's furthest extent. The plan was to fly low across fields and then to climb while looping back before descending to return to the homepoint. I had already made several flights without incident that afternoon and the battery had about 30% remaining. It was a straightforward, predetermined manoeuvre so I was confident there was plenty left to complete the flight. My first mistake.

All went well until I began the loop and climb. I first got a low battery warning and an RTH request. I cancelled this figuring I was looping back home anyway. Then, straight after hitting cancel, the DJI Fly app on my IphoneX froze completely! All data (speed, altitude, map, etc.) locked up and all the the onscreen controls became unusable. The live camera view did however remain on. This occurred at about the furthest extent of the loop so the aircraft was not visible (yes I know VLOS and all that - some folks might want to comment on this later...). I have no experience with this situation so I then spent the next 20 seconds (seemed like an hour!) at a loss what to do. According to the flight log, I did not alter the stick positions during this time so the aircraft continued climbing and looping back towards me, I assume therefore it was still receiving commands from the controller. It continued this trajectory until it reached its set ceiling of 120m (400ft), where it stopped (it looks like I released the sticks) and about ten seconds later issued an altitude warning which did appear on my otherwise frozen Iphone screen. This was followed by a second warning about altitude and authorization being required another 10 seconds after that. Still the app was not functioning and I was (probably mistakenly) assuming I was no longer able to control the aircraft. This is when I demonstrated the very common human inability to think straight in a stressful situation.

Super-stressed by the knowledge of a low battery, a frozen app and an invisible drone, according to the flight log I attempted to reduce the altitude by pulling backwards on the wrong stick! So the aircraft remained at maximum altitude but just flew backwards about 100metres.

The next message I received was a critical low battery warning and that the aircraft was landing automatically. This was to spell the beginning of the end of any further radio contact with the aircraft. A flurry of warnings then poured in over the next three and half minutes. At first repeated critical low battery warnings and then, as the aircraft descended behind a small nearby wooded hill and a ridge, additional random warnings about loss of signal and (oddly as, according to the log, it had a consistent link to 17 satellites) loss of GPS. So that was it. I thought my drone had vanished forever somewhere in the rolling Wiltshire downs.

I didn't mention that throughout much of this drama my son and I were jumping hedges and fences, crashing through cornfields and scrambling up ridges, running approximately in the direction of my precious drone's last known position. By now my son had the controller and had gone ahead. It seems also at some point the app had unfrozen because he was able to fire up the 'find my drone' function. It was this - despite no phone or 3 or 4g signal - that led him, zig-zagging methodically through knee-high corn, while bringing the two dots together, to a bare patch of soil and, sitting patiently in the middle, my exhausted, but entirely intact drone.

Needless to say I don't ever want to repeat that experience. I feel me and the drone got very lucky that day.

So with that in mind, can anyone give me some thoughts on why the app crashed, what I might have done or not done to have caused it and what I should do if it ever happens again?

I've noticed several people have had similar experiences with various app/phone combinations as well as the Smart Controller, but I've not really read a definitive fix, particularly when it occurs in mid-flight.

Also, am I right in thinking I still had full control of the drone through the sticks? Obviously, with no functioning display or VLOS, I couldn't know.

Comments and tips invited!
The Baron
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Interesting story, but if you really want answers you need to post the flight logs.
I hope the "lesson to be learned" (for others) is: don't take-off with low battery SoC (and I consider 30% very low SoC), because (as you discovered) "stuff happens" at the wrong time.
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Also, am I right in thinking I still had full control of the drone through the sticks? Obviously, with no functioning display or VLOS, I couldn't know.
When the drone is in RTH, it is following programmed controls.
If you want to resume control you have to cancel the automated flight (RTH) and then you will have full control.
This works even without the app.
Interesting story, but if you really want answers you need to post the flight logs.
I hope the "lesson to be learned" (for others) is: don't take-off with low battery SoC (and I consider 30% very low SoC), because (as you discovered) "stuff happens" at the wrong time.
Will post the logs if folks really want to see them, but I’m not sure they’ll tell you much more than I’ve already described. And no, definitely won’t be launching at 30% ever again!
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I feel your pain, since the last update to 1.4.8 the app will freeze all data, but the video feed still works, or it will just completely crash. The problem is not platform specific, the app will crash or freeze on android 10 and 11, Iphone 10 and 12. But you cannot roll it back to the previous version. When it happens, the RC still works, so it is an issue with the app. I always push the RTH button to get the AC back.

When the drone is in RTH, it is following programmed controls.
If you want to resume control you have to cancel the automated flight (RTH) and then you will have full control.
This works even without the app.
It wasn't in RTH, I cancelled it.
I feel your pain, since the last update to 1.4.8 the app will freeze all data, but the video feed still works, or it will just completely crash. The problem is not platform specific, the app will crash or freeze on android 10 and 11, Iphone 10 and 12. But you cannot roll it back to the previous version. When it happens, the RC still works, so it is an issue with the app. I always push the RTH button to get the AC back.

This is helpful db, thanks. If I had not been gripped by panic and not been so fixated by the frozen app I probably could have hit RTH on the controller. I was just assuming they were both frozen :rolleyes:
I think that is simple: when you have a frozen app and no VLOS, push RTH button on your RC. Happy flight !!!
I see that now. In my panic I was assuming nothing worked. Can anyone else confirm that the controller will still function fully if the app fails?
Can anyone confirm whether closing a frozen app and then reopening it while the aircraft is flying is a reliable fix? Or could that cause further problems?
This is helpful db, thanks. If I had not been gripped by panic and not been so fixated by the frozen app I probably could have hit RTH on the controller. I was just assuming they were both frozen :rolleyes:
I also freaked the first time it happened, as I have never flown with no app b4.

I also freaked the first time it happened, as I have never flown with no app b4.

Why not?

I guess it's too late to do anything about the past incident, but you can certainly go try flying without the app now, so that the next time your app crashes during flight, you'll know what to expect.

The first week I had my drone, I tried taking off, flying around, taking pictures and video, and landing, all without connecting a phone. Some things are just a little bit harder to do without the feedback from the video screen, but mostly, it all just works.

I had previous experience with toy drones that lacked cameras and had no ability to connect a phone or app, so maybe that made it easier...
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Can anyone confirm whether closing a frozen app and then reopening it while the aircraft is flying is a reliable fix? Or could that cause further problems?
Since updating Fly to v1.4.8, I've had the app freeze/crash on several occasions whilst flying my MA2 and Mini 2. Forcibly closing and then reopening the app would restore the connection and allow me to continue the flight. Note that the flight controls and RTH function still worked normally without the Fly app running, though.

I never experienced these app malfunctions prior to v1.4.8. DJI majorly screwed something up with the latest update.

Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro.
I just experienced my 2nd incident in the past 2 days. v1.4.8 appears to be the cause, as I never had the app crash prior to the update to 1.4.8.

First time it happened, screen froze but I could still control the a/c. Giving the RTH command caused my Mini 2 to return to home as expected.

This 2nd time, I had already initiated the RTH function while the app was working normally.

My 1st clue to v1.4.8 app crash was the RTH height. I programmed the a/c to climb to 100m before starting the return journey. At 94m height, I could see the height was not increasing per the screen indicator.

I re-started the DJI Fly app but it made no difference. That gave me reason to worry. I figured a re-start would result in regaining control over the screen of my phone. (I use a Samsung S8 on my Mini 2). App re-start did not resolve the problem. However, a 2nd re-start of the app worked.

The drone did however, return to home point and I was able to control and land it without any problem.

Would flight logs show if the app has crashed??

Until DJI releases a fix for their latest update (1.4.8), we should all be extra careful to maintain VLOS at all times and use RTH if the screen freezes again. And don't allow the battery to get too low in case you experience problems.

Can someone ask DJI to fix the DJI Fly app v1.4.8 please?
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I feel your pain, since the last update to 1.4.8 the app will freeze all data, but the video feed still works, or it will just completely crash. The problem is not platform specific, the app will crash or freeze on android 10 and 11, Iphone 10 and 12. But you cannot roll it back to the previous version. When it happens, the RC still works, so it is an issue with the app. I always push the RTH button to get the AC back.

Yes you can roll it back. With Android, go to You searched for dji fly - APKMirror and download whatever version you want. Uninstall Fly on your Android device and then reinstall the version you'd like to install.
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Can anyone confirm whether closing a frozen app and then reopening it while the aircraft is flying is a reliable fix? Or could that cause further problems?
Yes it can be. If the controller loses communication with the drone then all 4 power indicator lights will flash continuously. If the light are burning constantly (1, 2 3 or 4 lights depending of charge left in the controller battery) then the controller is still communicating with the drone.
Yes you can roll it back. With Android, go to You searched for dji fly - APKMirror and download whatever version you want. Uninstall Fly on your Android device and then reinstall the version you'd like to install.
Yes, I've had to roll back the app to 1.4.2. There was just too much potentially dangerous weirdness with the latest version: telemetry would freeze while fpv video was fine, or fpv video would freeze and telemetry would be fine, and there were always annoying video stutters which clearing the cache and even uninstalling/reinstalling didn't help.
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