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Gimbal Issues???!!!


Active Member
Jul 12, 2017
Thread is titled that way because Im not sure if I have gimbal issue or not....

Does anyone else feel the gimbal is very finicky? I understand the drone is not meant to be crashed or anything but it seems almost chincy and cheap-ish.

so i left the gimbal clamp on after connecting controller and turning the drone on, hopefully for the last time, I tied a piece of ribbon to it to help remember removal, thanks to this forum. I took the clamp off and the gimbal freaked out violently. spinning twisting. well flew the drone and my iPhone hooked up to the controller seemed very choppy. Not happy at this point started to fly around a little more noticed lag still so it was hard to fly the drone by the screen due to the lag. Landed it. Videos in cache were fine and smooth. Calibrated gimbal everything seemed fine. was out flying for another 20 mins and noticed lag a little bit here and there. got home loaded sd card onto my mac and started going through videos in the Photos app and the videos were choppy. Thought my gimbal was broke!!!! well in I movie all the videos play smooth as they can I have a MacBook pro Retina display (not 4k). IDK what the deal was?

Just bad GPS/satellite remote connection


gimbals broke (seems unlikely since all vids imported to iMovie are clear.)


something else i can check or look into

thanks in advance.
I have had many issues with the gimbal ribbon, am convinced that it is the weak link to a fine drone. Seems to be a whole industry has grown up around this problem. Am currently installing another ribbon, the cheap one I bought doesn't work, the issue remains. My advice is to buy a good ribbon, get feedback from online store who offer feedback, good source. Ribbon replacement is relatively easy and less expensive way to start. I'll post more as I learn, good luck.

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