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Guy tries to shoot my drone down. Fail.

The problem is that when people see a drone in the air they loose their minds, this happens all the time and in most cases the drone operator is not even pointing in their direction or flying over their house.
These hostile overly aggressive paranoid people who take extreme action do not care whether the drone really is of any real concern to them they just fly off the handle and are not rational

But in THIS case the drone does clearly appear to be spying or staging a new YT hit video.
You make way too many assumptions and are overthinking the situation.
There is no proof to back up any of what you say.
What you say is not any more believable than what the OP claims.
One thing I do know is that there is well and truelly fast becoming a case of DDS in society. DDS = DRONE DERANGEMENT SYNDROME.

The paranoia of drones is just out of control and people DO go to extremes to stop drones from flying no matter whether matter whether the drone is even looking at them or not.
People just go mental about drones these days.

Nah. You’re wrong. Quite wrong, really. In fact, one could even say you are extraordinarily wrong. And so that is exactly what THIS one is saying to you.

I’ve clearly not made any assumptions whatsoever as you claim I have. Quite the contrary. I have, instead, employed logic to this situation by breaking things down step-by-step, digesting the pieces, and then adding them up before finally commenting on them as a whole. So, no assumptions here on my part.

You also say I’m “overthinking” this matter. Wrong again. Instead, I am thinking through this situation and arrived at cogent conclusions based on a) what my two eyes tell me and b) my decades of experience as a journalist, i.e., my training in detailed observation, as well as my decades of experience in dealing with these kind of situations as the owner of a resort community of 400 families and being the on-site security for more than 2,500 people daily.

The only person making assumptions here is YOU. What do you base your statement upon that their is a wave of “drone paranoia” sweeping across the land? I’ve never read reports documenting such a phenomenon. Sure, there’s always info circulating around about non-drone pilot’s thoughts on the matter but nothing, to my mind, on the level to suggest we are facing “drone paranoia.” So to me, that’s assumption #1 for you. Moreover, did YOU coin the phrase, “DDS: Drone Derangement Syndrome” on your own? Because this is the first time I’ve ever heard about it. If so, then that’s assumption #2 on your part.

Assumption #3 for you is your statement, “People just go mental about drones these days.” Really? And that is based upon...what? YOUR assessment and/or YOUR experiences alone? Because in all of my years of flying, I have never encountered a drone-paranoid person yet. Instead, I have met folks who marvel at them, ask me questions about them, ask me if they can take the controls for a moment, and even where to get one & which one they should buy.

So that’s 3 strikes against you, and for me that means you’re out.

BTW, based upon other comments I’ve seen in this forum about this “incident,” I’m not alone in calling BS about it. In addition, the noticeable lack of further input from the OP to clarify questions that have been raised about his alleged encounter makes this pile of BS smell even worse.
Very clever and nice graphics including photo shopping the drone into your opening still pic but all staged, right? The gun in the hand of one of the actors was the give-away. Not a real-life situation by any means. Still, very creative and a nice editing job. Even though it wasn't real I was still impressed. Nice!
wasnt just a parked car, it was private property. Suspicious is looking inside a parked vehicle while its on private property...Doubt its real but cant follow your logic. 3 guys on my property one with a (pistol looking onject) and one looking into my vehicle window while parked in my drivway....? I mean, nice call on the car alarm,, it “undoubtably” has no alarm. I dont know about you but if I was going to break in to a car in a highly populated area in broad daylight, I would check to see if the door is open so I dont have to break it and see if there are any blinking lights indicating an alarm and have 2 of my buddies as lookouts or a distraction to the home owner. Your just shooting out wild *** guesses not fact, made to sound make you sound smart... Just sayn, the video is questionable at best, and yes zooming and flying over individuals isnt a recomended practice, but flying your bird around the neighbor is, and If i saw some shady stuff at my neighbors house id stick around too. Rather be safe than sorry and give accountability to the real criminals. Video was eh but your breakdown and logic was the most entertaining

Perhaps you need to get out of the LA sun for awhile...or else buy a nice, protective hat. Your grey matter is getting cooked.

First, the OP did not say it was on his property (as your statement projects) or even that he knew or was familiar with the vehicles, the house, or the occupants therein. Or even that the house was near his. He only said he was flying in his neighborhood - and with a Mavic 2’s range that could be anywhere up to about 5 miles away - when he saw people breaking into a car (pure conjecture here; no evidence of that), then zoomed in to SEE IF they were breaking into a car (so which is it? Did he see them breaking into a car as he first stated or did he zoom in closer to see if they were breaking into a car as he also stated, thereby contradicting himself?)

And you think 3 people looking into a car on private property - or even on public property, for that matter - gives rise for suspicion? Why? If it’s their car, a friends car, a family members, etc., there are a multitude of reasons why they could be looking into a car. They could be looking for a coat, a book, a cell phone, anything. And if on public property they could be just checking out the vehicle, perhaps because they are in the market to buy one like it, to admire the upholstery or maybe saw a dog in it. Again, the possibilities are endless.

You also say if you saw 3 people on YOUR property looking in YOUR vehicle on YOUR driveway and one had what looked like a gun, that would raise questions in your mind. Well, DUH! Certainly. Who wouldn’t question all of that? But this is not the case here at all; what you say about these factors are mere additions and fabrications to what was stated and are more projections upon the story on your part. Because it was NOT the OP’s property, it was NOT his vehicle, and it was NOT his driveway. Each of these were someone else’s, so your point here is...well...actually, there really is no point. This statement of yours is pointless.

But there is one area where you ARE 100% correct: you do not know about me. If you did, you’d know I wouldn’t initially have an opinion at all about what I’d do if I wanted to break into a car, because I don’t have larceny in my heart. You, however, seem to have already thought out such an occurence. But, if pressed for an answer, I’d have to say I totally disagree with how you would conduct your approach - because I would not want to get caught. Using your method, however, you surely would be.

You say you’d check the door to see if it was locked. Again, the vehicle in question is a late-model vehicle, which means the door locks would not be obvious, the windows are most likely heavily tinted, and so the only way to check to see if the door was open would be to try the door handle - which is stupid, because many newer vehicles will sound the alarm if the door handle is raised when the door is locked. Mistake number #1. Checking for blinking lights is at least a step in the right direction. So I’ll give you that one. But having your compatriots serve as lookouts RIGHT BY THE HOUSE is, again, just stupid. An operative part of the word ”lookouts” is “out.” No one would want a “lookin,” someone near the house to easily be seen by anyone occupying the house. Mistake #2 for you. Mistake #3: Thinking your droogs in crime could serve as distractions, as you suggest, to the homeowner while you commit a crime in the homeowner’s yard. REALLY? Do you actually think 2 unknown men lurking around outside someone’s home would be a reasonable distraction for you while you break into their vehicle? Unless the homeowner is either Helen Keller, Stevie Wonder, or Jose Feliciano I seriously doubt if that would work. Suggestion: whatever your line of work may be, stick to it. A life of crime is not in your cards.

Finally, I did not shoot out “...wild *** guesses, not fact...” to make myself sound smart, as you claim in one sentence. In fact, I made no guesses in my post at all. But based upon that sentence, to you at least, what I said indicates intelligence on my part. So, I thank you for at least noticing the huge gap between you and myself with regards to, well, let’s just say, with regards to issues of intellect. Apparently, you find my demonstration of the English language to be off-putting, which certainly is your right. And it is my right to reply that, in my opinion, your stumbling sentence stating this is clearly not “smart” in the slightest, in any language. I would like to be kind and suggest that you obtain a thesaurus, but I’m afraid you’d head out in search of Jurassic Park to find one.
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So, posit the hypothetical situation (not comment on the reality or otherwise of the OP - insufficient knowledge of the probabilities, and none of the OP.) You are on your own, your phone is strapped in to your controller - and you need the direction and distance information from the display. How do you call the police / 999 / 911? Speakerphone ?
Hmmmmm they weren't breaking into that vehicle, at the end, you see two people get in on the passenger side. seems the Op was flying pretty low, over their property basically above the tree line, maybe 80ft agl, there is no fire coming from the gun, if anything, this video is going to get the Drone Op, fined. Why? you were hovering over their property and flying low. with your camera focused on possibly unwilling participants in your video. At the end you show a M2Z you could have been much higher and zoomed in and probably been totally unnoticed. Since you made this a youtube video, i am sure someone on the internet is gonna report it hahahaha, you'll probably be getting a knock from the FAA soon
So, posit the hypothetical situation (not comment on the reality or otherwise of the OP - insufficient knowledge of the probabilities, and none of the OP.) You are on your own, your phone is strapped in to your controller - and you need the direction and distance information from the display. How do you call the police / 999 / 911? Speakerphone ?

The aircraft will continue to fly/hover even w/o the phone. You could take your phone, make a phone call, and reconnect the app in a matter of a couple of minutes.

Remember your Transmitter will still have full connection to the Aircraft even if the phone is turned off, destroyed, or put into use as a phone.
I am flying my mavic 2 around the neighborhood and I see three guys trying to break into a car. So I was like... cool I’ll film this in case they are breaking into this car.

The next thing I know I here a loud bang! They shot at my drone. Luckily I was paying attention and got the **** out of there. It was a close call for sure.

I have noticed NO replies for the OP. This whole thing is a SCAM to get knee-jerk reactions.
Besides, hovering over someone's driveway/house. It is exactly what makes people suspect of drones and make it hard on everyone else.
I just heard that a cop demonstrating their department drone to my school’s after school aviation club heard a call on his radio about a burglary in progress nearby the school and he was able to respond via drone to the scene first and directed the responding units to where the bad guys were hiding (dont ask about him maintaining VLOS- I dont know). Anyways, It was a great reality demo for the students, and I really wish I was there that afternoon to see what happened, I had to leave early that day.
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Be cautious. Please keep in mind the safety of others and protection of your drone. Sometimes people think their privacy might be 'threatened'. It could just aggravate folks who don't appreciate the hobby, Anyway, hopefully you'll be able to find some other interesting footage for the forum. Happy and safe flying : )
I am flying my mavic 2 around the neighborhood and I see three guys trying to break into a car. So I was like... cool I’ll film this in case they are breaking into this car.

The next thing I know I here a loud bang! They shot at my drone. Luckily I was paying attention and got the **** out of there. It was a close call for sure.

I think you can do better than that. Better than fabricating or staging false insidents to get everyone’s attention as you can see you already did. That’s cheap and sets you in a particular group that doesn’t fit well in society.
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Are you going to report an unlawful discharge of firearm within city limits complaint? Hard to prove that the firearm was actually discharged and not just pointed towards your bird.
Something does not seem right about the person trying to open that locked car. It does seem suspicious although the car was seemingly parked upon thier property.

There are some bad actors there for sure and a follow up by the local PD may be in order. That is unless they know specifically where you live.

Kind a looked like a pellet gun Or one of those airsoft
Throw something out there, get people riled up, sit back and be entertained. Seems the OP achieved their goal.
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