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Hawk Strike and Loc8tor/Tabcat


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2017
Eastern Ontario, Canada
HI.. Just wondering if anybody is using or had experience with the Loc8tor or what appears to be the rebranded Tabcat for honing in on a lost drone?
I had my Mavic go down suddenly while doing a 32 Km/h run over a soybean field while shooting video. I was at about 2 meter height and the soybean is just under one meter I'd say. The "find my drone" showed it 98 meters away in a 500 meter field, so I set out. Walking through Soy is akin to strolling through a pond full of Octopus with tentacles wrapping into the search, upside down, and very well disguised. As I was shooting video at the time, I found that it apparently records about 9 minutes of video and then starts a new file and does another 9 min and so on.
Video review explained why it went down. It shows a sudden drop of a foot and then a rotation and a frame or two of the sky, then upside down in soybean ;) About 10 seconds after that, I can see a Hawk, walking around and examining it, likely wondering why he never drew blood. He visited it one more time in the next minute or so.
Also it shows I walked by within 2 feet of it three times during the search, the first time at the nine (9) minute mark. Very thankful I did not step on it! The point being, the GPS location worked well as it got me to the right spot and saved the day, but I was thinking that if I would have had an RF locator as mentioned above, it would have been found in 8 or 9 minutes as opposed to 24, or not at all, and saved a lot of sweat! Any thoughts or recommendations?


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I have the Trackimo as recommended by a lot of folks. It seems to home in pretty good within the limitations of any GPS device.
I have yet to use it but from what I've seen it should do teh trick.
BTW - I'd LOVE to see that footage of the hawk!
The GPS tracker on the Mavic did an excellent job, no complaints, but I was thinking an RF to fine tune a location might be an additional benefit, if say the Hawk dropped it and it stuck in a tree or the middle of a thicket, or in a corn field. We have miles of corn here and I'm leary now of flying too far away until the harvest. GPS can only get you so close. No footage of the hawk in flight. I never saw it as I likely was watching the screen and then just saw green! I had seen it earlier about half a KM away when I was in that area so I left and came closer to home. Glad I did. The attachment I uploaded should show a second or two of video and then a still of the hawk, taken by an upside down drone.
I dunno - question - if the Mavic was recording video, and you walked within detection range as you state - couldn't you have been looking at your remote so you could get an idea if you were that nearby? Sounds like the GPS did the job - it was visuals that had you tripped up.
I know about that soy - we have fields of Sorghum I wouldn't want to get lost in fer sure.
I dunno - question - if the Mavic was recording video, and you walked within detection range as you state - couldn't you have been looking at your remote so you could get an idea if you were that nearby? Sounds like the GPS did the job - it was visuals that had you tripped up.
I know about that soy - we have fields of Sorghum I wouldn't want to get lost in fer sure.
Hmmm good point.. I was so upset that I had crashed it that I disconnected the RC and put it in my pocket and navigated with the phone. I never gave a thought that it may still be recording. Panic mode. I wanted to recover it and disappear before a farmer appeared. ;) The recorded video only was good for about 3 feet or less in the tangle.
I may break down and buy an RF tracker. I. can see that being useful if it was up in some trees..not due to my inferior flying skills of course but maybe a hawk would put it there. ;)
Why not using the ESC beep function of “find my drone”? That’s a good feature if you are not to far away from the lost drone
Why not using the ESC beep function of “find my drone”?
That's a good option if DJI GO is connected or able to reconnect to the Mavic. If disconnected, some type of tracker would be needed.
Or if the battery is not completely dead
Right. Trackers are must-have for any scenario where the remote controller is not able to connect to the aircraft.
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Why not using the ESC beep function of “find my drone”? That’s a good feature if you are not to far away from the lost drone
I'm not familiar with that.. tell me more please!
The loc8ator kit in Canada is still $149. I have mounted a Tile Sport, on the top, behind the battery with Velcro. Doesn't seem to interfere with anything and thankfully never have had to use it. I put it in a suitcase last week while travelling and it worked great, Made it easy to see when the case was nearing the airport conveyor, before it was even visible. Still would like to try the Loc8tor if the price were to drop as it would give better in UP!
Can I ask where you mounted the loc8tor on your mavic, I mounted mine on the rear which caused it to crash into trees.
I made a custom mount for it... You can see it in my dp

The tag is completely sealed in as you can see below. And those leg extensions are pretty tight so shouldn't come off in a crash... Or at least shouldn't go too far

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I made a custom mount for it... You can see it in my dp

The tag is completely sealed in as you can see below. And those leg extensions are pretty tight so shouldn't come off in a crash... Or at least shouldn't go too far
Thanks for your reply, that looks good.
I will mount mine somewhere similar when I
get it back from DJI.

I found the top of a tree a little while back. I had a Trackimo on it but didn't need it. I took last GPS coordinates from flight data, put them in google maps and printed out location. Deadly accurate. Drone back within one hour of visually unknown tree location.
Tabcat appears to be a range of about 122metres, which might be ok if you use Find my Drone on the app to get close.
Loc8tor has a similar unit or GPS (might NEED to be powered ?), which might be a better option at the higher cost.
The theft alert on the GPS unit might be handy too !!
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