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How often do you change your props?


Jun 3, 2017
Just got my Mavic, excited!

Then I realised one thing, the props when stored folded in the bag or pouch will go through some stress from knocks, pressure in the bag, etc.

How often should we change the props? Would like to avoid micro stress fractures and then one day, one flight it all comes falling down.
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I guess these props are super tough then, no reason to keep heaps of spare props
The props are made of a flexible and relatively soft plastic. This ensure they are not very prone to cracking and stress fractures.

They seem to be made of a high grade soft thermoplastic. These do usually not have a tendency to shatter spontaneously under normal use but they could develop slowly growing crack. Inspect them form time to time and when you visually see a crack, replace them.
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Always store them in the pouch that they came and put them on when I want to fly my Mavic....
Always store them in the pouch that they came and put them on when I want to fly my Mavic....

Mmm....or fold the arms properly, secure the props with a band around the mavic and store the entire thing in a soft bag. Putting the props on and off all the time might wear the bayonets and takes a lot of time if you want to get flight ready quickly.
I would worry much more about the wear on the mount from removing them everytime than anything on the props themselves from leaving them on.
I only remove once in a while to inspect both sides of the mount.
I would worry much more about the wear on the mount from removing them everytime than anything on the props themselves from leaving them on.
I only remove once in a while to inspect both sides of the mount.

But why to wear the mount? That is why it build for....
It's made to allow easily removing props but it will still live longer if you don't do so all the time. Since you can replace a prop easily and cheaply I'd rather wear that by not removing them (which doesn't acurally happen) than risk having to send the Mavic for repair because the motor-side mount is worn and you can't get that as spare.
I would generally throw all of my props away after 100 flights. This may seem a little excessive, however there can be issues with the props that are not visible to the human eye. The act of flying itself places a lot of strain on the propellers, so my logic is to treat them as a consumable resource the same as we do batteries.
But why to wear the mount? That is why it build for....
They built the props foldable so you do not have to take them off all the time. The mount is plastic on plastic and will wear out slowly if use too often.

Even a slight wear can create a small wobble and imbalance. This in turn will wear out your motors more quickly.
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It's good to establish a routine before every flight no matter how minor the flight may be. I have made an excel spreadsheet to log my preflight checklist and maintenance log. I check batteries, MP body, props, gimbal and camera.

Some may feel it's overkill, but should anything happen, I have the documentation showing that I examined the drone prior to the flight. I feel that it reflects how serious I take flying it as well as how responsible I am.

Just my 2 cents.
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I would generally throw all of my props away after 100 flights. This may seem a little excessive, however there can be issues with the props that are not visible to the human eye. The act of flying itself places a lot of strain on the propellers, so my logic is to treat them as a consumable resource the same as we do batteries.
Good advice. Not good practice to wait until failure. These props are inexpensive and a 100 flights is reasonable.
Other than recording each time you've taken off, I'm wondering if there is a counter somewhere
Other than recording each time you've taken off, I'm wondering if there is a counter somewhere
Yes....the DJI Go 4 app will tell you the number of flights on the log pages.
I leave mine on the mavic. I do check them every flight, but I also extend them out before starting up the motors. They say you don't have to but, I think if you don't, it puts unnecessary stress on the motors to spin them out when they first start up. I also check the rivets in the blades.
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I leave mine on the mavic. I do check them every flight, but I also extend them out before starting up the motors. They say you don't have to but, I think if you don't, it puts unnecessary stress on the motors to spin them out when they first start up. I also check the rivets in the blades.
Wouldnt worry about stress because you dont fold em out when you see what those props/motors have to endure when you come to a complete stop ASAP from 65km/t in strong wind :p
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