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IMU Calibration won't start

The tapping to fix an IMU problem is something that occasional works with Phantom 3s. The reasoning behind the fix, that I remember seeing put forward, is that a crash can cause whatever is the sensing mechanism to stick, wedge if you like, ditto being sat for a long time. The sharp shock (acceleration) caused by a tap frees the sensor. It has worked for me with a Phantom that had sat unused for months and possibly been roughly handled in transit.
I DO NOT know if the same mechanisms are used in the mini etc. but if they are then this may be the explanation.
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Thanks, that makes sense. Unfortunaely it didn’t work for me yet...
I will try again today. Just in case...
Currently on holidays on a Greek island and it is quite frustating not being able to fly the bird!
any other trick is welcome!
Try a different orientation for the tap, i.e. if previously tapping the nose try tapping the side or rear.
The tapping to fix an IMU problem is something that occasional works with Phantom 3s. The reasoning behind the fix, that I remember seeing put forward, is that a crash can cause whatever is the sensing mechanism to stick, wedge if you like, ditto being sat for a long time. The sharp shock (acceleration) caused by a tap frees the sensor. It has worked for me with a Phantom that had sat unused for months and possibly been roughly handled in transit.
I DO NOT know if the same mechanisms are used in the mini etc. but if they are then this may be the explanation.

Thanks! That's the only explanation I have read so far.
I had to give my mini a fairly hard thump with my open palm right on the nose (don't hit the gimbal) but it worked. Had the issue after it travelled in a pelican box in my luggage on a flight.

Yes, it has to be almost to the point you think the, "bump", may be too much but that's what it takes to "Knock some sense into it".
Tough Love. :)
UPDATE: I must say that it finally started but then it didn’t go on as during the first pass it stopped after a while with temperature errors while I was in an operational temp range... so no idea. I guess my gyro has broken.
UPDATE: I must say that it finally started but then it didn’t go on as during the first pass it stopped after a while with temperature errors while I was in an operational temp range... so no idea. I guess my gyro has broken.
The MM doesn't have a fan, so if it's powered but not in flight for too long, like 5 minutes or so, you will get a temperature error.
Hi guys

im having the same issue where its not calibrating! ive tried hitting it a few times as mentioned but still no luck :( any other ideas?
Chà, chà, chà, tôi không thể tin được nhưng nó đã hoạt động!!!!!!
Tôi đã tìm kiếm và tìm kiếm.
3 cú đánh mạnh vào mũi bằng vồ nặng 5 lb của tôi :eek::Ối: và nó đã thành công.
Không, thực sự đấy, cầm nó bằng tay trái của tôi và dùng gót bàn tay phải của tôi 3 lần, chắc nhưng không quá mạnh và NÓ ĐÃ HOẠT ĐỘNG!!!!!!

Tôi đã lùi chiếc MM của mình vào một bụi cây cách đây hai ngày và nó rơi xuống bãi cỏ khoảng 2 feet.
Đã bay trở lại sau khi không thấy thiệt hại rõ ràng.
Thông báo "Gimbal không tương thích" xuất hiện.
Chạm vào thông báo đó và "Hiệu chỉnh IMU", xuất hiện.
Đã chạm vào đó và nó chuyển sang "BẮT ĐẦU".
Chạm vào đó, và...... Không có gì xảy ra.

SOOOOOOO rất vui vì tôi đã tìm thấy điều này.
Tôi vẫn sẽ tìm kiếm thêm và xem những gì người khác đã làm để (thử) và khắc phục sự cố.

Cảm ơn một lần nữa.

already try this, and it start until 23% then Calibration failed appear. Last time is 2% then fail. I already contact a repair drone in local place, they said may be need to change GPS module called IMU or maybe fail in the drone's arm
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