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iPhone 5s / GO 4 V.4.1.20 Update. Can it handle it?


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Looking for feedback on this...
I have an iPhone 5s / iOS 10.3.3 running my Mavic Pro.
I've kept the GO 4 App on 4.1.00 & everything works great.
I'm hesitant to update to GO 4 V.4.1.20 because the iPhone 5s is now the last iPhone that is recommended by DJI to work with the GO 4 app.,
I know that GO 4 V.4.1.20 is very processor intensive & the iPhone 5s might not handle it.
I had a friend lose his iPad Mini to to this update & it's running the same chip.
Anyone else in this situation or has done the updates & can respond?

Also, what about the iOS upgrade to iOS 11 on the same phone with the same stats?

I also have kept my Mavic Firmware running 01.04.00.
What's bad in the newest update that I need to be concerned about?

Thanks in advance to all positive & helpful responses.
Tough decision. iPhone 5s is pushing the bottom of the CPU limits. I would suggest if it is current working, don't do anything, until you have a second device that works. Sooner or later our devices will not be able to keep up with the updates. I have a iPhone 6 and Mini 4. I will up date one of the devices first and make sure it works fine before updating the second decide. that way I always have a working device. So far I have been able to keep all my equipment up to date. I haven't noticed anything bad, for iOS devices, in the newest updates. The biggest issue with the 5s is what is running on it, how much RAM is available to run the GO4 app. Since apple announced that they have been slowing down the processes speed with aged batteries, it could effect how well the phone and interface with the RC and MP. I suppose you could take them up on their offer of a battery replacement. I decided to get a Mini 4 instead of getting a new phone. It is working well for me.
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Tough decision. iPhone 5s is pushing the bottom of the CPU limits. I would suggest if it is current working, don't do anything, until you have a second device that works. Sooner or later our devices will not be able to keep up with the updates. I have a iPhone 6 and Mini 4. I will up date one of the devices first and make sure it works fine before updating the second decide. that way I always have a working device. So far I have been able to keep all my equipment up to date. I haven't noticed anything bad, for iOS devices, in the newest updates. The biggest issue with the 5s is what is running on it, how much RAM is available to run the GO4 app. Since apple announced that they have been slowing down the processes speed with aged batteries, it could effect how well the phone and interface with the RC and MP. I suppose you could take them up on their offer of a battery replacement. I decided to get a Mini 4 instead of getting a new phone. It is working well for me.

Thanks for the response.
Yeah, that's along the same lines of what I'm thinking.
Some people have reported that GO 4 V.4.1.20 is working fine with the 5s if they clear off a lot of apps & shut everything else down. I do that anyway but it still sounds "iffy" to me.
I too was looking at the iPad Mini 4 with cellular but I'm living in Jamaica & hard to get one here, not to mention the expense. iPad 9.7" (non-pro) has a better chip(I think) & it's a bit cheaper, so I'm looking into that but it's a bit big. I have an adaptor. Will figure it out & pickup a new device when I go to the states this summer. Rumor has it Apple is discontinuing the Mini 4 soon.

I do know that the GO 4 app will continue to outgrow our devices. That's technology working. I've been wanting a bigger screen anyway & this will force me to find the one & buy one. Geography is more the problem.

What about doing the Firmware Update?
I'm running 01.04.00 & wondering what happens if I just update the Firmware & what bad stuff is in this firmware.

Thanks again for the input.
Tough decision. iPhone 5s is pushing the bottom of the CPU limits. I would suggest if it is current working, don't do anything, until you have a second device that works. Sooner or later our devices will not be able to keep up with the updates. I have a iPhone 6 and Mini 4. I will up date one of the devices first and make sure it works fine before updating the second decide. that way I always have a working device. So far I have been able to keep all my equipment up to date. I haven't noticed anything bad, for iOS devices, in the newest updates. The biggest issue with the 5s is what is running on it, how much RAM is available to run the GO4 app. Since apple announced that they have been slowing down the processes speed with aged batteries, it could effect how well the phone and interface with the RC and MP. I suppose you could take them up on their offer of a battery replacement. I decided to get a Mini 4 instead of getting a new phone. It is working well for me.

Thanks for the response.
Yeah, that's along the same lines of what I'm thinking.
Some people have reported that GO 4 V.4.1.20 is working fine with the 5s if they clear off a lot of apps & shut everything else down. I do that anyway but it still sounds "iffy" to me.
I too was looking at the iPad Mini 4 with cellular but I'm living in Jamaica & hard to get one here, not to mention the expense. iPad 9.7" (non-pro) has a better chip(I think) & it's a bit cheaper, so I'm looking into that but it's a bit big. I have an adaptor. Will figure it out & pickup a new device when I go to the states this summer. Rumor has it Apple is discontinuing the Mini 4 soon.

I do know that the GO 4 app will continue to outgrow our devices. That's technology working. I've been wanting a bigger screen anyway & this will force me to find the one & buy one. Geography is more the problem.

What about doing the Firmware Update?
I'm running 01.04.00 & wondering what happens if I just update the Firmware & what bad stuff is in this firmware.

Thanks again for the input.
The FW update should be ok, has nothing to do with the iPhone. I have a Mini 4 WiFi only. I realize it's limitations, but will use my iPhone as a hot spot if needed. BestBuy has Mini4s pretty reasonable right now, if you can buy thru them or wait until summer. I actually bought my Mini 4 refurbished from apple web site last summer, 1 yr warranty. worked great for a few months until it didn't. Took it into apple store, they replace it with a new one, since it was still under warranty. My arrangement works well for me. I didn't like the idea of the larger iPad covering up the RC screen and control sticks, that was the reason for going with the Mini4, Good luck with what ever you do.
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