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It’s only a matter of time before they ban our hobby because of morons


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2021
Two drones crashed into a high-rise here yesterday.... probably harmless...but people are calling for strict regulations

I personally have seen the huge increase of the moron-flying factor in the past 3-4 months
maybe it’s the lockdown, but it’s also the “take it out of the box and fly” marketing
“ no experience needed”

It’s easy to spot people learning to fly for the first few times. Instead of going to a clear park or field ( like they should)
A lot are flying in parks , over little kids soccer games , running paths, whatever...
Tons of crashes into trees and even sometimes playing fields

they see cool YouTube videos following bikers, runners
They charge up the first time and head out

I think this is going to be a huge problem and I think they’re going to clamp down hard

when I go to my favorite field....if there’s people, I go home and come back when it’s empty.... mostly early morning. I don’t want to disturb people, and I don’t want to lose my stuff

it really bugs me when really stupid people ruin things for the 99 percent of us who are safe and responsible
I had no idea that there lots of problem with drone flyers, but now that I'm on this forum I read and hear how big of a problem it it. I'm worried that the FAA, local government will really crack down and my rather large investment (Mavic 2 Pro with Smart Controller) will be an expensive paperweight. Luckily I live not far away from National Forests and BLM land, but it would be nice not to have to drive hours away to fly my drone.
Been flying RC for almost 50 years. Someone will always complain, but yes there many stupid people out there.

Had to be FCC licensed when I started, then no license but I joined the AMA for insurance. Now I have to join the AMA and have an FAA number to fly something that most will never know is there.

Aircraft have always had the right of way but they can sneak up on you like a siren on a car.

If the do gooders want to ban something, get these idiots off the road and leave me and my guns alone. I have right to own and use them, driving a car are a privilege and takes far more lives. Leave me and my hobby alone, thought I had a right to pursue happiness??
The local Chicago news this morning kept repeating , every time they re-ran the story...
“ if you feel like a drone is invading your privacy; call the police ASAP”

you know how many self-important people will see a drone that’s not even close them, and sound the alarm.
I’d rather see a ban on smart phones invading privacy. A lot more prevalent than drones and considerably more dangerous when wielded by morons that feel they can drive and talk/text.
Yesterday saw a YT movie about dronepilots in Canada. They're really screwed....
But, yepp, also in the Netherlands there are "problems" with droneflying. Nature2000 etc.
I know that the "good" dronepilots always have to suffer from a few morons that think they can fly and
don't think about any of the consequences as a result from their actions. i.e. the props are tiny, but feel and cut like a razor...
Just sayin'
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It is on both sides. Had someone upset a drone was over their property invading their privacy and airspace. While there are legit concerns over low height over yards, the replies were something else. This is the suburbs but still had people, many people reply shoot it down. Out here, that means bullets. Spray it with a hose. Realtors telling people call the cops because you own the air over your house. I delay upgrading for fear I'll have a piece of electronics that can only watch me from its table inside a room.
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I used to run a Facebook group for dogs, every year we would campaign for the ban on the sale of fireworks to the general public. One year we had hundreds of thousands of signatures. but each year, the question would be raised and each year they came out with the same answer. "We believe that the laws and regulations in place are adequate. so if you ever get in trouble with the law, tell them it's not a quadcopter but an experimental rocket and you're trying to put a man on the moon.
It's not just the "newbies" that are flying outside the rules. You see it all the time on here. Folks wanting to fly 2 or 3 miles away, "how can I fly further ?". VLS, no way anyone can fly anywhere near that far and have their drone in sight. So don't put all the blame on the newbie. Just saying.
I am fortunate to have not encountered any stupidity or problems when flying my drone. I read stories online and it makes me worry when I see somebody approaching me as I'm flying. So far, they just want to check it out and think it's cool.
ME TOO. They think its fun and like watching me fly it. I fly over the ocean at a nearby beach. There's one part of the beach I have to stay 700 ft away from, because it's a bird sanctuary. I did have one person call the cops (not because i was near the sanctuary) from their condo balcony once over the past year. The cop knew it was a stupid complaint, but had to ask me to leave. The person that complained was a city board member. I was flying over the ocean, no where near their condo, but they still freaked out. People have no idea, that the cameras on consumer drones can't really see detail from far away. Some people think we can see as good as military drones I guess. I wish.
It's not just the "newbies" that are flying outside the rules. You see it all the time on here. Folks wanting to fly 2 or 3 miles away, "how can I fly further ?". VLS, no way anyone can fly anywhere near that far and have their drone in sight. So don't put all the blame on the newbie. Just saying.
I doubt we will ever here of someone getting into trouble for flying out of VLOS. It's too hard to prove in a court of law. There is no evidence, except the word of witness or officer that may have seen it. They would have also have to know where you were in relation to the drone, If you were on a balcony, if it was your drone and have your vision tested, to see how far you can see. I doubt a cop or witness would even show up in a beyond VLOS case. The FAA would have the most difficult time validating the complaint as well.
It is on both sides. Had someone upset a drone was over their property invading their privacy and airspace. While there are legit concerns over low height over yards, the replies were something else. This is the suburbs but still had people, many people reply shoot it down. Out here, that means bullets. Spray it with a hose. Realtors telling people call the cops because you own the air over your house. I delay upgrading for fear I'll have a piece of electronics that can only watch me from its table inside a room.
The FAA is integrating drones, not getting rid of them. Don't worry. These cases or accidents are very rare.
I’d rather see a ban on smart phones invading privacy. A lot more prevalent than drones and considerably more dangerous when wielded by morons that feel they can drive and talk/text.
True. Also, Phones have cameras on them. Anyone can pretend they are talking on the phone, but film anyone, even kids or people at the beach. Cell phones with cameras should be monitored for illegal filming. You need to get waivers to film people, cell phone users don't. All phones need registration numbers in case they are used illegally to film a neighbors yard, or private property or people, ETC. If I throw my phone in the air with the camera on does it become a drone? Just kidding. I just find it funny, no one cares when you film with your phone, but they freak if it's an actual video camera or drone.
No one will ban drones. You can't base regulatory framework on the actions of idiots.
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This worries me as well. Last week there was an incident with an Air Canada flight leaving Nanaimo and encountered a drone at 2000' AGL. Was all over the local news. So now when I go out with my drone I have to worry about someone thinking "Is that the idiot who flew that drone". All the regulations are there for a reason.
This worries me as well. Last week there was an incident with an Air Canada flight leaving Nanaimo and encountered a drone at 2000' AGL. Was all over the local news. So now when I go out with my drone I have to worry about someone thinking "Is that the idiot who flew that drone". All the regulations are there for a reason.
I just don't see how a jet liner going around 300mph can see a drone so easily. I here these stories a lot. Did this happen next to an airport? 2000 feet is kinda low for an airliner. I guess so, you indicated they were taking off.
It's not just drones - I am a helicopter pilot, and was coming into a smaller local airport, when I saw 8 or 10 kids and an equal number of adults playing soccer on the large circle with a 10 foot H painted on it (heli-pad), so I had to divert to land. When I went over to them, the parents went ballistic for me 'endangering' them all. Even when I told them that the airport, and the heli-pad was restricted and not appropriate for them to use, they yelled and screamed at me - saying that I should just go somewhere else with the helicopter! I asked the airport manager, and he went to tell them they couldn't be there, and they threatened him as well - so morons are found everywhere.
It's not just drones - I am a helicopter pilot, and was coming into a smaller local airport, when I saw 8 or 10 kids and an equal number of adults playing soccer on the large circle with a 10 foot H painted on it (heli-pad), so I had to divert to land. When I went over to them, the parents went ballistic for me 'endangering' them all. Even when I told them that the airport, and the heli-pad was restricted and not appropriate for them to use, they yelled and screamed at me - saying that I should just go somewhere else with the helicopter! I asked the airport manager, and he went to tell them they couldn't be there, and they threatened him as well - so morons are found everywhere.
OMG. I feel your frustration. How ignorant do you have to be. I bet they thought the H was part of some sort of game field. Where was this? I thought most airports, even small public ones are fenced. Except, those "neighborhood" airport home runways with each home having it's own hanger. We have those in West Palm Beach Florida. Pretty cool idea. "honey, I'm just flying off to key west for a few hours, be right back."
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