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It's time

You can watch the event live here.
Very small unit. Interesting. Like the antennas in the landing gear.
21 Minute flight time, only 2 mile range but yet it is the most advanced Mavic yet? I don't get that.

So being a newbie to the mavic, from what I see is that they redesigned the Spark and gave it folding props, gave it an upgrade on the battery for more flight time. But they put all the work and upgrades into the Camera and Camera Software. But not much of an upgrade to the drone itself.

Just my point of view. So Far
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I guess this is a sign that the Mavic Pro 2 Fly More is going to be more than $999.
Yeah I think the Mavic Air is over priced for the market it's aimed at, if your spending that much you might aswel go for the Mavic Pro surely?
I've been holding off getting an MP whilst I waited for this announcement - In what areas is the Mavic Pro better than the Air apart from flight time and range?
if your spending that much you might aswel go for the Mavic Pro surely?
It all depends on what you want. The Mavic Air contains more sensors, more intelligent flight modes, etc.
I've been holding off getting an MP whilst I waited for this announcement - In what areas is the Mavic Pro better than the Air apart from flight time and range?

I personally like the size of the Pro better. I don’t have the desire to keep a drone in my pocket. Stuff gets broken that way. Not to mention, the Mavic at its current size is hard enough for me to keep VLOS on, now let’s make it smaller and faster? Between that, the battery, and range (even though I haven’t maxed out it or even tried) plus the 800 dollar price tag of the Air makes the Pro a no brainer to me.
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It all depends on what you want. The Mavic Air contains more sensors, more intelligent flight modes, etc.

Yeah its got more sensors, why didn't they include side sensors? Mavic Pro 2 maybe?

And Intelligent flight modes is just software based, chances are Mavic Pro will be getting these too. I'd say the same surely about the Panoramic photo - It's just software based, that the Mavic Pro is capable of producing too.
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I've been holding off getting an MP whilst I waited for this announcement - In what areas is the Mavic Pro better than the Air apart from flight time and range?

Less noise (specifically the MPP)
LCD on the remote (which I wouldn't miss, personally)
Variable focus lens

Stability would usually be an advantage inherent to a larger craft but at the rate DJI keeps improving their IMU and flight algorithms, who knows...

The most intriguing difference to me is that 100 Mbps video the Air is offering. I think the most interesting comparisons between the Air and Pro(s) will be fine detail rendering and focus range (fixed focus will likely be more limited at the near end).

I'd certainly wish for more flight time (I'd really love 20 usable minutes for lapses) but if that bit rate improves the image and isn't hampered by the wider FOV, I'll have to think about this little guy in place of a MPP

[EDIT: Occusync. Now that I read more, the Pros seem to be the only ones with the superior downlink...most especially if you have any ambitions on the goggles]
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I've been holding off getting an MP whilst I waited for this announcement - In what areas is the Mavic Pro better than the Air apart from flight time and range?
The Mavic Pro controller has a display, which has very useful data, and would allow you to fly the drone home manually if the app or phone were to crash. You could just watch the distance and fly in the direction it gets smaller. Also gives you stats on the position constantly.
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