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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
Dallas, Texas
I have the original Mavic Pro. I purchased a full set of the new Low Noise (platinum tipped) props from Advexure and tried them for the first time last weekend. They are definitely quieter than the original props, and a different sound frequency which makes the mavic sound slightly less annoying.

But in 2 out of 3 flights, I got a weird "Battery Current Discharge" error, and then a simple "Battery Error", both of which showed up in the DJI GO app and on the RC itself. This happened on 2 different batteries, and I'd never had ANY type of battery error before flying with the new props.

Both times I got the error message while accelerating quickly in Sport Mode or while flying at top speed in Sport Mode. I can only assume this is because these new props were specifically designed for the Platinum Mavic's new ESC settings?

Should I be concerned about flying with battery errors like this? My flights or performance didn't seem affected at all - I continued to fly as normal until the battery was down to 25%.

Has anyone else had any battery errors while using the new props?
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I had but I flew in sport mode while pushing the bird going up and forward. Since the new props are a bit larger and can repress more air they most like cause more current.
I have the original Mavic Pro. I purchased a full set of the new Low Noise (platinum tipped) props from Advexure and tried them for the first time last weekend. They are definitely quieter than the original props, and a different sound frequency which makes the mavic sound slightly less annoying.

But in 2 out of 3 flights, I got a weird "Battery Current Discharge" error, and then a simple "Battery Error", both of which showed up in the DJI GO app and on the RC itself. This happened on 2 different batteries, and I'd never had ANY type of battery error before flying with the new props.

Both times I got the error message while accelerating quickly in Sport Mode or while flying at top speed in Sport Mode. I can only assume this is because these new props were specifically designed for the Platinum Mavic's new ESC settings?

Should I be concerned about flying with battery errors like this? My flights or performance didn't seem affected at all - I continued to fly as normal until the battery was down to 25%.

Has anyone else had any battery errors while using the new props?

The new props have a higher angle of attack, and generate more thrust at any given RPM. That means that they also run at higher power at any given RPM, so if you push the motors hard they may well draw more current than the FC expects if it is not tuned for them. I was under the impression that the latest firmware included updates for the new props - are you running older firmware?
I am using the latest firmware (as of Nov 16/2017) and the props are the official DJI props. I will try putting the old props back on and see if I get the same error.

Is there any possibility that this kind of error could cause a crash?
I bought the new props from DJI and tried them to see the sound difference. I wasn't really impressed. I guess if your going for stealth you should be flying slower. Speed demons will need something with less bite and faster RPMs. I think the engineers of the Mavic Pro chose the right prop design.

The noise is not bad at all really, especially while moving a altitude.
Was it real windy the day that you were having the errors? I get the same errors on my Mavic with the stock props if it is windy out when I fly.
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It is because you got the platinum-tipped blades for your original gold Mavic Pro and it didn't like the color mismatch :).

Sorry about that. I sometimes regress to my younger self. I also have the new props (gold-tipped) and have had no error messages flying in some heavy winds in sport mode. I do confess however that I do not fly in sport mode very often.

And before someone comments, I know that the color difference will not effect performance.
I'd like to see the stock parameter settings for the Platinum. I wonder if there's any differences there that are optimized for the Platinum props.
Is there any possibility that this kind of error could cause a crash?
Not sure. I know I got the error twice and didn't notice in time. My Mavic stopped and hovered until it was able to clear the error or whatever it does. Seems like it has a safety over ride but I don't push the throttle and pitch full forward at the same time anymore, ESP in sport mode!
I'd like to see the stock parameter settings for the Platinum. I wonder if there's any differences there that are optimized for the Platinum props.
From the problem someone reported over at the other forum, I wonder if it's possible for you to see that.

Edit: I doubt it's in the parameter. Maybe in how the ESC control the motors?
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Like Porto said. The ESC control is different from first generation Mavics. The extra loading from the new style props can be "slightly" overloading the motors. The OEM props, esc controls, and motors are "matched". Change any one of these, and you can go over the edge, in either direction.

I had the new props, and after three flights, took them off and gave them to a friend. My motors were running noticeably warmer with them. Went back to stock and all return to nominal operations.

I learned this when I built my Tarot heavy lift hex from scratch. I found the sweet combo of esc/props/motors, which gives me a "perfect" 3 to 1 power to weigh ratio, first level: hovering, second level: manuverability, and the third level: escape/punchout.
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Like Porto said. The ESC control is different from first generation Mavics. The extra loading from the new style props can be "slightly" overloading the motors. The OEM props, esc controls, and motors are "matched". Change any one of these, and you can go over the edge, in either direction.

I had the new props, and after three flights, took them off and gave them to a friend. My motors were running noticeably warmer with them. Went back to stock and all return to nominal operations.

I learned this when I built my Tarot heavy lift hex from scratch. I found the sweet combo of esc/props/motors, which gives me a "perfect" 3 to 1 power to weigh ratio, first level: hovering, second level: manuverability, and the third level: escape/punchout.
Were all 4 motors running hot, or just the rears?
I'm still waiting to get my hands on a platinum aircraft to do some side by side testing of motor wattage, esc + motor temps.
I tried the new props out yesterday, 3 flights for 10 minute each and each pack went flawlessly. I wanted to check out the props while drawing the packs down to storage level for a few days while the weather is so crappy. I flew slow and easy and did notice how much quieter they are . Pretty amazing for sure, At 200 feet if you weren't aware of the Drone being up there you'd never know it. Even close up I could tell I wouldn't be bothering my neighbor now at all. I assume if you get on the throttle and pour he coal on you could draw enough current to cause a warning message until DJI gets the App issue resolved. I'd suggest Till then either fly slower and easier or put the stock props back on. Has anyone notice a big increase in motor temps.? If so It could be a timing issue ..?? Let's hope DJI gets it figured out soon before one of us test dummies causes failure over load and cooks a component.
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anybody know the weight of all 4 new props ?

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