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Made my Mav Water resistant to rain. Hurricane Harvey

When I saw all them big helicopters sitting on the ground with blades spinning at 2:38 I thought... wait hang on, is that about to take off, and is this MP flying right into its flight path? The MP pilot didn't seem too worried about keeping an eye on it, unless he was on the ground nearby... dubious
Unfortunately, this is the type of video that will cause issues for those of us trying to follow the rules and not endanger the lives of others. I live in the same area, was facing the same issues, and decided not to fly due to the poor conditions and the TFR put in place by the FAA. The evidence of multiple helicopters in this video, including the one flying well below the MP for quite a distance, is problematic. I know the urge to get up and take some shots of the devastation was high, but the need to secure the safety of the rescue pilots and the people being rescued should outweigh any need to get interesting footage.
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There's helicopters in a car park with the rotors turning, then one flies in from the right hand side, low level.

I have to ask, if your eyesight is that bad, should you be flying a drone?
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I'm a little speechless here. You're the one who with vision issues but you're giving ME **** about it?

Look on the right hand side at 2:48. A helicopter enters the frame low level, tracks to the centre of the screen then turns right and proceeds in the same direction as the drone
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Rolling my eyes here

What I actually wrote was there was helis in the car park THEN one flies in from the right.

Have another look at 2:48
I seriously doubt a mavic can bring down a heli... if it's anywhere close to the helicopter's body, it'll be blown out of the sky! If it hits the helicopter's blades, well, that'll be the end of poor Mavic... the helicopter blades wouldn't even feel it hit something.

So no... a mavic cannot bring down a helicopter based on a simple law called physics.

But it could (by a series of very unfortunate events) bring down a plane e.
. the mavic gets sucked into the engine,
debris flying everywhere hits a fuel pipeline and punctures it,
another mavic debris hits an electrical cable and ruptures it,
spark from ruptured electrical cable ignites leaking fuel and the whole engine catches fire,
Pilot is unable to compensate and the plane comes down...

Well all very possible, even though it's far fetched! But I can't see how the mavic can bing down a helicopter... sorry
Yup there it is blacksheep and just watched full screen on YT and is easy to see so All let's chill it a bit in this guys .
Thanks .
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Rock, Paper, Scissors. Guy flying drone finds people on roof. Calls rescuers to the location. And as am typing this I get a severe weather alert for Pennsylvania? Tropical cyclone alert . Better get my Mavic raincoat on!
Prayers to all of you. I can recall such devistation when growing up and the memories will last for ever. Wish you a speedy recovery.

MP seem to be able to withstand the elements pretty good. My MP was lost for 4 months on some rooftop under extreme heat, rain, wind debris and hail. It was recently found and was fortunate enough to get it back. All that was wrong with it was a damaged battery, lightly rusted screws and fading on the body. I have tested every function of the MP and everything works perfectly. I'm interested in what you did to make it more resistant to rain. It appears from my observation that the battery contacts on the MP are protected from moisture, rain and debris by the battery itself. I still wonder how the motors and gimbal survived multiple rain storms, but hey I got it back and it works so I'll take that.

Again, wish you all a speedy recovery from this devistation. Thanks for sharing the video.
I agree. eventhough it makes for great footage, as drone operators we have to think of the greater good. and it was well advised NOT to fly drones in DISASTER zones unless part of a rescue mission where coordinates are given to Heli pilots. you could have inadvertently put more lives in danger.
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I could see someone turning you in or getting you in trouble. Be careful man hate to see you get busted for a video like this.
I have to agree as well. Hobbyists drones have no business flying in disaster areas, period. Just one incident involving a manned aircraft serving a disaster could put an end to all our freedom to fly even when and where it is safe. Its one thing to ignore common sense safety regulations. Its another thing all together to publish the fact. Might come back on you!
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What makes the video so "stuttery" around the 1:50 mark? Is this common with Mavic video?
Can people just share what they have instead of being slammed by some person that claims to be a pilot but also has a Mavic!! ****, your the reason I don't even post on Social Media. There's always a hater out there!! People make mistakes and learn from them but your not the boss so slow ur roll![emoji1]
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Can people just share what they have instead of being slammed by some person that claims to be a pilot but also has a Mavic!! ****, your the reason I don't even post on Social Media. There's always a hater out there!! People make mistakes and learn from them but your not the boss so slow ur roll![emoji1]

If someone doesn't point out mistakes exactly HOW does anyone learn? Do tell.

Also by the FAA's very own admission they expect us to try and police ourselves which is exactly what is being done here. This isn't an issue of the FAA's overstepping regulations but a matter of Emergency Response trying to save lives and help people who can not help themselves. Maybe there are other "Rolls that need to be slowed" here . . . .

If you can't see the danger in this .... well there in lies a BIG part of the problem!!
What makes the video so "stuttery" around the 1:50 mark? Is this common with Mavic video?
Not sure why it was like that BigA but no it isn't common or will say it's not with mine .
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Agreed with all your points, they are valid.

Just to clarify what I meant, Hate was being used in slang for example "people that are Haters just create negativity towards others because they dont have something or didnt do something that person does or has, etc.

Anyway I do understand, I myself and my team just went through the Hurricane ourselves and we had birds in the sky everyday all day doing On Call Search and Rescue, Damage Analysis, etc. And agree just follow the rules and there wont have to be any issues, I just feel there was a better way to say it in open forum rather then just try to call him out. I just feel like lately halfway through every thread there is someone jumping on another's case about something they did and it could be handled differently, we are all on the same team in the big pic! Thanks!
Can people just share what they have instead of being slammed by some person that claims to be a pilot but also has a Mavic!! ****, your the reason I don't even post on Social Media. There's always a hater out there!! People make mistakes and learn from them but your not the boss so slow ur roll![emoji1]
To clarify I was actually agreeing with you guys I screwed up and quoted or replied to the wrong original post, my apologies to "Flymoretalkless and BigAI07.
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I respect that.

Thank you sir.
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Great shots and I hope things are improving. What sort of wind speeds were you flying in I am very cautious with wind but that looked rock solid.

It was real hard to see with the device I was using, so I can tell you it was risky. I almost lost it on speed mode, so Id say wind speed were close to 40mph.

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