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Jul 14, 2019
Hi all.

I am an old school drone pilot (I began with a DJI Phantom 1) and have had or used many drones over the years. I got a licence about 6 years ago when it was called PFAW.

I haven't flown for a long long time now but having recently seen a Mavic Air video I felt I just had to get one. So I did!

There is every chance I have been ripped off a little, but having seen one for sale local to me I went along and purchased it. The guy told me all 3 batteries had been charged up and ready to go. But one of the batteries he had in the bag (I realise I shoulda checked) seems dead as a dodo. He has since assured me it was charging with no issue at all, but I am obviously sceptical.

I have honestly searched all over to try to find a solution to bring it back to life but unfortunately none of the methods has worked, presumably because there is no sign of liife at all.

Does anyone have a solution to this problem or do I just need to accept I have been led up the garden path?


Incidentally, I also had the problem where DJI Assistant would show no Captcha on my PC with Windows 10. I tried everything advised mainly on this site to no avail. But when I did it on my laptop with the exact same Windows 10 installed, it worked without issue. Could anyone throw some light on why it might work on one and not the other?
Does anyone have a solution to this problem or do I just need to accept I have been led up the garden path?
If you see no lights on the battery when attempting to charge it, then it's dead.

I also had the problem where DJI Assistant would show no Captcha on my PC with Windows 10
Try temporarily disabling any 3rd party security software you installed.
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If you’re only issue is just the one battery, you could consider yourself fortunate in that you have everything else in working order. It could very well have gone quite differently in that you could be with an aircraft that crashed five minutes after you sent it off on its first flight after being assured that all was good. Batteries are not something to fool with because of what they are supposed to do. They are providing the power to insure that your new friend has the ability to come back to where you are.
Dead batteries should be buried for a reason.
Grab another battery and go have some fun!
If you’re only issue is just the one battery, you could consider yourself fortunate in that you have everything else in working order. It could very well have gone quite differently in that you could be with an aircraft that crashed five minutes after you sent it off on its first flight after being assured that all was good. Batteries are not something to fool with because of what they are supposed to do. They are providing the power to insure that your new friend has the ability to come back to where you are.
Dead batteries should be buried for a reason.
Grab another battery and go have some fun!

Agree with Starz - you could always use it for setting up the drone etc before flying giving you that 100 percent battery when needed !! I had a phantom 2 battery like that and that is what I used it for.
If you’re only issue is just the one battery, you could consider yourself fortunate in that you have everything else in working order. It could very well have gone quite differently in that you could be with an aircraft that crashed five minutes after you sent it off on its first flight after being assured that all was good. Batteries are not something to fool with because of what they are supposed to do. They are providing the power to insure that your new friend has the ability to come back to where you are.
Dead batteries should be buried for a reason.
Grab another battery and go have some fun!

They are so expensive I chose to order 2 new refurbished ones. They may actually turn out to be safer than the 2 I have left from the seller!! :D
Agree with Starz - you could always use it for setting up the drone etc before flying giving you that 100 percent battery when needed !! I had a phantom 2 battery like that and that is what I used it for.

I can't use it for anything Moose. I wasn't exaggerating when I said dead. Totally dead, no lights, nothing.
The two that are working will have the charge cycles visible in the Go4 app.
Look in the battery info and let us know how many cycles on them.
The two that are working will have the charge cycles visible in the Go4 app.
Look in the battery info and let us know how many cycles on them.

Even though it is a new install of Go? Just out of interest, what info will this give us about the dead battery?
Go version or history won’t matter. Battery history stays in the battery.
If there is no current in the dead one, probably won’t show any information.
Go version or history won’t matter. Battery history stays in the battery.
If there is no current in the dead one, probably won’t show any information.

Sorry Starz, I am still baffled what you are suggesting I do???

The dead battery is totally dead. No lights, no nothing. How can I look in the DJI Go app if the battery won't switch the craft on to be able to link to the app?
If you tell me that you checked the dead? battery with a volt meter, case closed. I’m only going on the idea that it could be just the lights that may be out of order. I have a phantom battery that has one of the four lights out, but works perfectly in all other respects. So I know lights can fail.If you install the dead? battery in the aircraft and no indicators on the ac show themselves, then yes, I will say it’s a goner. I didn’t see in any of the previous posts that the battery had been checked in any other fashion other than the button being pushed and I was only trying to be 100% sure.
If there is any life at all in the dead? battery, it will be visible in the app. If it becomes visible in the app, the information we seek will also be there.
Again, just trying to be sure and save you some money.
I do appreciate the help, honest. And if I can save money, even more appreciated :D

I just don't see how it can ever connect to the app if it doesn't do a thing when plugged into the aircraft. So if there was any juice at all, the aircraft would come on right? And if it doesn't... then it won't connect to the app?? Unless there is another way to connect it through the battery alone that I don't know about?
I don't think it's a point of digging further into this dead batterry. Is gone... dispose it accordingly to your local law and move on. I am just curious how many cycles the good batteries are showing in go4 app? I would recommend to check it. It will give you an idea on what stage of their life span they are, and it may even give you an answer, why the one is already dead. Without this info, I wouldnt judge if that was a good or bad purchase.
I do appreciate the help, honest. And if I can save money, even more appreciated :D

I just don't see how it can ever connect to the app if it doesn't do a thing when plugged into the aircraft. So if there was any juice at all, the aircraft would come on right? And if it doesn't... then it won't connect to the app?? Unless there is another way to connect it through the battery alone that I don't know about?
Now that I know you made the attempt to connect to the ac and got nothing, yes, you are the proud owner of a DJI paper weight.
I don't think it's a point of digging further into this dead batterry. Is gone... dispose it accordingly to your local law and move on. I am just curious how many cycles the good batteries are showing in go4 app? I would recommend to check it. It will give you an idea on what stage of their life span they are, and it may even give you an answer, why the one is already dead. Without this info, I wouldnt judge if that was a good or bad purchase.

Both charged 6 times apparently.
I want to ask you if the battery does not light up and does not respond in any way, does that mean it can be repaired?
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