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Neighbor shooting at my drone.

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God Dang plastic bird filming me! I should shoot it cuz the first ammendment and RIGHTS AND LIBERTY AND MURICA. ABORTION IS MURDER.

**** my cousin looks good today.

Too far? ;)

Did you just quote yourself? lol

You're probably just messing around being funny, but if not, 2nd Amendment is the right to bear arms. And it wasn't created for gun nuts to go shooting up whenever they want. Nor hunting. It was made to prevent a hostile government from doing bad things to its people. That's why we can own AR-15s and such. America was created because the people who came here long ago were sick of being ruled by Great Britain and the way they did things there. Even fought a big war and won against the biggest power of the time. It was the equivalent of a bunch of men leaving the USA today and the US Military going after them and starting a war and losing against them. So forgive me if I take a little offense to anyone messing with our 2nd Amendment. Or the 1st for that matter ;) Those 2 alone make USA the best place on the planet, in my opinion. I won't give up my guns because a looney toon want to do silly things with his. Arrest him, leave the rest alone. If he hits your drone contact the Department of Justice and file a report. They enforce the law against firing at aircraft. Not sure what the outcome would be on a drone. Haven't been on the site in a long time maybe its been done already.
No hard feelings, just educating you a bit :p
I was flying my drone at my family lake house in Oklahoma. I was going up high and flying towards the lake. I flew over the neighbors property once at 116 meters and just kissed the edge of his property once at 75 meters when flying back according to the flight record gps. I was actually flying from the backyard and heard what I thought was a gun shot. It's the country so in the back of my mind I wondered if some guy was shooting at my drone but didn't get really nervous or anything. About 3 minutes later another shot rang out. At this point I started getting worried and panned the camera around. Then about 30 seconds later another shot rang out. At this point I was pretty sure even thought I couldn't see anything on the screen since it was so small that I knew what was going on. I came inside to look at the footage and saw the neighbor shooting into the air on the third shot. I'm not sure if he shot directly at the drone on the first and second shot or if he did the same thing with those as he did with the third shot. But either way all three shots happened when I was over my property.
We went over to ask him if he was shooting at my drone and through a lot of expletives he said I was on his property and this is the country and he'll shoot at anything he wants to out here.
We called the sheriff but they basically said there is nothing they can do since it's legal to shoot guns in your front yard out in the country... they say you're responsible for where that bullet goes... but it's not against the law to shoot out here. They also said that people have a right to their privacy. I told him that I'm pretty sure a guy standing in his front yard isn't necessarily entitled to privacy, otherwise how would news agencies film someone from the street. The sheriff said "well the news agencies get away with a lot of stuff." The sheriff went to talk to the neighbor but they basically admit they don't have any knowledge of drone laws and at what height a persons property ends. After the sheriff left the jerk of a neighbor was outside shooting more just to try proving a point that he can do whatever he wants.

I'm really looking to make this a learning experience for myself. My wife keeps telling me "I wonder if he would have done that if you went out and talked to him before you flew"... but I just keep thinking... it's not my responsibility to tell every single person within eyesight that I'm going to fly my drone.
What would you do? How would you handle this? The sheriff said we could call the DA on Monday so we plan on doing that. Another friend told me to report it to the FAA so I did that. I'd love to hear thoughts.


I’d search for and print the FAA documents regarding interfering with a drone pilot and or aircraft. Send copies to the sheriff and your neighbor with an overly polite letter about educating the public on the increasing use of drones and public airspace as designated by the federal agency.

Perhaps explain to them the limitations of the cameras on your particular drone and emphasize that you’re being very careful with regard to observing safe flying parameters that are respectful of property owners.

Let them know you’ll gladly share more information with them in an effort to ensure that no one has to do serious jail time because of their ignorance concerning the law.

Ok, maybe skip that last part.
Good luck!
Our local DA will file charges if shooting up in the air because you have no idea where the bullet is going. But of course each jurisdiction is different.
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It is NOT legal to discharge a rifle into the air. Not only that, but it's pretty **** stupid to fire a rifle bullet into the air when you have no idea where your bullet will end up. He should have been charged with the "Unsafe use of a firearm". He could have hit a boat, or a home or person on the shore on the other side of the lake. A .30-06 or a .308 bullet can travel up to 2.7 miles. What that numbskull did was very dangerous. That lawman was wrong.


I was flying my drone at my family lake house in Oklahoma. I was going up high and flying towards the lake. I flew over the neighbors property once at 116 meters and just kissed the edge of his property once at 75 meters when flying back according to the flight record gps. I was actually flying from the backyard and heard what I thought was a gun shot. It's the country so in the back of my mind I wondered if some guy was shooting at my drone but didn't get really nervous or anything. About 3 minutes later another shot rang out. At this point I started getting worried and panned the camera around. Then about 30 seconds later another shot rang out. At this point I was pretty sure even thought I couldn't see anything on the screen since it was so small that I knew what was going on. I came inside to look at the footage and saw the neighbor shooting into the air on the third shot. I'm not sure if he shot directly at the drone on the first and second shot or if he did the same thing with those as he did with the third shot. But either way all three shots happened when I was over my property.
We went over to ask him if he was shooting at my drone and through a lot of expletives he said I was on his property and this is the country and he'll shoot at anything he wants to out here.
We called the sheriff but they basically said there is nothing they can do since it's legal to shoot guns in your front yard out in the country... they say you're responsible for where that bullet goes... but it's not against the law to shoot out here. They also said that people have a right to their privacy. I told him that I'm pretty sure a guy standing in his front yard isn't necessarily entitled to privacy, otherwise how would news agencies film someone from the street. The sheriff said "well the news agencies get away with a lot of stuff." The sheriff went to talk to the neighbor but they basically admit they don't have any knowledge of drone laws and at what height a persons property ends. After the sheriff left the jerk of a neighbor was outside shooting more just to try proving a point that he can do whatever he wants.

I'm really looking to make this a learning experience for myself. My wife keeps telling me "I wonder if he would have done that if you went out and talked to him before you flew"... but I just keep thinking... it's not my responsibility to tell every single person within eyesight that I'm going to fly my drone.
What would you do? How would you handle this? The sheriff said we could call the DA on Monday so we plan on doing that. Another friend told me to report it to the FAA so I did that. I'd love to hear thoughts.

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Next time, straight up till out of range of gunshots, then fly over.
They wont shoot at what they dont see or hear.
Easy resolution. One smart fellow. Just like there are hayseeds with guns, there are hayseeds with drones. You go looking for trouble, it will find you.
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Honestly, be as considerate as possible. After all it’s a neighbor you will have to live with the blow back of any of your actions. And if you choose to fan the fire you better be ready for years of stupid crap that might lead to more serious property damage. Be a man, go over have an adult discussion with them try to educate them and ensure your not trying to infringe on their personal space nor ill conceived idea of personal privacy. And if that fails turn the other cheek, and just avoid fly overs of their property as I’m sure you can still fly with avoiding their AO. Yes I know you shouldn’t have to but this is a fight NOT worth the time. With that said if he actually causes damage to your property then gloves off and ensure he pays for his actions.
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I know it wont be popular here but I so thankful we had a Prime Minister who bit the bullet (pun intended) and banned firearms in most cases. The news today from Pittsburgh is just another reason to be thankful and this post also emphasis that point. Nutters and guns don't mix and discharging a firearm like this nutter does should result in a long time behind bars in any civilised country.
You should have bit a live bullet. If I came out there to Shrimp on the barbie Land, and stabbed you to death with a spoon, would your fearless leader Prime Minister ban spoons? Really sick of your Lib-Lame-Talking-Points.
I was flying my drone at my family lake house in Oklahoma. I was going up high and flying towards the lake. I flew over the neighbors property once at 116 meters and just kissed the edge of his property once at 75 meters when flying back according to the flight record gps. I was actually flying from the backyard and heard what I thought was a gun shot. It's the country so in the back of my mind I wondered if some guy was shooting at my drone but didn't get really nervous or anything. About 3 minutes later another shot rang out. At this point I started getting worried and panned the camera around. Then about 30 seconds later another shot rang out. At this point I was pretty sure even thought I couldn't see anything on the screen since it was so small that I knew what was going on. I came inside to look at the footage and saw the neighbor shooting into the air on the third shot. I'm not sure if he shot directly at the drone on the first and second shot or if he did the same thing with those as he did with the third shot. But either way all three shots happened when I was over my property.
We went over to ask him if he was shooting at my drone and through a lot of expletives he said I was on his property and this is the country and he'll shoot at anything he wants to out here.
We called the sheriff but they basically said there is nothing they can do since it's legal to shoot guns in your front yard out in the country... they say you're responsible for where that bullet goes... but it's not against the law to shoot out here. They also said that people have a right to their privacy. I told him that I'm pretty sure a guy standing in his front yard isn't necessarily entitled to privacy, otherwise how would news agencies film someone from the street. The sheriff said "well the news agencies get away with a lot of stuff." The sheriff went to talk to the neighbor but they basically admit they don't have any knowledge of drone laws and at what height a persons property ends. After the sheriff left the jerk of a neighbor was outside shooting more just to try proving a point that he can do whatever he wants.

I'm really looking to make this a learning experience for myself. My wife keeps telling me "I wonder if he would have done that if you went out and talked to him before you flew"... but I just keep thinking... it's not my responsibility to tell every single person within eyesight that I'm going to fly my drone.
What would you do? How would you handle this? The sheriff said we could call the DA on Monday so we plan on doing that. Another friend told me to report it to the FAA so I did that. I'd love to hear thoughts.

Well I’m sorry to say that this seems to be the mood of the country. There will be no winning here unless the neighbor is interested in tech. These are the same type of people that would shoot and kill your dog because a chicken got out of the coop and done got ate by you dog, so I killed the mutt, got an issue with that ?
I know it wont be popular here but I so thankful we had a Prime Minister who bit the bullet (pun intended) and banned firearms in most cases. The news today from Pittsburgh is just another reason to be thankful and this post also emphasis that point. Nutters and guns don't mix and discharging a firearm like this nutter does should result in a long time behind bars in any civilised country.
Agree with you. But you need tp remember usa is 3. world countrie.
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