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New-ish with Mavic Air 2 - Blindsided by Reality - taking deep breaths and assessing the situation. Any info/help greatly appreciated.

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FAA rules blah, blah blah. I'm talking about flying straight up. doing a 360 and straight back down. 180 seconds
Rather than trying to debate that here, perhaps you should take it up with the FAA who make the rules you are having trouble with.
And yes, a minimum of cell service (network connection) could be required to utilize the hardware to it's full capability. The hardware I have requires a cell phone with the DJI app installed.
No .. I've been flying DJI drones for 6 years now using wifi only tablets (like many other flyers).
You do not need cell service at all for flying.
I understand that (particularly) southern California has a lot of eucalypt (trees) forests as we have in Australia and when (leaves) heated give off eucalypt vapor (the reason they called the Blue Mountains which appear blue from a distance because of that vapor) which ignites very easily and can cause trees to actually explode. I often watch reports of the devastating fires there and then later often those near where I live.
Stay safe.
As I said earlier you don't know how it feels unless you've experienced it. And you sure can't get that from watching wildfire survivors vicariously on TV. The solution is not trivial, requires some work from the powers above, whom we pay to figure such stuff out.
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Ok guys I have removed post, Edit portions of post. No need in making a mess of this guys. Before anyone decides to continue in this. Think...
[Edited by ADMIN] all ye know it alls and passive aggressive let me correct you forum folks. I quite CLEARLY stated that I am just learning all this and CLEARLY this is an unusual situation.

I posted a request for information so I can assess the viability of utilizing the drone I have for a specific task. The very same task I have been using it for the past week until it was locked down. I'm merely trying to utilize the tools currently at my disposal quickly and efficiently. FAA rules blah, blah blah. I'm talking about flying straight up. doing a 360 and straight back down. 180 seconds. Not cruising around bird watching or creating my next earth shattering scenic panning masterpiece set to the Game of Thrones soundtrack or Enya.

You asked a question and you've been given VERY credible responses. Just because you don't agree with them doesn't diminish their accuracy and depth.

Even though you only "intend" to fly straight up and back down have you taken into account the "What Ifs"? What if you have a malfunction of your transmitter and the aircraft merely hovers at "said height" indefinitely? What if you lose connection and the aircraft ascends to the RTH altitude? What if you have a larger malfunction and you create a Fly-Away situation where the aircraft is flying/drifting away without your control? This is not a fool-proof system and "crap" happens just look at the Fly-Away section of THIS forum.

Saying FAA rules blah blah blah demonstrates exactly how you feel about the Regulations that are in place and your blatant disregard for the existing structure. The Federal Regulations aren't options and they are to be taken seriously as LIVES can be jeopardized by your actions.

Why is YOU looking for smoke etc any more important than the LIVES in those aircraft who are risking EVERYTHING to help others? Why is YOU looking for smoke etc any more important than the people whose houses are in IMMEDIATE danger and might burn to the ground because YOUR actions ground the whole aerial crew?

For the record.. ANY flight within a TFR (even just 10' off the ground), that is not authorized, is a violation and a serious one at that. Regardless what your "intentions" are it's a violation.
The only way you’re ever going to utilize that drone in a TFR would be in the instance you are directly involved in firefighting efforts or whatever operations are necessitating the TFR. It’s a big IF that you would ever be granted permission but the starting point would be your local fire department. Likely a volunteer department you could join and be trained in wildland fires, structure fires, and EMS. If you ever obtained permission you would be under direct supervision of the Incident Commander utilizing direct communications by radio, cellphone, or landlines.
getting away from the "it's the rules, sux to be you" responses.

if I were nervous enough about a wildfire to be launching my drone straight up and doing a 360 everyday. Then one day I find that I couldn't because the FAA put a TFR in my area (probably for the forest service aircraft) then that would seem to be a solid indication that the fire is closer than is safe and I should grab my go bag, load my pets and drive someplace else.
getting away from the "it's the rules, sux to be you" responses.

if I were nervous enough about a wildfire to be launching my drone straight up and doing a 360 everyday. Then one day I find that I couldn't because the FAA put a TFR in my area (probably for the forest service aircraft) then that would seem to be a solid indication that the fire is closer than is safe and I should grab my go bag, load my pets and drive someplace else.

Welcome to the forum and a very spot-on response. I totally agree.
getting away from the "it's the rules, sux to be you" responses.

if I were nervous enough about a wildfire to be launching my drone straight up and doing a 360 everyday. Then one day I find that I couldn't because the FAA put a TFR in my area (probably for the forest service aircraft) then that would seem to be a solid indication that the fire is closer than is safe and I should grab my go bag, load my pets and drive someplace else.

My opinion, nothing more - This is the problem with people where I live and hurricanes/floods - they know that they should leave, but don't. They love to describe the danger in dramatic terms (insane lightning?). They pack the cars, fill up with gas, wait too long, get trapped and then cite potential looting et cetera. They do things that seem very silly in retrospect because it gives then a feeling of control (spraying plants with a garden hose?) when an overwhelming force of nature is bearing down.

Most do this several times and use past anecdotal "experience" (read: dumb luck) as "evidence" that they are correct in doing it again. They are the people that put rescuers at risk and are the people that the media love to find to hear all about their terrible time. Or die.

If you enjoy loving in an area that is affected by natural disasters, you will at some point have the opportunity to have to live through a natural disaster. Staying endangers you, your pets & your family. It also endangers first responders. I have pulled lots of people out of very bad situations after flooding begins and they all wish that they had left earlier. And I am just a well equipped civilian.

My point is not to belittle you, but to try and convince you to read what you have written through another lens - If you need a consumer drone to tell you where wildfire is, it's too close. Pack up those things that are not replaceable and leave. Don't endanger yourself and others. Insurance covers looting (at least here, I strongly suspect there too). If you can't live with the fact that you have to leave - move, because it will happen again.
I think what has had to be said, has in context. Take it all in and you decide, because you alone will live (or die) with your own decisions. That all being said, it was made very clear before you bought a DJI aircraft (And has been very clear for many years) that this is how they function. Your simple lack of due diligence to read what you agreed to and signed (That "I Agree" button to use "Their software", Small print of contract) or some sort of investigating (Googling) to be informed before purchase, this perhaps would not be a issue.

All that aside, you can fly (Once activated and registered) any DJI aircraft with NO device (Phone/Tablet) connected..that is remote only, of course if so equipped. In that as well, DO NOT ever allow (you do have a choice at present) any update to a aircraft until you as the pilot in command understand fully what that update entails and your sure of all functions of updates are not detrimental to operation of said aircraft. Again YOU made the decision to update, DJI gave you the option. So you and only you grounded your aircraft. So once the smoke clears ;) keep these things in mind...Don't update (if you don't know how to block or bypass, google it) your craft and then you will never have to worry about what someone else thinks or tells you to do. The choice is yours and always has been...Glad BTW that all looks good at this point. :)
Please excuse if I'm in the wrong forum, but I think this might be a good place to start.

Mavic Air 2, my first drone, purchased a couple of weeks ago for fun and to take pics of the beautiful surrounding coastal redwoods here in Northern California. So far my flights have been short and always in eye shot, my training wheels still on.

We are currently experiencing what have become the annual wildfire season. I didn't realize what an indespensible tool the drone would become. Being able to zoom straight up, do a 360 and scan the area for signs of fire has been unbelievably comforting and frankly essential to assessing my safety. Are flames near? Do I need to pack up the dogs and evacuate or am I all good?

So today, fires raging around, I got my rude awakening. Grounded by the DJI app. It's now a restricted area.
WTF. I'm livid.

Had I have known DJI participates in police state crap like this, I would have thought twice before purchasing.

I just applied for a license, but don't expect to get it.

Now it's dawning on me that this thing is tethered to cell service to facilitate flight no matter what. So no cell service, no decent flight.

I realize I have some research to do, but due to the urgent utility, I need a Cliffs Notes version.
Am I correct in guessing there might be work-arounds? Yes, No? Positives and negatives of doing so? And realistically, how complicated is it to implement? Can it be done quickly and with little effort? Reverseable? Reliable? I'd really like to get back in the air today, realistic?

Any info greatly appreciated,
Cazadero, Sonoma County, California.
Sample video clip:

I tool am fed up with DJI and its "police state" tactics. Living within 5 miles of an airport which has been closed for over five years my entire neighborhood is a "no fly zone". Tired of the DJI "BS" I've purchased an Autel Evo II Pro. While aftermarket support for the Autel products is minimal I'm learning how to get by without their support.
Living within 5 miles of an airport which has been closed for over five years my entire neighborhood is a "no fly zone".

I'm assuming you've told DJI it's closed? Someone in another thread said that they responded fairly quickly to verified information.
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I'm assuming you've told DJI it's closed? Someone in another thread said that they responded fairly quickly to verified information.

My experience with DJI's service department has been less than wonderful. That said, after trying for several days and speaking with a number of representatives I gave up trying.
My experience with DJI's service department has been less than wonderful. That said, after trying for several days and speaking with a number of representatives I gave up trying.

I wonder if it’s country-dependent?
I wonder if it’s country-dependent?
Nope, I'm afraid not. My brother still lives in Sweden and he has "spoken" , "chatted" and emailed the DJI service department. When he and I compare notes about the lack of customer service from DJI we are on the same page so to speak.
Nope, I'm afraid not. My brother still lives in Sweden and he has "spoken" , "chatted" and emailed the DJI service department. When he and I compare notes about the lack of customer service from DJI we are on the same page so to speak.

But, to be fair, that's only 2 countries - if only one country worldwide had good service, that would still qualify as country-dependent.
[Edited by ADMIN] all ye know it alls and passive aggressive let me correct you forum folks. I quite CLEARLY stated that I am just learning all this and CLEARLY this is an unusual situation.

Personal opinions can be retained where the sun don't shine. I posted a request for information so I can assess the viability of utilizing the drone I have for a specific task. The very same task I have been using it for the past week until it was locked down. I'm merely trying to utilize the tools currently at my disposal quickly and efficiently. FAA rules blah, blah blah. I'm talking about flying straight up. doing a 360 and straight back down. 180 seconds. Not cruising around bird watching or creating my next earth shattering scenic panning masterpiece set to the Game of Thrones soundtrack or Enya.

Obviously, I have no intention of interfering with air traffic and wouldn't send it up when manned aircraft were around. I'm located on a hill crest with decent views and can hear any approaching aircraft from quite far off. It's even quieter than usual given the evacuation. Don't bother going into a diatribe about some new silent skimmer plane I don't know about. I'm smart enough to assess the safety situation with confidence. That is why I am here in the first place.

What I have to go with here is my specific situation: the drone I have here functioned just fine until yesterday. Now I can't even get it to take off. And I currently am not interested in investing the time to research the subject from one side of the www to another.

This post is/was a simple, straight forward request for information, not an invitation to school me on whatever hot button topic some hypersensitive drone enthusiast has stuck in their craw.

No matter where anyones opinion falls on the subject of police state or corporate control, what I take umbrage with is the fact that it is not clearly stated prior to purchasing that complete function of this item is not at the purchasers disposal at all times and is subject to multiple factors. The how and why are entirely different subjects and debatable. Start your own thread if you wanna go there.


And yes, a minimum of cell service (network connection) could be required to utilize the hardware to it's full capability. The hardware I have requires a cell phone with the DJI app installed. If the capabilities can be restricted remotely, it could require a network connection (cell service) to restore. As opposed to a unit that could not be accessed remotely (hacking aside) and is simply the drone and companion controller, other than for firmware updates, zero network connection.

For those interested, my two dogs and I are doing fine. The activity around my location has settled down. At one point it was a bit unnerving as fires were popping up all around from the insane lightning we experienced. During that storm, I wanted to get a couple of photos because the sight was unbelievable, but being on a hillside, I wasn't about to step outside. There were simultaneous strikes all around. Thus, little fires everywhere. And clear, consistent information was not available. Different websites, differing and conflicting info. Some sites listed reported fires as fires, others only one or two fires total. So time to put on ones big boy pants and do what needed to be done.

The incredible part of this is that because of where we are located, the air has been amazingly good. We are situated in a way, close enough to the coast, that what little breeze we feel is pushing the smoke away inland. That's one reason I'm stying put as long as possible. Looting is another. And as long as I can keep spraying down the plants surrounding my place and feel safe and aware of whats going on around, I'll stay here and do so. If it gets hairy, the cars already packed and we'll head out. I'm fortunate enough not to need to utilize a shelter, particularly during this pandemic.
And on a related note. (Mod Removed Political Comments and Language )
Stay safe and just read the replies that calm your nerves! I agree with you. If you can put a drone up just above the canopy to look around and see where the fire front is located or identify spot fires early and report them to an authority, you should be able to launch. And if it saves your life, who is to argue. Fit the drone with strobes, stay within 15 feet of the canopy, fly in clear air and with wide visibility. If you are in smoke, then you obviously would need to start the car and not the drone. ??
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