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new UK law. 1 km from any airport !!


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
Bristol UK
Heard on the radio today that the UK will set a new law of no drones within 1km of any airport.

1 km.... thats ridiculous. And asking for trouble.

Who came up with it being set at only 1k? An idiot!
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I can’t see anything wrong with the new proposed laws, they’re very sensible. Hopefully it’ll keep the idiots in check. Like the idiot that constantly flies his Phantom over my garden at about 40 feet.
Apparently its 1 kilometre of airport boundaries.

I'm not sure if that means from the fence around an airport. In which case that just mad and asking for some idiot to try and film a plane taking off or landing. Or it means 1 km from its airspace as it stands, But that dose not really make any sense when that's miles from the runway anyway.

One more Km wont make any difference.

I'm more than happy to do a online test. But I wonder how much they will charge for that ?

And how much they will then charge you to register with the Civil Aviation Authority ?

Always someone out to cash in on your hard earned cash :(

They also want you to get public liability insurance. Good. Now tell us where to get it because I cant find anyone who will unless your want to do commercial work with your drone.

I just want to fly mine for fun cover that with some insurance for my peace of mind and make some home made videos.
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Being a bit lazy here...

Is this the one were the insurance expires in December no matter when you sign up?

So if you sign up in November you pay the yearly fee and get 2 months cover?
could not say as iv had this membership and insurance for so many years that's just been renewed every year

just found there phone No 01162440028
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Being a bit lazy here...

Is this the one were the insurance expires in December no matter when you sign up?

So if you sign up in November you pay the yearly fee and get 2 months cover?
The membership fee is reduced if you join part way through the year. Even the full cost of £33 per year is worthwhile for the third party liability
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Watch lots of drones up for sale .....

I can not see anything changing, unlike motorists, its hard to make money out of (screw) drone user's, so only lip service will be paid to enforcing these new rules
Currently in theory there is no fixed distance from an airports other than "Stay well away from aircraft, airports and airfields". So they're looking at a distance which isnt a bad thing. 1km though sounds crazily close, i'd have expected 3x that.
400ft has also been the maximum allowed altitutde so nothing new there.
I'm not against a registration, test and insurance provided the new laws take that into account and arent draconian to the point you cant use the drone anywhere. Insurance requirement SHOULD allow you a bit closer to things than currently allowed.
Im not against a small, sensible registration fee either BUT i have zero faith in it not being used as a money making scheme by those who can. Look at the cost of PfCO and so on - if its a cynical money grab then people wont bother. This has to be done in good faith.
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It is 1km From the outer perimeter of the airport, which is quite a distance from the operational areas,l runways etc. These restrictions were considered by experts and not just plucked out of the air by some clown of a politician.

I think they are sensible and perfectly acceptable, anyone who want to fly closer to an airport than that is just a c*nt anyway.
Aviation industry are campaigning for more than 1k - its still under consultation. Theres a big difference between a circle and a bubble that follows the orientation of active runways for example.
Typical approach rate (very roughly here...) is about 320ft / nm (1.85km).

So very roughly on an extended centre line, assuming a max drone altitude of 400ft they could quite "legally" be at the same height of an aircraft on finals 2km or so out from it.
As far as making it far easier to encode NFZs into hardware a circle of a specific radius is far far less resource intensive than an actual conforming shape as well.

Ideally i'd like these laws if they include (i) training and (ii) insurance and (iii) identification of violators to be relaxed on things like the currently VLOS only rule alone with the 50m from structures (designed for manned small aircraft which are far heavier). Also put a stop to the probably illegal claims of bodies like national trust, heritgage, cadw and so on banning flights *over* their land completely.

Part of me suspects though they'll use it as an excuse to make money and also to be utterly draconian.
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I'm quite happy if the registration fee is substantial. Yes it will irritate all of us that are committed to having a drone and flying it, but it might serve to put off some of the muppets. The ones that get a drone for Christmas and even though they can barely read the word 'yaw', by New Year's Day they've buzzed the town centre, their mates in the pub, the local airport, the nuclear power station, and got it stuck in a tree outside their favourite soccer team's stadium.

That said, I do think they're going about this the wrong way. I'll say right here and now if the Government wants a copy of my flight records I'm quite happy for DJI to give it to them. There really isn't a privacy concern here. If you're standing in a public place, flying a device you can hear from half a mile away and has a camera stuck on the front of it, then demanding privacy for your flight record is a bit rich.
"Substantial" would have to provide value for money.
If its a large fee for ever more draconian rules and restrictions then no. But if its enough to deter the morons that buy them in a shop, fail to read a manual and fly them like complete idiots then yes its a good idea. BUT to justify that fee enforcement would have to be fair and strict otherwise you get the "why am i paying that when xyz person isnt and getting away with it".
They need to reward responsible fliers with a lighter regulartory touch to allow them to actually enjoy it and get their moneys worth.

Im in favour of tests, flight records and identification systems on the drone itself provided that is used to relax the laws regarding where and how you can fly (and a large clamp down on people who dont comply). I'd like drones including mine to have a transponder purely to get more awareness of what else is operating in the area and so on.

I just have very limited or no faith in the fee being fair or used to relax the rules given the governments track record on similar things.
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Heard on the radio today that the UK will set a new law of no drones within 1km of any airport.

1 km.... thats ridiculous. And asking for trouble.

Who came up with it being set at only 1k? An idiot!

Sweet! I've been concerned about airport security. This solves everything. :rolleyes:
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