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Problems/dislike people have with drones

Why do people hate drones? I made a video OUT IN THE DESERT. No people anywhere. Just me, my dog and my Mavic 2. I posted said video to a couple Facebook groups specifically for this desert ( Anza Borrego). What I got was a lot of likes and comments. There were also plenty of drone haters chiming in. Never mind the video showcasing the desert we love, let's just hate on the drone.

You can view my video at
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and see what all the hate is about.
To who, done the video I though it was done fantastically. I
Before dumping all over Rabber, th OP, I guess nobody bothered to look up the fact that the sculptures are NOT in Anzo Borrego State Park. They are on private property, the Galleta Meadows Estate, which is open to the public. I found no rules online that banned flights by UAS. Yeah, they are in the Anzo Borrego desert, but that's geographical area that encompasses more than the park.
he has another video that he flew joshua tree, which is also not allowed.
I guess if you have once had a peaceful walk/visit ruined by some drone operator buzzing around and setting up gear, changing batteries or rummaging around looking for good launch spots, pressurising you to clear out of shot, etc or felt it was invading your privacy it can slant your opinions.

Even if you are not there at the time the video was taken, you can immagine that 10%, 30% maybe 90% of your next days out will be subject to similar antics from someone else as the hobby gains popularity.
I guess if you have once had a peaceful walk/visit ruined by some drone operator buzzing around and setting up gear, changing batteries or rummaging around looking for good launch spots, pressurising you to clear out of shot, etc or felt it was invading your privacy it can slant your opinions.

Even if you are not there at the time the video was taken, you can immagine that 10%, 30% maybe 90% of your next days out will be subject to similar antics from someone else as the hobby gains popularity.
So how do you feel about planes and helicopters that overfly these same areas and interrupt your solitude or bloggers walking around with their phones on selfie sticks invading your privacy?

I fail to see why there cannot be a solution to this issue. These places are put aside for all to enjoy.
Most people only see planes low and particularly annoying close to airports, and these are well posted and understood. Large parts of the world rarely see a helicopter, but again they are expensive to operate and usually there for a good reason, medivac, search and rescue, incident response. I have a high tolerance living near the flight path on one of the busiest heliports in the world, but then I chose to move here for the same reason the choppers are flying.

There are lots of places where I am irritated by people who are not taking in the view, the atmoshpere or taking a keen interest in their surroundings compared to the interest they have in taking photos, selfies, blogging about what they are up to.

I can see how fairly frivilous drone flying can be similarly annoying to some people, it is purely downside for them.

You just have to use the same diplomatic and social skills you use all through life to get along with others and accept some people will be far more upset with your presence than other.
My typo error - should have been post #28, where he said, "Yes, however, the sculptures are not in the park and the hills I described are near my house. 70 miles from Anza Borrego"
you kind of ignored this

Again, I was flying my Mavic 2 is a remote area that had a hiking trail up to a peak on a large hill. I flew over to the peak and there were some hikers at the top. A couple of them waved at me but one guy started throwing rocks.

I left and flew off to another distant hill. There was a climber at the top of that one also. This was a very remote hill and the guy had to work hard to get to the top. He was taking in the scenery. I respected his solitude immediately flew away.
you kind of ignored this

Again, I was flying my Mavic 2 is a remote area that had a hiking trail up to a peak on a large hill. I flew over to the peak and there were some hikers at the top. A couple of them waved at me but one guy started throwing rocks.

I left and flew off to another distant hill. There was a climber at the top of that one also. This was a very remote hill and the guy had to work hard to get to the top. He was taking in the scenery. I respected his solitude immediately flew away.
That wasn't relevant to my comment. I was pointing out that he was not flying in the park.
called cherry picking, a logical fallacy
I don't understand your point. He was accused by several people of flying in a park which prohibited drones. I was pointing out that he said he was flying quite a distance away. You're suggesting that there's evidence that he was actually flying in the park? I missed that. Can you point out the post or posts where it appears? Where are the rest of the alleged cherries?
Ok guys let’s chill before I have to clean this thread.
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When I moved to my current home I made a point of visiting neighbours, introducing myself and letting them know I flew RC planes, then I asked if they had any objections to me overflying their property, none had (on the proviso that I wasn't flying gloplug engines).
When I added helis into the mix I checked again that I wasn't going to cause any issues.
When I started with drones I checked once again (showing them the drone and it's camera capabilities), no issues but I did get asked for some photos of their houses from the air.

Maybe I was lucky as all our neighbours had no problem with me doing anything in the air over their property but if any had an issue I was ready to accept that my flying from home would be seriously restricted (as it stands I have permission to fly anywhere I want within 1/2 mile of my house)
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