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Return to Home speed...


Active Member
Nov 21, 2016
Ok why is return to home faster than what I can go? I consistently notice that it is faster coming back home then manualy flying it back (in P-mode). For instance when flying back with wind I can only get to maybe 10-15mph, but if I have it fly itself back it always tops out at the max speed of 22! Why is this? I know the bank angle/speed is maxed out to 22 in p-mode but why can't I go that fast manually in P-mode?! Does the RTH function not follow the same rules and can bank itself at a higher speed? So it basically will do what it has to to get to the max speed?
Has anyone else noticed this? I am finding myself using the RTH function to get the mavic back to me quicker...I know sport mode will go faster, but just thought RTH also had limited bank since it is in P-Mode but I am guessing it can go outside that limit when RTH is activated?
When there is crosswind it crabs, you manaully are not usually flying it back at the optimal groundtrack angle
Are you saying it basically will pick the best angle to achieve that max speed of 22, but in manual mode I am stuck at the preset bank angles? So again Rth can actually increase past those angles to achieve again that max speed, and achieve that faster speed than I can in p mode correct?
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There are separate settings for whether to use obstacle avoidance for normal flying and RTH. You could have it on for normal flight (and thus be limited) but off for RTH.
Hmm, I want to say I had obstacle avoidance active in both modes....
I am just going to say RTH function is able to create its own parameters to go faster when needed to fight the wind... (hence taping into "sport mode type banks"), were you are locked in to a specific bank angle no matter the outside factors...

Thanks for everyone's input!
While I was waiting on my mavic to ship I read every review on the net. I recall reading one review where the fellow was having some difficulty bring it home due to winds. He finally gave up and did RTH. The bird cane home without incident. There may be something to what you say.
I'm guessing the Mavic is limited by power output in normal mode (hence you cant get much speed), but if you RTH it gets limited by top speed up to a point where it can still use obstacle avoidance, therefore using a lot more power.
There are separate settings for whether to use obstacle avoidance for normal flying and RTH. You could have it on for normal flight (and thus be limited) but off for RTH.
Where ? how to set these separate settings for OA separate settings ( for normal flying and RTH ) ? Thank you

You can use my settings. I increase the speed for RTH but also the obstacle avoidance. I tested today with wind from one side. With 40% of the battery, the bird was gone 8400 meters form the home point. The auto RTH with sensors dissabled was returning with 30% of the batterry.
Speed in P mode is now 40km / h and RTH is around 45km / h.


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