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Spinal fusion

Cabo Wabo

Active Member
Jul 26, 2019
Northern California
This is kinda off topic but I'm having L5 & L4 spinal fusion and I was wondering if anyone else has had this done? I've had a laminectomy on L5 &L4 16 yrs agp which helped then when the pain came back I have held it at bay with pain pills and steroid injections until now and it has gotten worse. I have seen YouTube videos with people who have had this but the results are all over the board and thought maybe a few of you have had this and could tell me how theirs went. I hope to get some flying time in when I am able to get up and get around, I don't think I will be returning to work after this as I will probably just retire. Any insight on others spinal surgery journeys would be great.
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Not the same, but have C6 C7 major degeneration. Mega dose Lyrica plus Pain blockers and Anti inflammatory injections. As a retired nurse personally wouldn’t have surgery unless ultra last resort. Once you go down that road if surgery doesn’t take then subsequent ops only make things worse. Sorry but that’s my personal experience only.
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Not the same, but have C6 C7 major degeneration. Mega dose Lyrica plus Pain blockers and Anti inflammatory injections. As a retired nurse personally wouldn’t have surgery unless ultra last resort. Once you go down that road if surgery doesn’t take then subsequent ops only make things worse. Sorry but that’s my personal experience only.
Well years of anti inflammatoies and pain pills have left my liver in bad shape and I don't take so much as ibuprofen anymore and the steroid injects have masked the pain and they are not working anymore, they basically make it worse as you think your back is ok and you do more damage, I do think this is a last resort to relieve my pain, hope it works.
I had C6-7 fused 13 years ago due to trauma and C4-5 completed a year ago due to degeneration in part due to the fusion below. In fact, I was just coming back from my stay at the hospital one year ago today.

I felt immediate relief in both cases however was really impressed with how much better the recovery times were with this most recent one and how much things have advanced in just 13 years. During my 1st, I had to self donate some bone material for the fake disc they installed. So they took a postage stamp size piece from my hip. That hurt like hell. With this most recent surgery I didn't even have to wear a neck brace during the recovery which was nice. In fact, I was scuba diving 6 weeks later.

Best of luck with your procedure, wishing you a speedy recovery!
This is kinda off topic but I'm having L5 & L4 spinal fusion and I was wondering if anyone else has had this done? I've had a laminectomy on L5 &L4 16 yrs agp which helped then when the pain came back I have held it at bay with pain pills and steroid injections until now and it has gotten worse. I have seen YouTube videos with people who have had this but the results are all over the board and thought maybe a few of you have had this and could tell me how theirs went. I hope to get some flying time in when I am able to get up and get around, I don't think I will be returning to work after this as I will probably just retire. Any insight on others spinal surgery journeys would be great.

Hi Cabo, I had my L5S1 fusion with hardware in 95. I was working as a heavy equipment field mechanic for 20 years. Surgery was my only option left, as I was too young to retire that soon.

Years later,,,

I been living in Wyoming for 40yrs n flew to NYC Beth Israel in Manhattan for surgery. As at that time he was the best surgeon n that IDF covered more. The pain associated with the fusion was pretty severe imho. An I had originally hurt it in a nighttime combat jump n just lived with it for 23 yrs. I did well n walked allot afterwards every day n night. I think I honestly went back to work wayyy to soon at 6 weeks. Or you lose your job kinda deal.

Then in 2004 I was once again forced into doing something again. I took a chance with surgery n got a artificial disc replacement done at L4L5. It definitely took my leg n butt pain away, but ended up being forced into retirement. As I was taking longer to complete my field work at times. Oh, I think humans age some, but I worked for a arrogant narcissist n we hooked horns allot.

2008. I retired an took Fentanyl patches for 5yrs, an about at 2-3 years the medication didn't last a patch every 72 hours. I started going through withdrawal symptoms every other day n it destroyed my entire life. Lost my career, wife n best friend n my home, marriage of 25yrs n church family Haha. Divorce costs me 600k plus the house, but hey I was retired now. Laughing

I think you have the right idea of retirement if you're able. As these specific operations take much longer to heal vs when we were younger. You've probably had the operation by now 05Sept2019. Every body is different n try to walk as much as you can each day. Sleeping with a pillow between my legs also relieves the stress imho. Wish I knew that earlier.

I would have loved to swim but Wyoming is few. If I had to do over again. I probably wouldn't done the fusion itself as I have bone chips against nerves. This past July 11th, I fell 5ft from my bed onto my bathroom cement n tile floor n compound fractures n crushed vertebraes of T12 n T11. I have had some injuries in my life, shoulder dislocated for 8 hrs snowboarding 2x. Gun shot n frags, cut n TBIs 2x traumatic n acquired n 6 heart stents. This broken back injury was all those put together. I can't even describe the hell I went through for 6 longgg days of no sleep. Muscle spasms came in waves after waves. I am so thankful to be able to get around n be home. Hope my story makes you feel better. lol My apologies for so long of reply. I went flying M2P yesterday n it was great. Pray your surgery went well n you're up n kicking butt. With Prayers, Ty,,, FlySafe
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I've had C4/C5 and C6/C7 fused (mechanically and in two different procedures 10 years apart.

Both operations were a HUGE success. I didn't know how bad I was hurting until I wasn't hurting!!
Hi Cabo, I had my L5S1 fusion with hardware in 95. I was working as a heavy equipment field mechanic for 20 years. Surgery was my only option left, as I was too young to retire that soon.

Years later,,,

I been living in Wyoming for 40yrs n flew to NYC Beth Israel in Manhattan for surgery. As at that time he was the best surgeon n that IDF covered more. The pain associated with the fusion was pretty severe imho. An I had originally hurt it in a nighttime combat jump n just lived with it for 23 yrs. I did well n walked allot afterwards every day n night. I think I honestly went back to work wayyy to soon at 6 weeks. Or you lose your job kinda deal.

Then in 2004 I was once again forced into doing something again. I took a chance with surgery n got a artificial disc replacement done at L4L5. It definitely took my leg n butt pain away, but ended up being forced into retirement. As I was taking longer to complete my field work at times. Oh, I think humans age some, but I worked for a arrogant narcissist n we hooked horns allot.

2008. I retired an took Fentanyl patches for 5yrs, an about at 2-3 years the medication didn't last a patch every 72 hours. I started going through withdrawal symptoms every other day n it destroyed my entire life. Lost my career, wife n best friend n my home, marriage of 25yrs n church family Haha. Divorce costs me 600k plus the house, but hey I was retired now. Laughing

I think you have the right idea of retirement if you're able. As these specific operations take much longer to heal vs when we were younger. You've probably had the operation by now 05Sept2019. Every body is different n try to walk as much as you can each day. Sleeping with a pillow between my legs also relieves the stress imho. Wish I knew that earlier.

I would have loved to swim but Wyoming is few. If I had to do over again. I probably wouldn't done the fusion itself as I have bone chips against nerves. This past July 11th, I fell 5ft from my bed onto my bathroom cement n tile floor n compound fractures n crushed vertebraes of T12 n T11. I have had some injuries in my life, shoulder dislocated for 8 hrs snowboarding 2x. Gun shot n frags, cut n TBIs 2x traumatic n acquired n 6 heart stents. This broken back injury was all those put together. I can't even describe the hell I went through for 6 longgg days of no sleep. Muscle spasms came in waves after waves. I am so thankful to be able to get around n be home. Hope my story makes you feel better. lol My apologies for so long of reply. I went flying M2P yesterday n it was great. Pray your surgery went well n you're up n kicking butt. With Prayers, Ty,,, FlySafe
Thanks for the thoughts, my surgery is scheduled for dec 19th as I've got obligations to take care of first, I had back surgery 15 yrs ago and I am dreading the first 4 weeks of recovery. I hope all goes well as I'm tired of constant pain and I'll see after this if I retire or not, I was going to in two and half years anyway but my wife is pushing me to just quit early, that kinda scares me to as I have always worked
I've had C4/C5 and C6/C7 fused (mechanically and in two different procedures 10 years apart.

Both operations were a HUGE success. I didn't know how bad I was hurting until I wasn't hurting!!
Yeah I've hurt so long I forgot what not hurting feels like. I dread long car rides and at 6'5" I really dread long flights. I went to BVI last year and thought I was going to die flying to and from, it was hell. I'm going to Cabo next month (Sammy Hagar birthday) and I'm not looking forward to the flight and it's a short one.
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Thanks for the thoughts, my surgery is scheduled for dec 19th as I've got obligations to take care of first, I had back surgery 15 yrs ago and I am dreading the first 4 weeks of recovery. I hope all goes well as I'm tired of constant pain and I'll see after this if I retire or not, I was going to in two and half years anyway but my wife is pushing me to just quit early, that kinda scares me to as I have always worked

I worked hard all my life too an probably harder than 90% out there. Military time, HDUTY Field mechanic n oil fields, shod horses for 20 of those yrs after working all day. Be happy your wife is stays with you, cuz when my paycheck stopped so did she but she also changed. I never saw it coming as we rarely ever had a ill word between us for 25 yrs. Haven2 awesome boys, youngest he n his wife are both MDs n oldest Navy Subs n JSOC operations n govt now. If you have a stressful job an requires heavy lifting you should retire n deal with it. You can live much cheaper when you have too. You can't buy new trucks every 8 yrs but they're just cars. Drones have given myself happiness once again an hopefully I can get a Scorpion FS26 Electric Assist trike. You should look into those, as it be great for your back an you'd drop weight n get stronger legs n back. Worse thing you can do is go back to a job early. They won't care if you have problems n you're expendable in most employers eyes.

I fought like hell not to go in to retirement, but after 12 yrs I know it was the right choice. Now just gotta heal my broken back. I am a fighter so I push my limits at times but deal with severe pain everyday n nights are very rough too. That CBD oil helps some with my knee. Atleast it seems too imho. Back pain is disabling for most anyone who gotten hurt working or accidentally.

Dec is a ways away, what type of pain are you having? I use to be able to fight off the pain but after 20 yrs it took it's toll. Most people never deal with chronic pain an have no idea what it's like to live daily with it. I wish I'd be abducted by aliens n they could fix me up maybe. lol. If you can get retraining that might be a option. But you're probably lime I was as age does work against a guy over 50. We are living in the End Times imho. So, it's all in Gods hands literally with my life. I should've been dead many times over the years.
Yeah I've hurt so long I forgot what not hurting feels like. I dread long car rides and at 6'5" I really dread long flights. I went to BVI last year and thought I was going to die flying to and from, it was hell. I'm going to Cabo next month (Sammy Hagar birthday) and I'm not looking forward to the flight and it's a short one.

I totally understand where you're coming from (6'4"). It's brutal but after my fusion SO much better.

Good luck!!
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I had an anterior/posterior L4-S1 fusion in 2003 to repair damage from a fall off a roof. The surgery was technically a success but a few months after surgery my pain increased dramatically. Turns out I develop scar tissue too readily and nothing stopped it. Spent many months in physical therapy, had injections, ultrasound and any other treatments that might break it up. Sadly, nothing worked. Lost the career I spent 15 years building with a wonderful employer and have been in long-term chronic pain management ever since. Eventually much of the scar tissue broke down due to all the efforts made but it was way too late at that point and the nerve damage was permanent. I'm in my early 50s now so it's taken a big chunk of my life.

I'll be doing a spinal cord stimulator trial within a few weeks and I'm hoping for some relief there. It won't fix me or get me back to working, but an improved quality of life would be nice.

I hope your outcome is far better than mine. Make sure they do anything they can to inhibit excessive scarring. Do the physical therapy and anything else you can. Be as certain as possible thru multiple opinions that surgery is the answer. While some people are like me and have a bad outcome despite doing everything right, chances are you'll be better in the end.

Also... Avoid the heavy pain meds whenever possible. Hopefully you won't ever need them but I'd give anything to not need them every day. Eventually they don't work well enough anyway and can have unexpected side effects.

Most importantly... Enjoy whatever life you do have and get... It's the only one you get! Best of luck and continue to update this thread to let us know how it all goes over the coming months!!
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I had an anterior/posterior L4-S1 fusion in 2003 to repair damage from a fall off a roof. The surgery was technically a success but a few months after surgery my pain increased dramatically. Turns out I develop scar tissue too readily and nothing stopped it. Spent many months in physical therapy, had injections, ultrasound and any other treatments that might break it up. Sadly, nothing worked. Lost the career I spent 15 years building with a wonderful employer and have been in long-term chronic pain management ever since. Eventually much of the scar tissue broke down due to all the efforts made but it was way too late at that point and the nerve damage was permanent. I'm in my early 50s now so it's taken a big chunk of my life.

I'll be doing a spinal cord stimulator trial within a few weeks and I'm hoping for some relief there. It won't fix me or get me back to working, but an improved quality of life would be nice.

I hope your outcome is far better than mine. Make sure they do anything they can to inhibit excessive scarring. Do the physical therapy and anything else you can. Be as certain as possible thru multiple opinions that surgery is the answer. While some people are like me and have a bad outcome despite doing everything right, chances are you'll be better in the end.

Also... Avoid the heavy pain meds whenever possible. Hopefully you won't ever need them but I'd give anything to not need them every day. Eventually they don't work well enough anyway and can have unexpected side effects.

Most importantly... Enjoy whatever life you do have and get... It's the only one you get! Best of luck and continue to update this thread to let us know how it all goes over the coming months!!
Wow, Wolf. You n I are in the same situation n the kick in the groin n pushed into retirement. You might have read my posts above with Coca I think? I am in my 60s n on top of previous war injuries I recently fractures n crushed vertebraes at T12/11. I've come out of allot of injuries thru my life, but this broken back was the absolute worst pain I've ever experienced. I couldn't even stiff without causing waves of muscle spasms that came on in waves regardless. On the 6 night with no sleep n screaming out in pain often. I had my own morphine brought in n finally got some sleep. I took full responsibility for it, n those who know me well know I don't abuse meds. Sometimes it's just too much. I could tell many horrendous stories with pain n circumstances.

I am on my 2 pain stimulator n the last one quit working at 6 months n my sweetheart of 25 years served me divorce papers. But I know warfare had changed me in many ways. It took 5yrs n cost 600k n still not done with another annuity. I am considering a new stimulator but not a Medtronic think it's a Bosch? I'll look it up for ya. The only way it worked for myself was I had them max out the limits. An I would let it hit me 100% hard for 15-20 minutes. An I'd get 35 to 45 minutes of relief somewhat. I had two gunshots I was dealing with as well. Hope that helps you perhaps.

When I originally got injured I was able to fight through the pain n work hard everyday. Then the day came n I wasn't performing 100% an my career was done. They put me on Fentanyl patches for 5 years n I started at the walls for 4 of those years. I lost everything I thought I valued in life including my girl, my home, my career, no more boating or snowboarding. An friends you thought you had weren't really friends. Only those in service really cared.

My apologies for long comment, guess I have too much time on my hands. Laughing
I am with you on pain medication. The last 3yrs on the patches was a nightmare. As you only get 15 every 28 days. An every other day I went through withdrawals. They should call Fentanyl the drug from hell. I pray your stimulator works well for you. Anyhow, waaaa. Ty
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