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Time to buy, could use experienced help from you!


Apr 12, 2019
Fargo, North Dakota
Hello all,

First post of what I'd imagine will be plenty. I drooled over the original Phantom, but found myself unable/unwilling to learn how to fly in that snapshot of time in my life (new wife, kid, first house, etc). Fast forward to today, and I've been OCD obsessed with the Mavic 2. I was sold on the Zoom, but then after watching low light comparison videos, well you know the rest. So here I am. I'm ready to purchase my very first remote control anything. I'm a fairly intelligent guy, and was blessed with common sense.

I've never owned a camera worth more than $100
I've owned a few camcorders 10+ years ago
I've always said 'someday I will get into photography/videography'
I enjoy the run of the mill Movie Maker/simple video editing programs, once had Adobe Premier Pro when it first came out (back in the days of college buddies providing 'free' copies) and it was severely overwhelming

All of that being said, I'm presently lock and loaded and ready to pull the trigger on the following:

1) M2P with Smart Controller
2) Fly More Bundle (along with whatever 'extras' the Amazon seller is including of little use for me initially.
3) A hard case (the amount of hours I've invested in this department isn't sane).
4) Assuming Refresh Care is a MUST for a responsible, yet newbie drone flyer?

All in all, this will be a $2500 purchase that I'm going to lean on you guys for advice on. I've read for weeks. I understand the M2P is a FANTASTIC if not cutting edge drone. I understand it is simple to fly. I understand 50-70% of the industry has yet to favor the smart controller. I am sold as a new user.

What I need from you guys/gals is this: I don't understand the DLog H265 9er lingo. I don't understand what color saturation/color correction/etc/etc/etc. There is a 20% chance I will ever care to learn about that, at the present time, I'm interested in tinkering with the video, applying proper music, editing the video to place in the song, etc... less about aperture/ISO/whatever else. Is the 'normal' setting on the drone sufficient? Or do I sacrifice the low light and use the Zoom instead which is more user friendly (albeit with less ability)? I've saved the money, so it isn't an issue. If you had $3000, and knowing what you know today, had to buy your very first drone, would it be the Mavic 2 Pro?

Appreciate your guidance and information. I promise to be an asset to this forum in due time. My weeks of research have taught me to become one with flying the drone before worrying about pictures/videos. So I'm a long ways away from worrying about shutter speed, but I don't want to buy the wrong tool.

To predicatively answer a popular question: I will be using it for hobby, we travel a lot, camp a lot, and simply spend a ton of time outdoors. The ability to capture natures beauty from a quality drone has me SO excited. This post is ultimately my last stop to ensure I'm making the right decision before purchase.

Thank you VERY much in advance,

Hey Jason,

Welcome aboard !! It may help everyone if you update your profile so that we know where you are located. Always nice to meet neighbors.

Thank you for the very detailed post. It really is nice to get the full details of what help you need, so that we may all help you better.

As to the video settings I will leave that up to the photographers in the group. I am a pilot first and photographer only in passing. Therefore, most of the time the default (AUTO) settings are plenty good for my needs. Yes I know all the photographers just cringed at that one. Sorry.

For me, the favorite drone in my collection is my Phantom 4 Pro. It has everything I need and want for both recreational and commercial needs. With the 1" sensor, the night shots come out much better than other drones. As you know the M2P also has a 1" sensor but I have read that the image and video quality still is not quite up to par with the P4P. Your mileage may vary.

However, you said your primary usage will be lots of traveling and camping. As such, the portability of the M2P will most likely be very important to you. The P4P is not humungous by any means and I am able to bring it wherever I need to, but the M2P is obvioulsy much more portable.

Since this is your first foray into this world of drones, have you considered starting with something on the lower end, just to make sure it really is for you? I only mention that because dropping close to $3,000 on something you've never tried is an expensive way to start.

As to the other items on your list:
  • I am not at all sold on the Smart Controller. I would get the standard controller and a nice big tablet.
  • Fly More Bundle again goes with my question above. Maybe start smaller and then pick up the extras when you decide that you will indeed be sticking with this hobby?
  • Hard case is a MUST in my book. I have one for every one of my drones. I love the Nanuk line of cases. Reasonably priced, custome fit for each model, and super rugged.
  • DJI Care is up to you. Personally I've never purchased or used the plan. Careful piloting goes a long way. I read all these stories of people crashing one drone after another and I think some may just get complacent knowing that they can "just get a replacement".
Enjoy the forum and welcome !!
Hi xlur8ed
No help from me I’m afraid as I am new to DJI.
I will be interested in what the old timers on the forum say concerning the Mavic 2.
Thank you kindly for the warm welcome!

I'll elaborate as much as I can for as green as I am.

A lot of my decisions previously mentioned are personal preference and more to do with knowing 'me' than knowing the drone world. I am far from wealthy, but I don't buy things twice and I don't like things to get overly complicated, especially while learning. I have purchased...9? new vehicles, and typically do so without having driven any of them (part because I can be impulsive, and part because I dislike salesman...ironically I'm a darn good one myself)....please don't allow that silly comment to lead you down the path of assuming I'm some wealthy person that doesn't know or appreciate the value of the dollar. I'm far from both, but I invest so many hours in research that I ultimately know what I'm signing up for prior to doing so. I fully expected to get some negative/less than neutral feedback on the SC. That is about the decision I have made...perhaps ignorantly, but nonetheless it has been made.

My issue with starting with something on the lower end, is it doesn't have the ease of flight as the Mavic 2 (or so I've read). My end game for the purchase has more to do with capturing the trips/adventures my family takes, than a real passion for flying (which can and more than likely will change). I have loved to explore since I was little. I've loved photography and the little video editting that I've done. I just don't see how this purchase can flop, knowing I've desired to get deeper into the world of photography/videography/editing for literally 20 years of my 37 year life (I remember being in the high school dark room developing film, as well as recording/editing a mock evening news segment...which ignited this interest). I respect the question, I wouldn't allow my daughter to buy a new Corvette for her first car to go drag racing... but to answer your question/thoughts, this isn't an impulse decision, and the likelihood of complete failure is 0.

The kit I'm currently after is this: DJI Mavic 2 Pro Drone Quadcopter with Hasselblad Camera 1” CMOS Sensor with Smart Controller Ultimate 4-Battery Bundle: Gateway

It seems when you buy a bundle you get some additional pieces included. The additional batteries are my main interest, but when you price out batteries ontop of the M2P/SC, it's kinda like you're getting a handful of free stuff with it (whether good/bad/indifferent). Why do I want 4 total batteries? It really comes down to camping and travels and my ability to know my lack of power options. I'd like to continue to go further off the grid, the other stuff included with the kit is of little 'buying decision' matter.

I assumed the hard case was going to be well received (my forum reading also suggested as much). So I ordered the GPC case this afternoon. I was a buyer for the Drone Hangar option from Pelican (huge Pelican fan), but ultimately I liked the space with the GPC and it came down to GPC/MC-Cases 'Explorer'. I had watched enough Youtube videos on the 2 to vomit, so I pulled the trigger and supported an American business over German. Simple as that.

The DJI Care research suggests there are many loopholes and ways to be further disappointed after doing something stupid with your drone. I instead opted to reach out to my insurance company and will take out a policy through them, at least until I obtain some level of skill in flying the thing.

I'm sure my situation sounds irrational and crazy, I wish I could explain the level of desire I've held for so long... Sure it would make logical sense to buy a $300-$500 unit with GPS to get the ropes and insure this won't be a casual hobby that a less expensive unit could 'scratch the itch'....It's simply the collision of 2 worlds...well really 3. 1) I've been intrigued forever with drones, I'd imagine most men have at least some level of interest, I've been around plenty as they were flown; 2) My investment into photography equipment/filters/tripods/etc isn't cheap either....and that purchase COULD flop, as I'm unsure if still or video is where my heart lays. This drone protects me on both fronts. 3) Finances and time now allows for me to find a hobby.

So now that you have my life story (sorry about that, I tend to write novels), I appreciate your response and insight. I'm sold on the Mavic 2 for the exact reasons you stated: portability...well and I think it is a handsome devil. I'll consider your response an endorsement for the Pro for the Hassleblad 1" sensor, if nothing else.
I have the same sort of opinions when buying something, my view is if you get something low end to start off with (not necessarily a drone) you can be put off from the start because the kit simply isn't up to the job.
I don't always go for the top end at first but at least something that gets good reviews.
Hi xlur8ed,

I was almost in the exact same situation as you late last year. I did a ton of research and ended up buying the Mavic 2 Pro for my very first drone. I had an interest for many years but didn’t pull the trigger until last Christmas when I bought myself a present. I did not opt for the flymore kit because I didn’t think I would need some of the stuff and I didn’t like the reviews of the bag.

It was easy to learn to fly and I don’t ascribe to those that say you need to try it on a smaller drone. I actually tried that approach and failed. The little sucker was so frustrating to learn on I actually threw it in the trash before I could master it. The M2P is a dream to learn on for one very important reason; you can take it nice and slow and if you get confused or flustered you can take your hands off of the controller and the aircraft just sits there in the sky, virtually motionless, until you get your wits about you and proceed.

I haven’t bought the smart controller because I like the flexibility of being able to fly with my iPhone or iPad depending on the situation.

I am also similar to you in that I have done a little video editing but no advanced stuff. I shoot video and stills with almost all automatic settings and IMHO the results are fantastic.

Good luck with your soon to be new purchase. I predict you will love and enjoy it.
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Hi xlur8ed,

I was almost in the exact same situation as you late last year. I did a ton of research and ended up buying the Mavic 2 Pro for my very first drone. I had an interest for many years but didn’t pull the trigger until last Christmas when I bought myself a present. I did not opt for the flymore kit because I didn’t think I would need some of the stuff and I didn’t like the reviews of the bag.

It was easy to learn to fly and I don’t ascribe to those that say you need to try it on a smaller drone. I actually tried that approach and failed. The little sucker was so frustrating to learn on I actually threw it in the trash before I could master it. The M2P is a dream to learn on for one very important reason; you can take it nice and slow and if you get confused or flustered you can take your hands off of the controller and the aircraft just sits there in the sky, virtually motionless, until you get your wits about you and proceed.

I haven’t bought the smart controller because I like the flexibility of being able to fly with my iPhone or iPad depending on the situation.

I am also similar to you in that I have done a little video editing but no advanced stuff. I shoot video and stills with almost all automatic settings and IMHO the results are fantastic.

Good luck with your soon to be new purchase. I predict you will love and enjoy it.

Such an easing response! Thank you! To hear/know that the default camera settings are 'great' is a large part of my puzzle of Zoom vs Pro. I probably could have saved everyone a lot of reading by simply asking that question Haha. I've played with basic DSLR camera settings and although my pictures turned out 'great' to 98% of the world, I expect an avid photographer would have said they were average at best. I hoped the same applied to the Pro in 'fresh out of the box' mode. Again, I want to learn as I go and get better over years/decades....but I dont want to be frustrated and turned off with unusable content until I learned drone 101-901.

Now that you have your feet wet with your M2P, do you desire the 'fly more kit'? Am I jumping the gun on buying additional batteries up front (which was somewhat suggested by the first reply)? My situation will take me camping for 3-4 days and ideally I'd like to have enough battery for the drones to cover the battery in the SC (which sounds like 2-2.5 hours).

Thanks all for taking the time to respond, much appreciated on all fronts!
ulur8ed, welcome to the forum.
You seem to be a very analytical person (like me) and this can be good and bad, takes a long time to cut through the chaff sometimes and make a decision !! Lol :)
You seem to be almost there, which is great.

Anyway, I have an original MP, got the flymore, and bought an extra battery later too.
I don't often get through 2 batteries, let alone 3 or 4, but suppose it's good to have an extra if going on long trips.
I do a lot of remote travel in Australia (4WD outback) and that is a good time to have the extra.
Having set up a good step converter in the 4WD to charge batteries from 12v with the DJI car charger, it works great and actually charges faster than 240v mains.

If I were you, I would get the flymore and not worry too much about the extras yet.
As far as cases go, I personally don't feel a hard case is needed for the mavic range, sure phantoms are definitely more suited to hard cases due to their design, but mavics and airs etc can easily be transported in a decent drone backpack like the one I have LowePro Dronguard BP250
It has the hard shell outer to give good protection from drops etc, very well padded, and loads of room !
Hard cases are not as easy to take on planes as cabin baggage, backpacks again much easier there.

Get a nice set of ND filters for video, none needed for photos unless you want longer shutter for motion water etc . . .

Hopefully you'll be enjoying your new hobby very soon.
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Such an easing response! Thank you! To hear/know that the default camera settings are 'great' is a large part of my puzzle of Zoom vs Pro. I probably could have saved everyone a lot of reading by simply asking that question Haha. I've played with basic DSLR camera settings and although my pictures turned out 'great' to 98% of the world, I expect an avid photographer would have said they were average at best. I hoped the same applied to the Pro in 'fresh out of the box' mode. Again, I want to learn as I go and get better over years/decades....but I dont want to be frustrated and turned off with unusable content until I learned drone 101-901.

Now that you have your feet wet with your M2P, do you desire the 'fly more kit'? Am I jumping the gun on buying additional batteries up front (which was somewhat suggested by the first reply)? My situation will take me camping for 3-4 days and ideally I'd like to have enough battery for the drones to cover the battery in the SC (which sounds like 2-2.5 hours).

Thanks all for taking the time to respond, much appreciated on all fronts!

I consider myself a casual photographer/videographer and typically only share them with family and friends. Everybody that sees them say they look great, even one photography nut friend seems to be impressed with what I get with auto settings.

Currently, I have only two batteries but plan to buy at least one or maybe two more and the multi charger. I fly for close to an hour (20+ min X 2)with just the two batteries and then take a break so not a big issue for me. I can see the camping angle and the need for more. If you’re re lucky like me and have an ac power inverter built in to your vehicle then you may only need to bring the wall charger and not bother with the car charger. Make sure to double check how much power the inverter can produce.

I don’t have any desire to get the flymore kit. I will be buying a bag or case soon, just trying to decide either soft or hard case. I am also holding off until I acquire most the accessories I think I want and then get a case that will hold it all.
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It sounds apparent there are different strokes for different folks, but nobody has spoke against the Pro in relation to the Zoom. So that handles the big/expensive decision. The SC decision was made I guess now it simply comes down to getting extra batteries alone or in the fly more kit or via an Amazon 'bundle'. I'm planning to purchase next week! Thanks again everyone, I can't wait to live and learn everything M2P!
It sounds apparent there are different strokes for different folks, but nobody has spoke against the Pro in relation to the Zoom. So that handles the big/expensive decision. The SC decision was made I guess now it simply comes down to getting extra batteries alone or in the fly more kit or via an Amazon 'bundle'. I'm planning to purchase next week! Thanks again everyone, I can't wait to live and learn everything M2P!
I would get the pro 2 for the better camera.
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I would get the M2P/Smart Controller with the fly more bundle and DJI refresh.

After that you will probably want to buy a few more accessories so I would budget another $200 for that at least.

Looks like I've made a best friend....or enemy if my course of action is poor :)

Thanks for your response, I plan to do exactly what you've suggested.

I'm very thankful I didn't get a lot of zoom consideration...however I just realized I posted this in the Mavic Pro sub forum! Haha. I guess I had my answer from the beginning :)
Looks like I've made a best friend....or enemy if my course of action is poor :)

Thanks for your response, I plan to do exactly what you've suggested.

I'm very thankful I didn't get a lot of zoom consideration...however I just realized I posted this in the Mavic Pro sub forum! Haha. I guess I had my answer from the beginning :)

I think the Zoom is cool too. There is a pro cinematographer in my town that I know and his video footage looks light years better than most video I look at and he has a Zoom.

I am not in love with the SC but if I had to buy all over again I would probably go that route.
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Its human nature to lean towards what we already have. We find the nuances, do our best to perfect our usage while avoiding as many as possible, then find peace and comfort. I don't like change, and I don't like buying something twice. My research suggests the current available features via the SC are just a glimpse at its future. Knowing the operating system is fairly locked, however basically a full blown Android system, speaks to the level of future growth.

I could be wrong, they might have killed a mosquito with a shotgun by giving the DJI program an entire operating system to run on, but I do believe the SC is the best overall radio option, even if it lacks in screen size or value or whatever. I fully understand if you use a standard remote with an iPad (and have for years), how spending the money for the SC makes little to no sense today (again, I believe more will come in the future)...but if you honestly think back to zero experience, it's hard to look at the SC and *money aside* agree it's the best available overall option.

This is me spoiling myself, of which I never do. I'm married with a daughter. My desires matter little in the world of shoes, purses, patio furniture, princess dresses, and everything Disney. The SC on the surface doesn't appear to be the frugal option, but neither are Coach purses or $30 snocones at Disney On Ice shows! Dads turn! :)
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Its human nature to lean towards what we already have. We find the nuances, do our best to perfect our usage while avoiding as many as possible, then find peace and comfort. I don't like change, and I don't like buying something twice. My research suggests the current available features via the SC are just a glimpse at its future. Knowing the operating system is fairly locked, however basically a full blown Android system, speaks to the level of future growth.

I could be wrong, they might have killed a mosquito with a shotgun by giving the DJI program an entire operating system to run on, but I do believe the SC is the best overall radio option, even if it lacks in screen size or value or whatever. I fully understand if you use a standard remote with an iPad (and have for years), how spending the money for the SC makes little to no sense today (again, I believe more will come in the future)...but if you honestly think back to zero experience, it's hard to look at the SC and *money aside* agree it's the best available overall option.

This is me spoiling myself, of which I never do. I'm married with a daughter. My desires matter little in the world of shoes, purses, patio furniture, princess dresses, and everything Disney. The SC on the surface doesn't appear to be the frugal option, but neither are Coach purses or $30 snocones at Disney On Ice shows! Dads turn! :)
To me it's not about value or not having tried both. If you believe that the SC controller's OS will be opened up (i.e. be made to fully support Google Play Store) then I think you are mistaken. As soon as they open up the OS, they lose control over standardization. That makes it more difficult to support and for us it means it is much easier for them to blame "the other guy" if problems occur.

I have a Phantom 4 Pro and I own both the regular and Pro controllers for it. The Pro controller (with integrated screen) does not support Google Play Store much like the Mavic Smart Controller. Yes it is fabulous for brightness, portability, and super easy setup. However it is limited by size and compatibility with third-party apps. Most of the time I find myself using the standard controller with a tablet.
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Hello all,

First post of what I'd imagine will be plenty. I drooled over the original Phantom, but found myself unable/unwilling to learn how to fly in that snapshot of time in my life (new wife, kid, first house, etc). Fast forward to today, and I've been OCD obsessed with the Mavic 2. I was sold on the Zoom, but then after watching low light comparison videos, well you know the rest. So here I am. I'm ready to purchase my very first remote control anything. I'm a fairly intelligent guy, and was blessed with common sense.

I've never owned a camera worth more than $100
I've owned a few camcorders 10+ years ago
I've always said 'someday I will get into photography/videography'
I enjoy the run of the mill Movie Maker/simple video editing programs, once had Adobe Premier Pro when it first came out (back in the days of college buddies providing 'free' copies) and it was severely overwhelming

All of that being said, I'm presently lock and loaded and ready to pull the trigger on the following:

1) M2P with Smart Controller
2) Fly More Bundle (along with whatever 'extras' the Amazon seller is including of little use for me initially.
3) A hard case (the amount of hours I've invested in this department isn't sane).
4) Assuming Refresh Care is a MUST for a responsible, yet newbie drone flyer?

All in all, this will be a $2500 purchase that I'm going to lean on you guys for advice on. I've read for weeks. I understand the M2P is a FANTASTIC if not cutting edge drone. I understand it is simple to fly. I understand 50-70% of the industry has yet to favor the smart controller. I am sold as a new user.

What I need from you guys/gals is this: I don't understand the DLog H265 9er lingo. I don't understand what color saturation/color correction/etc/etc/etc. There is a 20% chance I will ever care to learn about that, at the present time, I'm interested in tinkering with the video, applying proper music, editing the video to place in the song, etc... less about aperture/ISO/whatever else. Is the 'normal' setting on the drone sufficient? Or do I sacrifice the low light and use the Zoom instead which is more user friendly (albeit with less ability)? I've saved the money, so it isn't an issue. If you had $3000, and knowing what you know today, had to buy your very first drone, would it be the Mavic 2 Pro?

Appreciate your guidance and information. I promise to be an asset to this forum in due time. My weeks of research have taught me to become one with flying the drone before worrying about pictures/videos. So I'm a long ways away from worrying about shutter speed, but I don't want to buy the wrong tool.

To predicatively answer a popular question: I will be using it for hobby, we travel a lot, camp a lot, and simply spend a ton of time outdoors. The ability to capture natures beauty from a quality drone has me SO excited. This post is ultimately my last stop to ensure I'm making the right decision before purchase.

Thank you VERY much in advance,

Love My Mavic 2 Pro w/ smart remote. No regrets, Love every minute and not bummed about a single cent. Only... Only conplaint isss... customer service (look out ??) Other than that Dji has a hard case for it that works great for me, when i travel (with the exception of the new controller, you have to modify a tad) however just for a quick on the go flight, the carry bag you get with the flymore package fits MY BABY, the controller 3 barltteries and a few small nick nacks and were off, Have fun, learn a lot be safe


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