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UK Devon - Mavic Pro Owners

Hi Guys I'm from Newton Abbot. I'm new to this forum and it would be good to meet up and get some tips about good places to fly in the area. Got my Mavic Pro a few days ago
I ran into a phantom pilot when I was travelling in Greece and we flew together. It was incredibly fun! We should meet up some time soon.

Sent from my iPhone using MavicPilots
Hi from Paignton.
Because of weather have not taken new drone outside yet but would be really interested to learn of any good sites that other people could recommend.
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I'm in Newton Abbot and looking for places myself at the moment. Like you I am currently grounded lol
Paignton, just back from Mauritius some great flying there. Doesn't seem to be much around here
I'll be on holiday with my Mavic in July around Torcross area.
Should be some good flying around Torcross, the tank, the beach, the village, and nature lake should all make some good shots. Startpoint lighthouse will be amazing if you get a good sunny day
Should be some good flying around Torcross, the tank, the beach, the village, and nature lake should all make some good shots. Startpoint lighthouse will be amazing if you get a good sunny day
Do you think there'll be no issues taking it around the lighthouse? Both interference and permission?
Do you think there'll be no issues taking it around the lighthouse? Both interference and permission?
None at all. Take off from the car park, fly down the pathway to the lighthouse. Will be a stunning video. I might do that myself when the weather gets better. Maybe July [emoji4]
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None at all. Take off from the car park, fly down the pathway to the lighthouse. Will be a stunning video. I might do that myself when the weather gets better. Maybe July [emoji4]
Further to our conversation I contacted the Lighthouse who passed my request on to the "managers" of the Estate. I have just read and re-read the reply. Apparently they'd like a payment of £150 to cover one person flying one drone for personal and non commercial reasons.
You can imagine my reply I've sent back to them. Although I did stop short of telling them that I could fly my drone there without their permission simply by flying over the sea.
Further to our conversation I contacted the Lighthouse who passed my request on to the "managers" of the Estate. I have just read and re-read the reply. Apparently they'd like a payment of £150 to cover one person flying one drone for personal and non commercial reasons.
You can imagine my reply I've sent back to them. Although I did stop short of telling them that I could fly my drone there without their permission simply by flying over the sea.

That's pretty steep. But in some ways better than many places who simply ban all drones.

For example most if not all National Parks ban drones. Drones are banned from all National Trust land - including the extensive coastline they control.

In fact they are banned without further question from most places.

If the National Trust charged £150 a year to fly on their land I'd probably pay it!
That's pretty steep. But in some ways better than many places who simply ban all drones.

For example most if not all National Parks ban drones. Drones are banned from all National Trust land - including the extensive coastline they control.

In fact they are banned without further question from most places.

If the National Trust charged £150 a year to fly on their land I'd probably pay it!
This is per flight. I'm not sure if they plucked this cost out of thin air or not but I'd suggest it's a huge cost for a one time flight.
I'd be happy for places to charge a fee as many churches do for photography but I won't be paying £150 for the privilege. It's just not worth it for a non commercial flight.
So if you flew 3 times on the same day that would be £150 * 3 = £450!

For commercial rights it might just be feasible but not for non-commercial use.

I think they must have plucked the figure out the air.

I think a lot of places are missing a way of making money. Like you say they could charge a per day fee - say £10 - to be allowed to fly.

But with health and safety and the law being so risk averse I think the problem is its easier for land owners to just ban drones totally rather than risk a small child with a slight bruise suing them for £10 million damages due to a faulty drone falling from the sky.

Where we used to live was a village boat race which ran for I guess a hundred years or more. But was stopped as the insurance premiums became huge.
Not sure if it's per flight or per day we didn't get that far. He was open to conversation and welcomed input into a new area for them. I understand that if they don't charge anything they'll probably just have a blanket ban.
It's a shame they presume quad copter flyers have deep pockets.
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