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Video Quality?


Active Member
Jan 6, 2017
Hi all,

I've been interested in photography for the last year and a half or so, and my recent purchase of the Mavic expanded my foray into videography. Now I'm new to drones, so I may be simply overlooking something, but I am not getting good quality out of my videos.

For example, I'm recording in 4k 30fps, but when I save the video file to my computer or upload to YouTube, the highest quality I get is 720p. I ordered some ND filters to get my shutter speed down, but as I understand it that would help with the "smoothness" of the video.

Any suggestions?

Linked below is a quick sample shot I took where I feel the quality is lacking. Thanks!

you are watching the video from a tablet or a smartphone, YouTube blocks (on the online version, not the app) the quality is limited on 720p
It can also be because when you are exporting the video from your editing device, it's automatically reducing quality to make an easy export, verify the settings, it's maybe the problem, Good luck!

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I think you are using the video found in your mobile device and not the SD which resides into the SD slot of the Mavic ? If yes , then check out the SD, otherwise please ignore this post .

Sent from my iPhone using MavicPilots
I think you are using the video found in your mobile device and not the SD which resides into the SD slot of the Mavic ? If yes , then check out the SD, otherwise please ignore this post .

Sent from my iPhone using MavicPilots

Thank you both for the response. The video was pulled directly from the SD card and uploaded to YouTube. I noticed viewing on my desktop, YouTube plays in 1440p– so thank you for informing be about the issue with mobile.
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Thank you both for the response. The video was pulled directly from the SD card and uploaded to YouTube. I noticed viewing on my desktop, YouTube plays in 1440p– so thank you for informing be about the issue with mobile.
No problem men! Happy to help!
Youtube also "processes" each size one after the other starting with the smallest, so you may have to wait for all to come online. Sometimes I've seen the 4K version not become available before an hour or so.
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Keep in mind that when you upload to YouTube it takes time before the higher resolutions are available. I have seen it take an hour or so before 4K starts to be available for some videos I upload and I think this depends on the length of the video. I would check the settings on the file using your computer and see what it says, if you right click on a video file in Windows you can see the properties and it will tell you the frame size of the video.
Youtube also "processes" each size one after the other starting for the smallest, so you may have to wait for all to come online. Sometimes I've seen the 4K version not become available before an hour or so.
Jinx :)
Hi all,

I've been interested in photography for the last year and a half or so, and my recent purchase of the Mavic expanded my foray into videography. Now I'm new to drones, so I may be simply overlooking something, but I am not getting good quality out of my videos.

For example, I'm recording in 4k 30fps, but when I save the video file to my computer or upload to YouTube, the highest quality I get is 720p. I ordered some ND filters to get my shutter speed down, but as I understand it that would help with the "smoothness" of the video.

Any suggestions?

Linked below is a quick sample shot I took where I feel the quality is lacking. Thanks!

right thats it my Mavic is definitely going back!! I'm having issues with my video quality and DJI said to return it however the thought of being without it for weeks was putting me off however now I've seen your video quality is far better than mine enough is enough!!!
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