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Warranty Service frustration.


Jan 31, 2019
I am hoping that there is someone here that can help. Possibly someone fro DJI.

If I need to post this elsewhere please let me know.

I am have some real frustrations here with my Mavic Pro. I was having disconnection issues in flight constantly at random distances for no apparent reason since the purchase of this drone and spent every flight I did frustrated because everything I tried did not solve the issue. So I was stuck with the options of a drone issue or something I wasn’t doing right. This is fine just got to get it sorted.

All this was in 6 months.

Back note:
The drone was purchased from a retailer selling off shelf/display stock. I had asked if it was flow which he replied now and when receiving the drone the box was a bit shelf worn but the internals and drone were untouched and for all intensive purposes new and not used.
So as far as it would seem a new drone as the wrapping was still intact.

Moving on I go to DJI asking for help with issue and send it to them explaining the issue. They come back to me saying they find no issue so a bit perplexed I’m looking at something I need to change in my side of things.
They then send me a bill for the assessment to which I enquire and they tell me the drone is out of warranty having been activate back in 2017!?!?
Right so I don’t know how to go about this so I try to explain the issue better but get no response for two weeks just pay the fee so they could send it back and I’ll just keep looking into what I’m doing when I’m flying.

I have now been waiting for the notification that they have sent the drone back to me. Instead I get a notification that the drone is being checked and assessed and they find an issue with the drone main board and a quote for $500 to fix it.

It would have been nice to tell me they were looking at it again. Since I paid them to return it to me.
It is nice to see there was an issue found granted but for a drone that I expect to work straight out of the box as it should and with a fault that would be on the board in the drone from a item new in the box this is a bit rich. I get there are warranty procedures as I work in a similar field but we at least have some grace know every situation is different.

I guess I’m asking if there is any chance of compassion for someone just wanting to enjoy the product and hasn’t been able to from day one.

Any help would be appreciated.

If I wee you, I would take this up with the seller. If you are out of options, let me know, I can help.

I have nearly an identical issue and know for a fact it was the gimbal board or ribbon.
I sent them data proving it wasn't in a crash which they admitted it wasn't but still wanted to do $360 in unessary work.
I fought them weeks saying it was a warranty
Finally yesterday after threatening lawsuits and telling how freaking incompetent they were I received an email stating they fixed it and it's on way back!
Don't be afraid to show ur *** if ur right!!!!
Good luck
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I have nearly an identical issue and know for a fact it was the gimbal board or ribbon.
I sent them data proving it wasn't in a crash which they admitted it wasn't but still wanted to do $360 in unessary work.
I fought them weeks saying it was a warranty
Finally yesterday after threatening lawsuits and telling how freaking incompetent they were I received an email stating they fixed it and it's on way back!
Don't be afraid to show ur *** if ur right!!!!
Good luck

Your gimball ribbon was causing constant disconnects?
So far now I have spoken with the seller that happens to be a distributor for DJI in Australia. They have let me know that the drone was basically a display Item they were clearing and as such the drone was as good as new in shelf-wore packaging.
Here in Australia consumer laws state that the time of warranty starts from the the purchase of the item. DJI are still stating the drone as activated from 2 years ago.
The manager of the distribution company has informed me that DJI (In this part of the world at least) are notorious for their terrible customer service and referring to them as pirates even. Strong language for sure but am beginning to see why this is so.
Currently in communication with DJI.
I am currently in Perth, Australia.
I realize that you are in GA.

Thunderdrones is a great resouce for the US / Canada etc regions, and for advice here for sure.

There are good repairers here in Aus, I don't know any in Perth, but there would be a few, maybe others over there can advise.
Post up asking in the Oz Regional flying section.

I do know a great place in Melbourne, and another in Brisbane.
Thunderdrones is a great resouce for the US / Canada etc regions, and for advice here for sure.

There are good repairers here in Aus, I don't know any in Perth, but there would be a few, maybe others over there can advise.
Post up asking in the Oz Regional flying section.

I do know a great place in Melbourne, and another in Brisbane.

Thank you for that information.
Do you know the names of those 2 locations?
Sure . . .

Melbourne - Drone MRO . . . Drone MRO I Drone Repair I DJI I Australia
1300 852 435

Brisbane - UAV ME . . . UAV ME - Australia based Cheapest Drone Sales DJI Authorised Reseller
Repair Hotline (07) 3061 9883


I googled drone repair Perth WA, and got this place, a DJI repair agent ?
DJI Warranty Service - Drone Shop Perth

Might be worth a call, and if they don't do actual repairs, they might be able to refer you locally.

Thank you for all the info. I didn't mean for you to go to all that trouble. I thought you had those names on the top of your head. Didn't men for you to go and search all that for me.
Thank you for doing that though. Its very much appreciated.
I will follow them all up tomorrow.

Thank you for all the info. I didn't mean for you to go to all that trouble. I thought you had those names on the top of your head. Didn't men for you to go and search all that for me.
Thank you for doing that though. Its very much appreciated.
I will follow them all up tomorrow.


Hey no problems, did know the 2, just did a 10 second google on drone repair Perth WA, copy / paste, easy.
I hate DJI, they don’t honor their products and I too have a warranty issue they keep side stepping!
Soon as I get my Mavic back it’s off to THUNDERDRONES
Lycus Tech Mavic Air 3 Case

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