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Weird prop experience


Well-Known Member
Premium Pilot
Jun 13, 2019
Boise Idaho
Finally got outside with my new M3P after receiving it several weeks ago šŸ˜€. Iā€™ve been flying DJI drones for over 4 years and have 3 M2Ps so Iā€™m very familiar with prop attachment.

So today I was notified to check the props for proper attachment which I did and all was correct. I then hit the OK button and tried to lift off promptly flipping.
I then turned everything off and went inside and detached the props and ā€œrotatedā€ them reattaching them correctly and securely. Then turned everything one and was notified to CHANGE PROPS.

I shut everything off and put a new set of MAS props on and tried again. Once again I got the notification to check the props for proper installation.

When I took off this time (very slowly šŸ˜¬) all was ok and the aircraft flew just fine.

Itā€™s storming again so Iā€™m stuck inside and canā€™t try again today. But I must say that I am somewhat concerned about these prop notices happening from the get go. Never had anything like this on my M2Ps, Air, or Mini.
Any thoughts?
Finally got outside with my new M3P after receiving it several weeks ago šŸ˜€. Iā€™ve been flying DJI drones for over 4 years and have 3 M2Ps so Iā€™m very familiar with prop attachment.

So today I was notified to check the props for proper attachment which I did and all was correct. I then hit the OK button and tried to lift off promptly flipping.
I then turned everything off and went inside and detached the props and ā€œrotatedā€ them reattaching them correctly and securely. Then turned everything one and was notified to CHANGE PROPS.

I shut everything off and put a new set of MAS props on and tried again. Once again I got the notification to check the props for proper installation.

When I took off this time (very slowly šŸ˜¬) all was ok and the aircraft flew just fine.

Itā€™s storming again so Iā€™m stuck inside and canā€™t try again today. But I must say that I am somewhat concerned about these prop notices happening from the get go. Never had anything like this on my M2Ps, Air, or Mini.
Any thoughts?
This is weird indeed. I have M3 not Pro but the motors and the props are the same. As far as I know it is impossible to mount a wrong prop on a wrong motor, that is with the DJI props at least. Not sure about the MAS props but the CCW DJI props, as well the CCW motors are clearly marked with light grey ring. The prongs in the prop hubs which go into motor slots are different in CW and CCW props preventing the props to be mounted incorrectly. The notification "check the props" can be permanently disabled if it bothers you popping up every time. You need to check the 3 prongs in each prop for damage other than that mounting the props is pretty straight forward operation and it should not cause any drama.
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This is weird indeed. I have M3 not Pro but the motors and props are the same. As far as I know it is impossible to put a wrong prop in a wrong motor. The props, as well motors are clearly marked with light grey ring and also the prongs in the prop hubs which go into motor slots are different in CW and CCW props preventing the props to be mounted incorrectly. The notification "check the props" can be permanently disabled if it bothers you popping up every time.
Thank you. I realize that I can disable the notification and I would if I didnā€™t have the ā€œflipā€ on the very first takeoff attempt.
Next time I get out Iā€™m going to try the OEM extra replacement props. I guess itā€™s possible that I got a bum pair. But the notice even with the MAS also is concerning
Is it possible that the props can be fitted to the wrong motors? With the m2p they can not but I don't know about the Mavic 3. With the FPV they can be put on the wrong motor, whoops, but the drone shut down as soon as the drone was given throttle, it didn't get off the ground.
With the minis flipping is often due to props being on the wrong motor.
Is it possible that the props can be fitted to the wrong motors? With the m2p they can not but I don't know about the Mavic 3. With the FPV they can be put on the wrong motor, whoops, but the drone shut down as soon as the drone was given throttle, it didn't get off the ground.
With the minis flipping is often due to props being on the wrong motor.
Not possible.
even the MAS props prompted a notification as well even though they were also installed correctly
The OEM props originally installed appear identical to my eyes to the other OEM props that are included with the FM package.
That's a pity, it would have been a nice simple thing to fix.
Can you post the .txt flight log?
If you do not sync your logs with DJI then don't and, as a suggestion, copy both the .txt and the .DAT flight logs on the screen device to computer. I doubt the DAT's can be read, which is a pity, but DJI might ask for them and it makes life simple if you have them readily available. Syncing your flight logs seems to delete the screen device DAT's.

Then contact DJI and see if they would have a look at either the DAT from the screen device or the DAT from the drone, the DATs contain more information than the .txt flight log and the extra information probably includes motor speeds.

Final question on the theme and I think the answer will be, the blades are correctly installed on the hub it possible that there has been a manufacturing error and the wrong blades fitted to a prop's hub? When on the correct hub the blade should rotate towards its high, thicker edge.

With regards to the screen device DAT's, you might like to download CsvView CsvView Downloads
and see if it can process the screen device DAT, nothing ventured nothing gained, and DJI have made the Mini 3 Pro screen device DAT's readable.
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