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What happens when a drone gets ingested by an aircraft engine, FAA ready to conduct live test . . .

Alright gang. I don't care which side of the coin you're sitting on, we are going to be respectful in our posting or we aren't going to post at all. Take the tone down a LOT! Be nice or do not post!
Whether a bird or a UAS can bring down an airliner is an interesting issue. But is the real issue not what is the actual risk of it occurring and the cost/benefit of various forms of risk mitigation?

Good data. Despite falling population numbers, there are still a LOT more birds than drones in the skies, and if the probability of a bird strike is so low, then the probability of a accidental drone strike must be even smaller. Even making an allowance for a significantly increased likelihood of damage from a drone striking an engine, once you do the math I would like to hope that sane minds will prevail and this won't lead to even more restrictive legislation. Have an NFZ that covers the airfield and any additional areas where jets might still be within Class G airspace under nominal conditions and leave it at that. I think we're probably pretty close on that front in many countries, so ALARP should realistically apply as far as legislative means are concerned.

That just leaves deliberate attempts to fly in proximity with aircraft, regardless of intent. This will quantify the likly outcome of an accidental or deliberate strike, which can then be used to determine a realistic amount expenditure on more technical countermeasures, plus I guess it would also allow for a more appropriate level of punishment to be attached to a given offence under the legislative measures. Of course, that assumes sane people interpreting the data and inevitable lobbying efforts for pilots, airlines, etc., so Y(country's)MMV on that.
I will be interested to see the outcome of this experiment. I feel that most folks on this forum fly responsibly and would never be in a situation that there is even a remote chance that this would happen. However, as others have said you can't legislate for the people that want to take chances and fly near airports without obtaining clearance and following correct practice. As in all walks of life there are individuals who get a kick out of causing disruption and chaos, sometimes without thinking the whole thing through and realising the possibility of a catastrophic event. This doesn't just apply to drone operators though.
The first answer that arrived to my thoughts, was,

What happens when a...

"Whatever they want to happen, to benefit their agenda or the agenda of x or y!"

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