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Who's returning their mavic because of the warm spot?


Active Member
Jan 19, 2017
The warm spot, or hot spot that we all get when shooting in RAW is simply unacceptable. I'm hard pressed to get a phantom 4 pro. Over $1k usd to have a device with an issue? Cell phones can shoot now with super small sensors and not have this "abberition" happen. I want to use this for stills and videography but very difficult when the center sphere of the picture has a red or yellow tinge to it.

Filled out an RMA form today. Anyone else?

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And while I agree with CC Rider, I don't shoot in raw so its not an issue for me, I do agree if the Mavic is falling short in areas, like the person who said the Mavic is not reaching the claimed top speed there should be something done. Any product, drone, car, microwave should work as advertised even though some of us may not use those features, otherwise manufacturer's will think its okay to falsely advertise functions or capabilities that you've paid for and not deliver...
Yeah I shoot in raw and do work on videos in post. The videos aren't bad but the stills in raw are real bad. It's just so weird because it's really close to a cell phone camera. The last cell phone camera that had an issue was the Galaxy s5 I believe with the issue like this. It's 2017 and it still exists. I think it's an oversight, I would almost prefer if they disabled raw all together then. Love the portability of the mavic but I didn't buy a racer I bought photography equipment where the photography for me in fact is very sub par. Especially for a nice chunk of change.

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Mine don't have it in RAW either. I don't have any pics to show because after I performed all my RAW test photos and edited them in Aperture, I knew all was well and I deleted them. Perhaps the issue is not present on all Mavics.
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Also, while I wouldn't find fault with anyone thinking they spent too much money for mediocre camera footage, one could easily argue that the technological advancement and features of this quad are worth the price alone. The portability, duration and range of flight, combined with very good video quality (see the plethora of near pro quality vids available online) for $999? It's a bargain! If you feel you got ripped off, return it or sell it. IMO, unless you have a defective unit, this is an outstanding of kind, really. Groundbreaking.
First let me start of by saying that everyone's mavic to some degree has this issue. Dji has already released a statement on it in their forum as to why this happens. It also doesn't happen in every picture or under every lighting condition but unfortunately you don't realize it until you pull it up on a computer and it cannot be unseen. Here are some examples in this thread. Blue color cast in outer perimeter of still photos it has to do with the camera assembly being so compact. In fact if you read DJI statement about it you will understand that it's a hardware limitation with all mavic cameras. Red Hot spot in the center of my camera on that DJI thread you will notice even those who sent it out for repair had it returned with the same issue because it's inherent in the camera design. Will it happen all the time? No. Will it happen in stronger cases than others? Yes. Unless you're rocking some other camera, in some cases you will have the issue as well. But in the dead of winter, under gray skies, snow and dead trees have this effect. I've included a picture of a raw file sitting on my computer, didn't have time to pull it off because I'm ready to leave for work, but notice the entire warm red sphere in the center and how the dead trees turn greener as they progress outward from the center.

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There seems to be a lot of small issues like this with the mavic, I guess its somewhat understandable (not saying its acceptable) being its a completely new product design and its quite revolutionary imo. I mean comparing my mavic pro to my phantom 3 advanced its mind bllowing the size differences, even crazier its faster, has higher res camera, has longer flight time and longer range. I am not trying to be an apologist but I am still happy with my purchase for now. PRobably the mavic pro 2 is going to be massively improved with all these issues being sorted but the drone is revolutionary enough for me to deal with them and keep it until v2 comes out. finally i will be able to bring my drone with me on my motorcycle trips to tons of amazing places I ride to that i can now get footage of.
And while I agree with CC Rider, I don't shoot in raw so its not an issue for me, I do agree if the Mavic is falling short in areas, like the person who said the Mavic is not reaching the claimed top speed there should be something done. Any product, drone, car, microwave should work as advertised even though some of us may not use those features, otherwise manufacturer's will think its okay to falsely advertise functions or capabilities that you've paid for and not deliver...

I agree with that idea. But it's just not realistic, and if we look really close we'll see that almost none of those products perform as advertised. My car won't make 0-100km/h in the advertised time, nor reach top advertised speed. Worse maybe, it won't be as economic as advertised. My microwave won't cook stuff as automatically, nor the food will look as beautiful as the images shown by the ads.

The reason this happens is quite simple. On one side, stuff is tested in the most perfect world. But it's used in considerably less ideal conditions, and the most varied ones too. By people of all kinds, in the most different manners. On the other

And we're talking about well established industries, like cars and electronic appliances in use for half a century or more. Drones are in their infancy. It's my opinion but DJI does a hell of a job putting out incredible, advanced, complex and rather reliable flying cameras for decent prices. I'm 46, been in R/C hobby for yrs and I couldn't even dream of such a toy, or tool, when I was 15 or 20. Having loads of joy and good times with these.

What I mean is: If we're early adopters, we must be patient and adjust our expectations. Having too high expectations or being overly picky is the way to disappointment because issues will happen. And no, DJI won't advertise these, no company will.

Of course that doesn't mean leave DJI alone and wait like a zen master for the perfect Mavic (not that they seem to be resting on their quest for market dominance and real value products). Keep pushing them we must. But if someone feel it's not yet at the point one wishes, better go back to Xbox or something else until the drones become more advanced and reliable.
While I largely in part agree with what everyone is saying in regards to the mavic being awesome and portable I get it. Drones are in their infancy for sure but camera technology is not. Many would argue that the demand is rushing dji to crank these out, others would say the pushed it entirely to compete with the karma regardless of whether or not that was an epic fail for go pro. The mavic isn't really that bad but when I want to shoot high quality stills in raw for example I can't come out with an acceptable result unless there is serious correction in post. My point is this regarding the drone. Samsung Galaxy s5 and other older cellphone models have had the issue with the camera causing a warm glow in the center. Samsung did a recall and pushed out fixed cameras for their customers. These cell phones are made for calling but when the picture quality was an issue they took care of it. I understand also those who are saying there has to be some sort of compromise when it comes to form factor, I get that too. But when you're purchasing a flying camera that doesn't produce the way it should it is disappointing for sure.

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I hear you, BUT lets look at a very recent and highly publicized case where a manufacturer has intentionally deceived the consumer;

The Volkswagen Emissions Cheating scandal (in the USA). Here we have a well established company that flat-out falsified documentation in a direct attempt to lie to the US government and the consumer. This is not simply a case of over-stating a capability it was intentional deception.

And while I do understand the "ideal circumstances" statement that many companies make, BUT how do they fine "ideal"? Is that written somewhere? Is there documentation which states what the "ideal" circumstances are? Are these published? Are the results published and can be easily found? In the case of top speed, was this a one-off situation and was accomplished once? How easily repeatable is it?

Are these circumstances realistic? Again using top speed as an example. What is DJI's definition of "ideal"? Flying with a specialized light weight battery that may way less than what you or I might buy and have a higher output? Does their definition of "ideal" for speed run mean a tail-wind of 20 mph? Sure I'm exaggerating, but its to make a point that we, or at least I don't know how "ideal circumstances" are defined.

And I understand there are "degrees" to this and can be attributed to "circumstances" as long as we see results on both sides of the claim. Going back to top-speed, I see quite a few people posting speeds above the DJI claimed 45 mph. So, I'd attribute the ones who have not been able to achieve that speed to other circumstances other than a deception on behalf of DJI. But I'd be suspicious about DJI's top-speed claim if everyone posted that the speed they were achieving was far less than the claimed 45 mph with no one hitting 45 mph.

Regardless of being early adopters or not, IF a manufacturer makes a claim they need to show that it can be achieved. Being an early adopter doesn't mean getting less than what you paid for.

I have nothing but praise for DJI. I like what they have to offer or I wouldn't own 3 of their drones. Are they perfect? No, but they aren't claimed to be. So I'm definitely not picking on them. My point is much more broad, that we as consumer's shouldn't dismiss claims made by other owners just because we don't use that function. We shouldn't assume the manufacture is always being truthful (just look at my 2nd paragraph). Again, I'm NOT picking on DJI....

I agree with that idea. But it's just not realistic, and if we look really close we'll see that almost none of those products perform as advertised. My car won't make 0-100km/h in the advertised time, nor reach top advertised speed. Worse maybe, it won't be as economic as advertised. My microwave won't cook stuff as automatically, nor the food will look as beautiful as the images shown by the ads.

The reason this happens is quite simple. On one side, stuff is tested in the most perfect world. But it's used in considerably less ideal conditions, and the most varied ones too. By people of all kinds, in the most different manners. On the other

And we're talking about well established industries, like cars and electronic appliances in use for half a century or more. Drones are in their infancy. It's my opinion but DJI does a **** of a job putting out incredible, advanced, complex and rather reliable flying cameras for decent prices. I'm 46, been in R/C hobby for yrs and I couldn't even dream of such a toy, or tool, when I was 15 or 20. Having loads of joy and good times with these.

What I mean is: If we're early adopters, we must be patient and adjust our expectations. Having too high expectations or being overly picky is the way to disappointment because issues will happen. And no, DJI won't advertise these, no company will.

Of course that doesn't mean leave DJI alone and wait like a zen master for the perfect Mavic (not that they seem to be resting on their quest for market dominance and real value products). Keep pushing them we must. But if someone feel it's not yet at the point one wishes, better go back to Xbox or something else until the drones become more advanced and reliable.
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I agree with @Savededa, and I'm also not looking forward to wasting time on every single image in post processing. I expect DJI to come up with a fix in firmware, and if that's not possible, perhaps recall and swap the cameras at a later point when they have corrected the design. As @Savededa mentioned, there are plenty of other cameras on the market with similar short flanges that have solved this problem.
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still waiting for my mailing label. Mine is horrendous, possibly the worst ive seen.

attached pictures, no editing straight from the card


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still waiting for my mailing label. Mine is horrendous, possibly the worst ive seen.

attached pictures, no editing straight from the card
At least someone feels my pain, it looks worse than mine but if it's there it's there. It really is unfortunate. I plan on sacrificing the portability or a rock solid device like the p4p. I know you can't put them in the same category, but I'd rather pay extra and be satisfied in the long time where the only shortcoming of a device is portability. While not as convenient you can still put a phantom in a backpack as a carryon if you're traveling. I honestly hate the fact that I even have to do this but I can't sit and wait for dji to "maybe" fix this with firmware, who knows if that will happen as they have stated already that it's a hardware limitation. A recall on the mavic camera would be horrible press for dji but so is this issue if enough people shooting in RAW complain about it.

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Mine is horrendous, possibly the worst ive seen.

Well, you didn't even bother for these to set the white balance to incandescent lighting. Also, the second image looks like the Mavic's red front lights illuminated the wall. You may have to provide a little more realistic examples to convince DJI, don't you think?
Well, you didn't even bother for these to set the white balance to incandescent lighting. Also, the second image looks like the Mavic's red front lights illuminated the wall. You may have to provide a little more realistic examples to convince DJI, don't you think?

except that has nothing to do with it and NO it's not LED lights, how about these.............. video and pic


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At least someone feels my pain, it looks worse than mine but if it's there it's there. It really is unfortunate. I plan on sacrificing the portability or a rock solid device like the p4p. I know you can't put them in the same category, but I'd rather pay extra and be satisfied in the long time where the only shortcoming of a device is portability. While not as convenient you can still put a phantom in a backpack as a carryon if you're traveling. I honestly hate the fact that I even have to do this but I can't sit and wait for dji to "maybe" fix this with firmware, who knows if that will happen as they have stated already that it's a hardware limitation. A recall on the mavic camera would be horrible press for dji but so is this issue if enough people shooting in RAW complain about it.

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I agreee with you here. Your photos warm spot is extremely obvious and it would not be satisfactory for me either. I don't have the kind of issue (or severe enough to notice), but if I did, I would send it in for repair/replacement first to see if I got a more acceptable unit first. Then if that didn't work, make a change. If I didn't need the portability, I would be all over the P4P.
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I agreee with you here. Your photos warm spot is extremely obvious and it would not be satisfactory for me either. I don't have the kind of issue (or severe enough to notice), but if I did, I would send it in for repair/replacement first to see if I got a more acceptable unit first. Then if that didn't work, make a change. If I didn't need the portability, I would be all over the P4P.
Well the caveat with that is that people with the issue have sent it to dji for repair only to recieve the unit back the same or even worse. By that time I'd be way out of my RMA period and be stuck with a product unsatisfactory to me. That's the really crappy part. I also have to say that I got the glow at 400 ft altitude and not indoors, iirc by default the mavic turns off the leds when taking a picture. Besides, those leds are on the side of the drone and the red is focused directly in the center. That and dji already stated that it's an inherent hardware issue. While it seems that everyone has it, the degree varies from user to user and flying condition to flying condition.

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