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Why does my Air2 stop after 100m and 30 m hight? Can anybody help?


New Member
May 26, 2021
Hi! I experienced a few times my drone stopping after about 100 m and receiving a message "maximum flight distance reached" tough it is over 1000m in the settings.
What is it? The same problem with the hight: in the settings 120 m but after about 30 m I get a message "maximum flight hight received".
Does anybody know how to get ridd of it?
There is no restricted zones in the area!
Check your settings for maximum altitude and distance and make sure you're not in the beginner mode. If that isn't the case make sure you're not in a geofenced area. You should be able to get a couple K's out of the Air 2 with almost unlimited altitude.
Welcome to the forum and enjoy.
This happens when you are not logged in your DJI account...check it...
Concur, Log out of your account even if it shows you are logged in, then go to app and log back in...once connected to DJI servers and logged in it should pull the restriction. :) This is also possible that the GPS is weak and VPS isn't active or not working properly...but try the log in first. ;) Some reports that switching phone to airplane mode works, but no rhyme or reason on that one.
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Or just put your right foot in. You take your right foot out. You put your right foot in. And you shake it all about.
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Hi! I experienced a few times my drone stopping after about 100 m and receiving a message "maximum flight distance reached" tough it is over 1000m in the settings.
What is it? The same problem with the hight: in the settings 120 m but after about 30 m I get a message "maximum flight hight received".
Does anybody know how to get ridd of it?
There is no restricted zones in the area!
I noticed this occurs when my drone hasn't received It's GPS LOCATION yet. If I take off, and don't have a GPS signal yet. It will stop at a certain vertical altitude and will stop at a short distance horizontally. Then, when I am in flight and I here the app say "home point" established, it becomes free to fly as high and as far as I need it to.
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I noticed this occurs when my drone hasn't received It's GPS LOCATION yet. If I take off, and don't have a GPS signal yet. It will stop at a certain vertical altitude and will stop at a short distance horizontally. Then, when I am in flight and I here the app say "home point" established, it becomes free to fly as high and as far as I need it to.
I have the exact same experience. It happens while it is trying to establish GPS link.
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Hi! I experienced a few times my drone stopping after about 100 m and receiving a message "maximum flight distance reached" tough it is over 1000m in the settings.
What is it? The same problem with the hight: in the settings 120 m but after about 30 m I get a message "maximum flight hight received".
Does anybody know how to get ridd of it?
There is no restricted zones in the area!
Many many threads on this experience. DJI has a set maximum height / distance when there is not enough GPS / sat locks in place. Pay attention to that key factor. You should not get a HomePoint set either under those conditions.

Some of my droning in bowl type places do the same thing. Typically get it to max height it will go - let sit for a minute or 2 - and hopefully the drone is high enough to gain sat lock / GPS. It will also set your RTH / homepoint at that location - so if you like using RTH - it will go there and not back to you unless you reset the home.
I noticed this occurs when my drone hasn't received It's GPS LOCATION yet. If I take off, and don't have a GPS signal yet. It will stop at a certain vertical altitude and will stop at a short distance horizontally. Then, when I am in flight and I here the app say "home point" established, it becomes free to fly as high and as far as I need it to.
Log out on your controller then log back in and it should fix it
How is that going to work if you are far away from any way to log back in? My tablet is wi-fi only and unless there is an Internet connection close by - I'm not attached.

I've encountered this many times and it's lack of GPS / sat lock - DJI has a maximum height / distance setting to keep the drone close when it does not acquire them. Can't change it. I simply fly as high as I can and wait for a minute or so to try and gain sat / GPS lock. That is key on every take-off to be paying attention to it. You will also not get a Home Point set either. If "bitchin betty" doesn't say Home Point Set - you don't have enough GPS / sat lock - so your stuck with DJI's max settings till you do.

Many threads on this very thing with same answers no less.
Hi! I experienced a few times my drone stopping after about 100 m and receiving a message "maximum flight distance reached" tough it is over 1000m in the settings.
What is it? The same problem with the hight: in the settings 120 m but after about 30 m I get a message "maximum flight hight received".
Does anybody know how to get ridd of it?
There is no restricted zones in the area!
With my mavic air 2, at least 50% time at 98' in any direction it will say maximum distance reached. Perfect GPS lock. I have to land, log out and log back in the DJI account and then everything is fine. Extremely annoying.
How is that going to work if you are far away from any way to log back in? My tablet is wi-fi only and unless there is an Internet connection close by - I'm not attached.
Simply before you fly or go out to any location, while at home...ect... Log out and then log in. As you say it should "Keep" unless there servers are down for any number of reasons...even after updates may zero that toggle. Best to do a preflight before leaving home base anyway...get that stuff outta the way the night/morning before going out. It makes things much shorter than doing the full flight check when on location anyway...preflight most if not all before going out and least that's my work flow :)
I concur with those citing the GPS not having a "fix."
I have direct personal experience with this problem while inside a SLOT CANYON.
for a proper GPS "fix" one needs at least 4 GPS sats in "view."
For a tentative GPS fix, three GPS can do the trick, but not well.

When I launched inside the slot canyon, my drone would not climb higher than 10 meters. Mavic Pro Platinum.
Then, being a rookie, I foolishly tried to enter the canyon, this time from outside its "entrance."
When I got inside the "slot," I quickly lost radio comm.
The drone never returned to home.
It did not know where home WAS! No GPS data for a home return.
Then it predictably ran out of power, and crashed.
I never found it. It looked just like the 10 million grey rocks lining the canon floor.
"Find my drone," was impossible as batteries were dead.

So, in a few thousand years, perhaps some archaeologists will discover my lost drone.
I wonder what they will think!!


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