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Why In The World Did You Get A Drone?

State/Country: New York, USA
Drone Type(s): Mavic Air, Spark, Tello, Parrot Anafi
How long Flying: 1 Year
107? : No
Why???: Originally, it was to autonomously record my wedding procession as there would be no other way to get video of me and my bride walking up the 18th fairway towards our guests awaiting us on the patio of the clubhouse. Then I got the bug ;-) Here is my very first video (audio is all dubbed in). A bit shout out to anyone that can guess the music.:

amazing grace
Salt Lake City, UT USA
Mavic Air
How long flying? 8 months
107? No
Why? Saw some videos of skiers, mountain bikers, sail boats. Thought that would be fun. I don't fly as much as I thought I would. I enjoy it, but time is a precious commodity for me and flying is not exactly a group activity.

What amazes people who see video I've shot is how high quality the picture is. It amazes me, too. What is also amazing to me is that basic flying requires hardly any skill at all. Sure, flying with finesse, filming and then editing high quality video is a different story, but getting it up in the air and sending it over to take a look at some building or field is not particularly tricky.
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Mavic 2 Zoom (first real drone)
Flying 8 months
107 - when I feel I'm ready to shoot in heavily populated and restrictive areas
I've been in video and TV production since the 80s and more and more, drone footage became "the money shot". When the opportunity to shoot a TV documentary series that required extensive drone footage in mountainous region of New Zealand I was on a crash (wrong word!) course to quickly choose the right drone and train morning, noon, night in time for first big assignment.
I like that drone footage making up less than 10% of total film duration can really enhance the wow factor especially if shot in great light - "the golden hour". This summer I have up to 4 x 10 part doco series pencilled in which will all require the Mavic and it's smooth little zoom to shine.
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Hello all, Its just a question right? Lets have a little get to know session. Form your reply as follow please:

State/Country: Florida
Drone Type(s): Mavic 2 Pro
How long Flying: 4 months
107? : YES
Why???: I like hobbies and a guy at work had one he brought in and showed off. I Had RC cars, boats, and planes growing up. I have an hobbyist Photography company. I also started to research the uses for new drone Tech in the workplace. I saw the writing on the wall and decided to jump in feet first. I studied for the 107 for 3 weeks and took the test. Once I received my Card I purchased my M2P and accessories. I presented my work with my intent to bring in a drone program and gave them the top 5 reasons we would benefit from the use. I have 2 drones budgeted for ordering October, A Mavic Enterprise and a M210. I have started training others in my workplace, they are all VO now and will have 107 certs by Christmas. I like helping others and finding solutions to problems this venture allows me to do that in a whole new way.
Maryland, USA
DJI Mavic Air, Xiro Xplorer-V
Been flying RC of different types for about 3.5 years.
107- I am scheduled to take the test on October 10th.[emoji51]
I actually started because my son and some of his friends had drones. I asked to try flying one day and found that I really enjoyed it. I purchased a fairly cheap drone from Costco and got one for my son as well. It was a Cloud Rider made by Propell. A couple times a week we would go flying. He has since moved on to other hobbies, but I on the other hand was hooked. After the Propell I came access a great deal on a Xiro Xplorer-V and purchased it. For the price paid I have to say this is a pretty good drone. I dont fly it much anymore though. I had two very close calls where the drone stopped taking input from the controller and the last time came very close to striking a person. I love that drone but just cant trust it. I now have a Mavic Air and couldn't be happier with it. It has worked flawlessly since the day I got it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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State/Country: South Carolina, USA
Drone types: Udi R/C Traveller, Tello, Mavic 2 Pro
How long flying: 18 months
107: not yet
Why: Short answer: I’m a geek. Long answer: always loved R/C stuff. Kept giving them (boats, cars, mini drones) to my kids who showed little to no interest. Every time I saw a drone I said how much fun they looked. Husband then bought me the entry level Udi for Christmas present. Terrible winter weather, so learned to fly it in the confines of my foyer, but knew right away I was hooked enough to get an upgrade. That Thanksgiving, I bought my 6-y/o grand daugther a Tello for present and we had so much flying it together, later got myself one (to get me through the winter, and hassle my husband while he watches TV). Gave myself the M2P for my birthday this past January.
So ... no particular reason other than it’s fun to fly and get the bird’s eye view of everywhere! Cannot claim life-long interest or experience in photography. I’m just having way too much fun. Being urged to get 107 by friend/mentor in my flying club.
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State/Country: USA
Drone Type(s): Mavic 2 Pro
How long Flying: 1 month
107? Yes

I run a very successful commercial / fine art photography business, been full time for 32 years and I have hundreds of hours shooting aerials from planes and helicopters which I still love to do. I have no problem hiring second and third crew members for motion work, I do the directing and they do the camera work. But in the past 18 months I have hired drone pilots for stills 4 times for commercial work and what I have found universally is that even though they are operating an aerial camera for those stills, they often lack talent in making good photographs. I can direct somewhat, but I am often busy on the ground with other aspects of the shoot.

So I am taking over the role of drone photography in order to keep it cohesive and to a high quality of overall vision. So far so good, it's a great tool.
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I'm am old geek 63yo and I needed a new hobby. I decided to get my 107 just to have and maybe use but never have. My wife has passed since so I can go explore more places now but sad she's gone now. Anyway that's my story and I'm sticking to it ??
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I thank everyone that have responded so far, I have read every post and find it inspirational that we all have so many common traits. The difference in ages that show no difference in the passion of flying.

I would bet most everone of us when google earth first came to be. Opened it and would look for our house, then look to see what was around us, then areas we once knew, and areas we always wanted to go. Google earth has gotten better and better over the years, but having the freedom to fly yourself and see the ground from above I getting close to the feeling of stepping on the moon one-day.

Safer flights All.
Always liked still photography then got a Gopro in 2013. Got every accessory available, suction cups, chest straps, etc. In 2014, I saw an early Phantom video using a Gopro (no gimbal) and thought that would be another cool way to use my Gopro. Didn't get a drone that year but in 2015 the 3DR Solo was released that was built around Gopros and promised to do a better job doing video than the Phantoms at the time so I went for it.

After my maiden flight with the Solo, I was hooked. While the aerial video was definitely cool, having never flown a drone before, the experience of flying itself was to me at the time, amazing and a ton of fun.

Then when the Mavic Pro came out with all the functionality and more of a "full sized" drone in a much smaller and more portable package, I couldn't resist. Was a pain getting my hands on one, for those who remember the months of shortages when they first came out but eventually I did.

Been flying both my Solos and the MP ever since and still hooked and loving it.
State/Country: Noord Brabant / The Netherlands
Drone Type(s): Mavic Pro (fly more combo)
How long Flying: 2,5 years
107? : Don't know what that is, I am a hobby flyer only, no certificates or such if that is meant.
Why???: I am a landscape photographer and decided to go to Iceland using our Vintage car in 2017. We did this via North of Denmark & have a ferry for 47 hours (one-way). The Mavic became available shortly after I decided the DIY drone I build was not up to the task of filming this adventure, this was early 2017. The Mavic was and still is ideal as there was not that much room in he car any more, we travelled with 4 people.
It became our biggest adventure ever and we used almost all features of the drone:
State/Country: Noord Brabant / The Netherlands
Drone Type(s): Mavic Pro (fly more combo)
How long Flying: 2,5 years
107? : Don't know what that is, I am a hobby flyer only, no certificates or such if that is meant.
Why???: I am a landscape photographer and decided to go to Iceland using our Vintage car in 2017. We did this via North of Denmark & have a ferry for 47 hours (one-way). The Mavic became available shortly after I decided the DIY drone I build was not up to the task of filming this adventure, this was early 2017. The Mavic was and still is ideal as there was not that much room in he car any more, we travelled with 4 people.
It became our biggest adventure ever and we used almost all features of the drone:
What an Awsome adventure...the adventure of a lifetime I'm sure...great smart, fly safe
State: Highland Region/West Yorkshire, UK
Current Drone Types: Mavic 2 Pro, Mavic 1, Phantom 4P, Inspire 1
How Long Flying: 3 years
107: UK equivalent is CAA certified - No, but thinking about it to get access to film SNH/EH prehistoric monuments.

1. Love flying, photography, air shows, anything to do with the smell of jet fuel in the morning. So when the chance comes to get your own super sophisticated little aircraft that flies like a dream and takes stunning aerial footage I was one of the first in the queue.

The Mavic 2 is the ultimate machine for precision flying, broadcast footage and 3D models.The Inspire is great for beating up the neighbourhood and impressing an audience.

2. Given me a new fascinating lease of life in my mid-60s, when joints and balance no longer allow some other stuff. A lot of the flying I do is edgy stuff and puts the adrenaline back into life.
I have been into photography for going on fifty years,stills that is. I wanted to start learning about video, as all of my cameras have the facility,but I had just ignored it. I saw a clip recently of a piece of coastline taken at about 100 feet.
I have just got to give this a try ,I thought.........the next thing I knew, I was looking online for quadcopters and now I am absolutely hooked. Taking delivery of my drone next week.
I’m really looking forward to this!
Pennsylvania / US
Mavic 2 Pro
8 months
Why - I am a 1st responder and my County had a training class presented by Dart Drones. I fell in love with the drone the moment I got my hands on the control. I bought my own Mavic 2 Pro and got my 107. I do a little work on Drone Base and am trying to do some photography on the side. Working with my agencies - (Police Department, Fire Department and County Department of Emergency Services, to push for drone programs. Working on AUVSI Top Operator Certification and want to work on Thermography certification soon. (Wish list is an Inspire 2 and/or Mavic Dual Enterprise).
My Wix Page
Colorado, US
Mavic Pro, Inspire One, 3DR Solo
3 yrs
Let my 107 lapse, but going to renew in a few weeks

Basically got into drones because they hit a trifecta of hobbies and interests: Radios (I'm a ham radio operator too), photography, and fascination with flying objects. Also thinking about a career change (hey it's going to be a $100,000,000,000,000 industry any day now, right?). Since I started paying attention to the space I've really become interested in ways to use the platform besides photography and delivery. Seems like there are a lot of opportunities, just need to get building!
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Marietta, GA
Mavic Pro
2 years
no 107

I got into it because I am a meteorologist / weather geek who has too many trees around me. The mavic allows me to get aloft and view approaching/nearby weather... especially in the summer thunderstorm season.
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Marietta, GA
Mavic Pro
2 years
no 107

I got into it because I am a meteorologist / weather geek who has too many trees around me. The mavic allows me to get aloft and view approaching/nearby weather... especially in the summer thunderstorm season.

Funny you mention that, I got this last night in the Texas Hill Country...
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Palm Beach County, Florida, USA
Flying for four months
No 107 yet
Mavic2P first drone!
A friend got me interested since I’ve loved photography for years. This is a great new way to explore. Now I’m hooked even just flying for fun. I’m still a bit nervous, having sunk $$$ into my first bird but getting a bit more adventurous each flight!

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