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WiFi Flying Mode Issues - Can't take off after latest Firmware

The thing shot up 30 feet!

Just checking in- I believe if you want the Mavic to record your home position it will go to 20 feet on takoff. Otherwise, it does go to much lower level.

OK, I just tried it out and see a few things that match your process and observations but unlike your experience, I had no problem with the connection. I'm on version 4.08 too. Have not yet seen the suspicious 4.1.1 update. I did this with my iphone 6+ with the latest iOS updates.

I loaded up the dji Go4 and then went to my wifi settings which was already on my home wifi network. I then went to my Mavic Pro and switched the RC/Wifi switch to wifi.
Next I powered on the Mavic. And waited until it fully booted, about 10 seconds and then I saw the Mavic SSID pop up.
Next I pushed the little wifi link button and in about 5 seconds, I got the Enter Password bubble. This is different from the instructions as I recall and more matches what you experienced.
So, since I had not written it down, I had to grab a magnefying glass to read the micro print on the one prop arm. The letters were all lower case. I entered the PW and in about 2 seconds the Mavic SSID had it's check mark. I went back to the Go4 app and it now said "connected". Opened the display and had control. I was inside my garage but I still had 9 sats. I didn't try to take off inside and my battery was too low anyway. I may give this a try tomorrow with a good battery.

Sorry for the dark picture as I had the ND16 filter on from previous outdoor shoots. IMG_0583-crop.png IMG_0584.PNG
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So I have tried two different iPhones and one iPad .. all running 10. iOS .. I've done "forget this network" several times .. normally when I connect to wifi I just turn on wifi, select the particular one I want, add pw when asked and it gets added and works. .. I've reset phone several times and tried holding mp reset button till it goes red and turns odd wifi. .. tbh I'm at a dead end :(
I'm running v4 fw and will update to 7 as it seemed stable on the last mp for me .. but this wifi is really a downer for me at the moment .. presumably there is a way to reset all to factory settings and then start over but tbf adding a wifi device really is not rocket science and this should be simple !!
but this wifi is really a downer for me at the moment

Just curious- Why do you desire to have wifi control? From my little experience, it is far more awkward and has such limited range that with the RC control. But best, for me seems to be using the RC controller with an ipad, although attaching the ipad to the controller is a bit of a challenge due to the 9.7" size. Still it offers the best control, in my limited experience.

What advantage am I missing by not using wifi?
I do t think you are missing anything, firstly I love gadgets but they need to work as advertised, secondly wifi is great for the quick pic without setting up phone / iPad and controller ... I think that's the point of the spark .. speed and spontaneous ... some of the mavic features may not be used by everyone but they should still be working .. lastly if I keep this and one day sell it to you wouldn't you like to know everything works just fine ?
Update ... this appears to be an iOS fault as I connected android and it seemed fine .. didn't fly it but will later
This is what I got from DJI - seems they hit auto-reply button #1 and didn't even bother to read my email fully.

Thank you for raising your concern here in DJI Support.

We are gladly here to assist you with your concern. To try to resolve this issue, kindly follow the steps that we provided below.

Make sure all firmware are up to date.
Please refresh the firmware thru DJI Assistant 2.
Make sure you are not flying your drone in a restricted area.
Re-link your remote controller with your aircraft.
Perform remote controller calibration.

We hope it helped. Please let us know if the problem persists.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

I do t think you are missing anything, firstly I love gadgets but they need to work as advertised, secondly wifi is great for the quick pic without setting up phone / iPad and controller ... I think that's the point of the spark .. speed and spontaneous ... some of the mavic features may not be used by everyone but they should still be working .. lastly if I keep this and one day sell it to you wouldn't you like to know everything works just fine ?

I didn't think so but I do agree with you that being able to use wifi for some quick shots is quick and easy, if it works as claimed!

I just came in and had several successful flights with wifi. Because I was outside, my first test was with the ipad air 2. I didn't need to press the link button but did need to enter that PW manually. Then it would pair up fast. Meaning I got the check mark within a second. However, there was a little inconvenience in that I have two wifi bands in my router at the house and there are 6 others in the neighborhood on 2.4Ghz. The problem with this is that anytime the signal from the Mavic is lost, mostly due to distance, my ipad would switch to one of my other networks in the house and then I would have to go into settings and select the Mavic again.

The problem with wifi is range. It would begin to lose signal at 58 ft. distance. Signal completely gone at 65 feet distance. I would imagine my iphone is even less due to smaller antenna footprint but I will test that next. I didn't go any higher than 25 ft. But even at that altitude distance over ground was closer at 35 ft.

The final test failure was the ability of the video to cache to my camera album on the ipad. I thought I had it working with my controller+ipad before but don't specifically recall as I tested that nearly a month ago. I've been since searching for a way to do ipad screen recordings simultaneously with my memory recordings to get the maps and other data but only found one app that will do it and it is $39.99 for the license. I tested it with the 5 free trials and it works, but didn't want to spend the money just now.

Anyway, it did work great and like you said it is faster to get in the air for a quick shot. My ipad controller with sun shade is far more complicated to setup from a pack away so in that respect it has it's purpose.

I want to do one more flight test with the iphone, mainly to see if there is any distance limits.

(wiping sweat from brow as I type)

So I broke out my Samsung Galaxy Tab A running Android Version 6.0.1 to see if it's just IOS devices that are having the problem. Sure enough, was able to connect. So, I figured why not take a little maiden test flight voyage in my front yard.

Put it in beginner mode to be extra safe. Everything was working fine, but the reason I wanted to use a WiFi connection in the first place was to do the active track so I don't always have to have the controller. After many attempts at using the active track I just could not get it to work. It would allow me to draw the box around me, then display "OK" in the green box, but would quickly stop and go back to normal.

Then..... for whatever reason, the WiFi must have disconnected or the app crashed (I think the app crashed), the Mavic shot up to 20+ feet and started to fly over my house! Talk about an "O-****" moment. I was like - no-no no!!

So, long story short, it went into auto-land RTH and thank God missed all the trees and cables around the house. Lesson learned. Next time I try this I'll do it with a battery that literally has 5% left, in an open field with nothing around for a mile or more. Also to note, it would not land where it took off from, telling me it was not a suitable area?!?! So the process of getting this thing back in my hand was too much for my morning. I need a stiff drink.
iphone 6+ test. That didn't take long

2.4 Ghz wifi
From 15 ft away the signal would not allow takeoff. So I got 3 ft away and it did get enough signal to takeoff to the hoover 4 ft. But I attempted to fly horizontal at that height and about 10 ft away I had signal loss and the Mavic shot up to about 20 ft came back then landed on it's own and shut down. I never lost video however.

5Ghz wifi
This worked well. I had medium signal all the way out to 106 ft. Max I would go before running into tree line. Full control with good response.

Likely in my back yard the 2.4Ghz is just too crowded for flight signal bandwidth. In the middle of the yard must have a dozen wifi 2.4 Ghz showing up. The 5Ghz was only my own router.

BTW- The ipad was also on 2.4Ghz so it must have been the larger antenna footprint on the ipad that allowed takeoff. I'll be the ipad at 5Ghz would be super safe as 100+ ft.

Unfortunately, it appears that crowded bands on wifi can lead to the panic fly away we dread. I'm going back to just the RC mode.
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Thx for your input guys .. odd it's a iOS fault but not with all iOS .. well I'm only able to use the rc anyways until apple updates in some way .. we see .. and yes when it worked Don my iPad worked better !
So I tried to emulate you problem today using Android. Same thing if Im inside. I go outside and get GPS lock and restart the phone it works. Must just add Im on previous software ver
I spoke with dji .. they say it's a mp fault ?? .. wanted me to send it in for repair .. also a dealer said it's a wifi board problem .. tbh I'm confused .. may end up getting refund I think
Hi Jerry-

Just to let you know, I upgraded automatically to the new 4.1.1 and did my test flights this morning. No issues at all.

As far as sending drone back to dji, you should be cautious as I have heard many bad experiences about their customer service. But there is a guy in Georgia who does drone repair with lots of parts in stock. He goes by the handle Thunderdrone. I would connect with him to see what he says.
Hi Don, are you in android ? . I had it working on an android so I thought it was a iOS problem till I spoke to dji .. Then a repair centre said it's the mp .. I changed the mp and it's just the same .. I'm running 4.1.0 .. not seen that update as yet but will keep checking .. the shop I bought from said just return if any more problems .. also I think if I. It from a drone dealer and open box and try before I. It is be a little happier .. we see :) .. thx for taking time to check yours out btw
Thx Kilrah .. hopefully iOS 4.1.1 will be out before I return unit . Odd dji and repair shop didn't advise this
My phone and tablet at one time had no problem seeing and connecting to the Mavic, not anymore.

It seems to be one teething problme after another.

Looks like the MP and one of the batteries will be going in for a repair.
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